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Are premonitions a sign that life is predetermined???

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posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:09 PM
Ok here's something I've always been curious about and has left me constantly confused. I don't know much about religion but I've always felt like my life has been written in stone and every decision I make is not actually a conscious decision just me following a path that already has a predetermined beginning, middle and end. I say this because all my life I've had this "thing" where I'll dream about a seemingly insignificant event and then anywhere from a month to a year afterwards that event will take place exactly the way I dreamt it. Now I'm not claiming to have any extraordinary gift, like predicting anything important, it only pertains to random moments in my future. But since I dream of these events that eventually do take place does that mean my entire existence has been predetermined down to every irrelevant "decision" I make?? If that's the case then I'm not making any decisions at all just coasting along a set path towards some end thats already been written. If this is the truth then I wouldn't be the only one. That would mean every individual life on this planet is simply playing out the way it was written, like a crappy book that someone SOMEWHERE is reading.....metaphorically lol. It's kind of strange to think that we're not in control of anything we do, but hey that's life as we know it, just ants drifting on a giant rock in the middle of nothingness. Any ideas on why I have these dreams or if life really is predetermined?

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by cj6

In my personal belief, premonitions are a glimpse or a brief hold on seeing one possible future. Perhaps the strongest likely outcome to the current timeline..but only one possible outcome. I think that's what makes them hit and miss.

Oddly though, I'd swear in recent years, premonitions came and went to what I was sure happened in some minor things see no mention of it later, as if it never did. It's a strange quirk as multiple threads here deal with that with many people chiming in similar experiences. So, I think premonition is a far more complex phenomenon than it first appears.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:24 PM
The way i see it is this.

We are a system within a system. As is everything.

planet to solar system to galaxy to universe.

Just like we have bacteria and virus that live within us.

We are all part of a system.

We might not know our purpose, neither do the bacteria.

Here is where speculation comes in.

If god created man in his image, was it his consciousness that gave us life?

In turn, does our individual consciousness give others life?

Like the way there are so many solar systems, inside galaxy's,inside the universe?

There is a cartoon series that explains it a little better than i can.
I'm looking for it and will post when i find it.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:25 PM
Great questions and same discussion in a recent thread. Long story short, in my eyes, yeah pretty much. I like to think there is this cone of "wiggle room" but ultimately we are a vibrational string moving rapidly in a predetermined direction. The variance in the vibration being the wiggle room.

When I was a child I use to have several déjà vu experiences yearly like clockwork. Now these days, it seems far less frequently almost as if I'm coming in tune to my path less frequently. The wiggle room has grown but as I come to the end of my life/string the wiggle room shrinks again. Who knows, maybe I'll even start getting my déjà vu moments more rapidly again in the years to come.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:27 PM
Wow i cant believe how far i let my ADD take me off track.

I wont delete that post but wow.

I need to make that thought into a thread.



posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

But in a case like mine where my premonitions are not hit or miss, what would that indicate? And yes I've never had a dream that didn't come to fruition but more than likely because they're insignificant moments in an otherwise uneventful life lol.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by cj6

Nice topic SnF

Can we perceive the past? Our memory provides us with visions.

Can we perceive the present? Our eyes provide the vision as we experience
the here and now.

That leaves a lot of mind to focus on the future. So it doesn't surprise
me that we catch a glimpse of it once in awhile.
edit on 18-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 02:38 PM

reply to post by Wrabbit2000

But in a case like mine where my premonitions are not hit or miss, what would that indicate? And yes I've never had a dream that didn't come to fruition but more than likely because they're insignificant moments in an otherwise uneventful life lol.

Well, in the case of not remembering any example you got wrong? I'd say it indicates you managed to impress me.

Seriously... I'd say it means you may ..may.. very well have some very strong latent gifts, for lack of a better word and you may find a lot to work with if you learn a bit of formal direction toward developing it. I don't know you of course and can only go by next to nothing said here ...that taken in isolation tho? I'd say it's sure worth exploring further to see what else you maybe have a gift for.

edit on 18-1-2014 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:40 PM
I've had premonitions in the form of lucid dreams since I was a child. I only fairly recently learned that when the moment occurrs that I saw days, weeks, months in advance I can make a different decision with different repercussions.

The most recent of them led to an extremely violent and generally unpleasant end. I dealt with it differently than I had seen myself do earlier and it led me to withdraw myself from society and make a lot of changes before I put myself into the world again. So far so good.

