posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 01:58 PM
Is life prewritten. Well certainly there are causes and conditions that lead to specific types of situations and events that are for our education.
HOWEVER, it is how to act and react to those events, externally and internally, that sets up the causes and conditions for your future. So, today,
you have a measure of control over how your future will unfold. Each act, each word, each thought, each feeling changes your overall circumstance,
approach and perception of life.
So in a very fundamental way, moment by moment you are choosing your future.
You've learned some bad life habits (and are passing them on to your children, BTW). It isn't your astrological chart (I've a Yod with a moon apex
and have felt cursed at time myself) but look at it as an oportunity today. All it shows is the basic 'kit' you came with. In that 'kit' are
assests and liabilities. Focus on the assests and practise antidotes to the liabilities.
Your over all tone - appears to be one of being victumization and drama. Yes people can do very bad things to other people, physically and mentally
and as children we have to learn to survive and then carrry these habits into adulthood where they are no longer effective. Is this sad of course -
but it's in the past.
You can choose to change your life act by act, word by word, thought by thought. First become aware of your 'self-talk', the crap we tell ourselves
about ourselves and others, the 'made-up' stories we tell ourselves about other people's motives (we can't read their minds). We have to learn
how we process things internally, we have to learn to spot those things that cause us to feel 'attacked' in some way and then 'fight back' or
'defend' ourselves unnessessarily.
This is the initial challenge - seeing clearly how WE react to outside influence. We have no control over the 'outside influences' but we can stop
fighting them and begin to change our habitual reactions and we become more effective in life and then happier, confident and courageous.