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Kennedy Assasination Re-Created in Video Game

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posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 06:12 PM
What a fitting tribute coming on the anniversary of the Kennedy assasination
A company has created a video game that lets shooters re-create the assasination of JFK.

The release of "JFK Reloaded" is timed to coincide with the 41st anniversary of Kennedy's murder in Dallas and was designed to demonstrate a lone gunman was able to kill the president.

Arguing that they are being "respectful" the company tries to spin this as a means to debunk conspiracy theories.

Ewing said the game was designed to undermine the theory there was some shadowy plot behind the assassination. "We believe passionately there was no conspiracy," he said.

It's nothing more than shameless exploitation of a tragic event. Drawing a bead on androids and blowing them to bits is one thing. Shattering a beloved President's skull for an evenings entertainment is extreme poor taste.

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[edit on 21-11-2004 by deevee]

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 07:53 PM
Doubt it will gain much sales, although some might buy it as sort of an eye-opener to one of the most tragic events in US history. Others and I believe it probably means most people would never buy a game depicting such a tragic time, it would be like a game based on 9-11.

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 07:59 PM
Lighten up. Somehow it's perfectly OK to re-enact, in computer simulation, the War in the Pacific, which was million times more tragic than a single individual's death, but it's not OK to trace an imaginary bullet hitting an imaginary Kennedy.

Millions of copies of war strategy games have been sold, and I didn' hear you complain.

And oh yeah, how about Grand Theft Auto.

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Aelita

And oh yeah, how about Grand Theft Auto.

The Lady has a point

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