Aside from the above and in response to the title of the thread I would say yes and no. I agree with Wrabbit and Rosinitiate here in regards to "wiggle room" within your life's timeline. Those small changes can cause HUGE differences in the future though, even if it seems like nothing at all while in the moment.

It's like the R.L. Stine series Give Yourself Goosebumps. There are usually only two choices, sometimes more and sometimes none.

By the way, my daughter loves those books. If you have an under-10 into "horror" and the paranormal the books are out of print but easy to find online. Plus they're not bad even for adults (when the kids are in bed and there aren't other adults looking, anyway).
edit on 1/18/14 by Magnivea because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:09 PM
a premonition is most like looking through binoculars... you see a very detailed image.... but the likely time element is more like 1-3 days

& not like prophetic visions that span decades/centuries or even longer

a premonition is more like a hunch... or a probability... that such-&-such is likely to happen
(even if it is in an open ended time line...instead of being forthcoming [like today/tomorrow] )

good question

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:04 PM

Any ideas on why I have these dreams or if life really is predetermined?

Personally I look at premonitions as conscious glimpses into our unconscious negotiations that determined the future. Sorry, let me deconstruct that wordy statement.

I think we do multiple things on multiple levels. On the conscious level we experience life. On the unconscious level we negotiate future events with everyone else and everything else. So I do NOT believe life is predetermined, but I do believe that you are consciously experiencing what you have already agreed to participate in. Thus your premonitions are simply a little unconscious slipping over to your conscious.

Why I believe all that is much more complicated to explain!

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:14 PM
I like this idea. Kinda. I prefer to think of time as always fragmenting into separate timelines, but this idea has really gotten me thinking. It would make sense that if we were "made" and received our consciousness from a creator it would make sense that we would from time to time get a flash of "the plan". I know from experience that pre-cog flashes happen all the time. I get them several times a day. This idea would streamline my theories about where those flashes come from. That said, I do not believe in a "creator", but as with any good science you have to be willing to change your mind based on the evidence at hand.

Great thread! Can't wait to read more replies.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 07:59 PM
Consider that what you generally perceive of your surroundings to be totally the result of internal representations. What you perceive is something that is going on in your brain. While it is accurate to a degree it is only a small aspect of what our surroundings are really like. Now consider you can go beyond the perspective that we comprehend commonly, among the issues that come up is retrocausality.

Any way one might look at it.

edit on 18-1-2014 by Kashai because: Content edit


posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 08:05 PM
One good example is when I had a dream about living in a house in Modesto with my current girlfriend, though vividly remember having a dream about it around 15 years old and I'm now 28. I sat there for awhile thinking of how the hell I could dream about a specific house and being with a specific person 13 years before it actually happened. That would mean it was the plan all along, not my plan, but my creator. It's mind boggling to think that everything else I'm going to do from this point on has already been determined. Now I'm thinking about The Matrix

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by cj6

Consider that by thinking outside the box certain things have been determined by you, outside the box.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by cj6

The famous psychiatrist Carl Jung said nothing important in our life happens that we don't dream about first.

Possibly that is where some feelings of deja vu come from. That said, what you are having are precognitive dreams.

It is possible you could develop this sense to be used in your awake state.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by cj6

I think that I may have something in common, however I found that the dreams that happened would have somehow been altered.
Meaning what I saw would happen however there would be differences between the dreams and reality, an example of this would be I dreamt of a conversation then one day it happened however there would be missing lines of dialogue or it would be a different person I'm talking to but it's still the same conversation or even the same situation. It's the little changes which impact on the larger picture it seems.

Personally I know my mind likes to play tricks on me but I'm certain of the fact that my fate is not sealed.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:12 PM

One good example is ... .
That would mean it was the plan all along, not my plan, but my creator.

I'm not sure why you think it is not your plan? I understand you don't consciously remember planning life, but if you have personal evidence of premonition then you should at least be open to the idea that there is more to life than what you are consciously experiencing.
If you believe it is some 'creators' plan then that should leave you open to the idea it might be your plan as well. You might not have any evidence of 'who's plan it is' of course.

Premonition is a common feeling and there is lots to read about it.


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by noeltrotsky

The main reason why I believe it is my creators plan and not my own is mainly because everything in my life, no matter how big or small, has been the exact opposite of what I want or desire. If it was my plan then I would be satisfied with my life and the path I've been FOLLOWING. I'm not a terribly unhappy person just very unsatisfied with my life's uneventful journey
Hence the idea that my life has been predetermined by my creator/tormenter.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by cj6

I would say its more of an indicator of your connection to god. Call it a revelation if you want.

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