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Report: Tens of thousands fled socialized Canadian medicine in 2013

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posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:10 PM

reply to post by violet

Maybe that is just your province, or city. They didn't come searching our house, to try and take our guns, that's for sure lol.

Well they didn't 'search' as far as I know. It was on a questionnaire or something like that

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:10 PM

I have lived in Canada my entire life and have never known or met anyone whom sought out medical care elsewhere.
reply to post by Treespeaker

Canadians need to speak out more like you! Political groups who don't want government healthcare will do everything to push false propaganda about the Canadian system. It's rather ridiculous to think that government health care doesn't work when the majority of industrialized countries are under the same kind of system!

My cousin was a U.S. citizen 10 years ago until he married his Canadian wife. He now holds dual citizenship in both U.S. and Canada. We had conversations about the Canadian health care system many times, and he had nothing but positive comments about the system. He even says that the states are propagandizing the Canadian system for their own political reasons.

I would think he would be in a better position to compare both systems since he's experienced both. I personally believe you can't allow insurance companies to manage healthcare for profit. They already decide what treatments they'll cover based upon cost and treatment statistics. Doctors can't even prescribed their own recommended treatments without insurance companies intervening.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

I've been in the ER for many hours waiting for the doctor here where I live in Michigan. It was not a real emergency but I needed X-rays. There didn't even appear to be any other patients in the ER, I suppose the doctor was up in the hospital rooms looking after patients.

My daughter spent seven hours in the ER one day and all it accomplished was a twenty two hundred dollar bill. They didn't do a darn thing for her except run tests and tell her nothing appeared to be wrong.. A week later she went to the outpatient clinic because it was not improving and they treated her for an infection and it cured her within days. Cost seventy bucks. I guess it is stupid to go to the ER, even if you are very sick.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

That's right. We can walk into any clinic, most are open until 7 pm and we can go to ER for anything, anytime of day. Break a bone and get x rayed or whatever else they need to use to diagnose the problem. If they don't have the equipment you get taken to a hospital that does. I was transported to another hospital to get an MRI. There's doctors on call at the emergency rooms all the time. There's parents going in there for their child's ear infections, you name it. A cut finger. Animal bites.

If we need to see a specialist like an ophthalmologist for the eyes, dermatologists or psychiatrists, it's free if it's by doctor referral.

I honestly think we have the best medical care.

There's very few people I know who aren't on MSP. It's automatic to just hand over your card to give them the number and if you don't have the card on you, it's ok, you can call in later and give the number. They never say no card no service. Never.

We can call 911 and get paramedics to come in a very short time. We pay $50 for an ambulance ride if you feel you want to go to hospital.

Suppose you lied and said you lost your card, you will get billed of course. However you can get on MSP and just back pay to cover it.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by WeRpeons

I have been in both as well. They both have their flaws for sure.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Caver78

I didn't have time to get into the linked page. lol Seems like a heavy thing to read. Thanks.

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