posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Realtruth
Love is certainly contagious. But one has to be infected before one can spread the love right? Buddhism has explored this idea very extensively, and
according to their ancient accumulation of wisdom, you're absolutely right. "It's the thought that counts; not the deed." All genuinely happy and
peaceful people say the same thing - you can only help others to be happy and peaceful by filling your own cup first and then letting it overflow.
If you want the world to be peaceful but you're agitated inside, then the world will be a perfect reflection of that agitation and apathy. If you are
engaged and full of life and love for yourself as an extension of the cosmos itself, and you don't let yourself become too attached to the transient
ego identity and its lavish requirements, then you live in the Buddha and Bodhisattva realms. Which is to say, you see happiness and joy and peace in
everything you see - even others' frustrations. Because you yourself are free from the prison of wandering thoughts.
The other two things you said in particular really rang true for me too: the change of your presence in a room (people are unconsciously fascinated
with your genuine air of tranquility and desperately want to know your secret), and it's a "work in progress". The realization of your self-nature (or
enlightenment) is a process, not a destination. So if you learn to find the process exciting and fulfilling in and of itself, then it's even easier to
let go of that harsh vice of cruel self-judgment and vicious self-destructive thought habits.
Namaste! Best of luck in your process. Stay positive. Peace
"Be the change you want to see in the world"! - Gandhi
"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is
not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection." - Gautama Buddha
edit on 23/1/2014 by TheAnarchist because: ~