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Why can't we remember past lives (some can, I know)?

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posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:29 PM
what about remembering ALL lives... past, present and future.....

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by droid56

Every night you goto sleep and wake up refreshed. Your brain defrays. Your daily stresses that inhibit you are worked out in dreams. Now if these problems are major you may wake up and only be refreshed for a min before these things start taking hold of you again. Just think if you didn't sleep or dream. Now take a whole life time of hurts and heart aches it builds up. Now some of us age gracefully and don't let thing take a big bite out of us as others but things build up. Now many of us don't remember our dreams either. Keep in mind.

So death and rebirth are a larger for of sleeping and dreaming. If we held onto our past life memories it would invade into this life and really mess with balance. Take for example that new show "my child's past life" , one kid I remember died in WWII in a plane and their parents account was as if the kid had a major case of PTSD from a past life. So it's better to not remember.

I have heard of people doing past life regressions. Which may help if you want to know something. The only memory I think I had was before birth and it was that I picked my parents (don't tell them lol) and I have heard others say this too. It seems to be common.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:18 PM
For me, the reason most people including me cannot remember past lives is the same reason that most cannot see ghost, it would drive us mad and make us not live in the present. That does not mean it does not exist - I am open to the possibility, I just think that our world is so heavily censored by the brain. It the same reason why quantum physics does not seem to apply at 'visual level' but applies at quantum level i.e. it may do but our brains are compensating.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by droid56

I don't think any of us have had any past lives, at least not in the sense many people describe it.

For me, it's more likely that our DNA is an incredibly complex and little understood biological memory storehouse.

It stores our ancestors past lives and experiences they had, and was passed along to us (our own individual ancestoral lineage) at the time of our conception.

I believe someday we will be able to access it at will, using technology, but sometimes people may accidentally be able to access the memories and it plays out like an actual memory..only it's not their memory, but one of their ancestors memories stored and encoded in the DNA they now carry. Shamans using certain enthobotanicals, are also able to enter into a physical and mental state that allows then at least partial access to the store.

When and if we each procreate and pass along our DNA, our children will have all of our memories and experience too...up to the point they were conceived anyway.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 07:18 PM
If past lives are actually real, and I am not saying they are or they aren't, I think the most logical explanation has to do with the various "layers" of consciousness. Think of how intelligent our subconscious mind is; it is capable of tasks we could never imagine. Savants demonstrate the power of the subconscious and the brain in general, at least in that they allow us to realize the potential of the human brain. Yet most people, although technically they are able to do all these things, just like a savant, they cannot. We may even have the hardware and software necessary for telepathy with our brains, yet out of all these things, the vast majority of people cannot use them.

I don't have a concrete explanation to your question, but I am just saying that our layers of consciousness probably play some role in this. I would think that, again if this is all real, our spirit form would be able to remember past lives, after we are in the spirit world or dimension. So it seems that only upon coming to physical form do we forget these things. But if people truly are remembering past lives, or some people at least, then that is more proof that it is likely in the brain, and that these abilities are latent in the entire population. How to bring them out I don't know.

There exists pastlife hypnosis, although I don't know if it is real or if it works, but if it does, then that is even more proof of what is locked inside of us. It is interesting to think about. I have a hard time attempting to work out where religion fits in with spirituality, even though it seems they should be the same thing. I guess I mean that there are certain things that I know exist, such as paranormal activity, or spirits, yet the religion I believe in doesn't really explain these things, or outright denies some of these things in certain instances. Although it is also true that not a lot of talk was done on the subject in Christianity in general, so modern beliefs of the religion may not necessarily be the correct ones, or the ones that would have been taught in ancient times.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 08:42 PM
I can't remember any past lives, nor do I want to.
I do remember being in the crib though and contemplating what this life was going to be like and
distinctly remember reflecting on where it is I came from. All I can remember years later from remembering that memory in the crib was that I had come from a void with another being there pushing me on.

Perhaps an angel?

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 08:47 PM

I don't know why, but I sure would like to remember them. I have so many vivid dreams of what looks like the past in the early US and possibly China. I remember the scenery well, but nothing else.

I hate the thought of forgetting who I am now once this life is done.

I have thought about that as well but it does not bother me.
I will still be me, but I will be changed and different.

I am not the same person when I was 5 years old that I am today, and have forgotten much...but I am still me.
The 5 year old in you maybe be sad that he is no longer the 5 year old if he could see you now at 50.
edit on 19-1-2014 by jacobe001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:56 PM
Hello friend!
Your body, memories, thoughts, mind, desires, etc all exist on the material plane of existence; in current time-space.
When one passes ones body, all of these physical and materialistic aspects of ones life are left behind. If you believe in reincarnation, you accept that we have an essence of existence. Whether you call it soul, energy, spirit, consciousness, awareness, that is the only part that continues on. If you believe and accept reincarnation, you probably delved into the concept of Karma. Personally I believe we are completely pre-determined beings following patterns of energy. It's like a metamorphosis. You can't force a caterpillar to change into a butterfly, it's just an inevitable process. It just happens, its GOT to happen that way. When the time is right, it will happen.

IMO( Call it what you want ego-death cult new age bs whatever) our purpose is to lose the ego one way or another, and it all happens when it is supposed to happen. If in this lifetime you lose your ego, you stop creating karmatic responses to our desires, therefor no more story to be told. No more reincarnation. Eternal bliss.

Also, IMO, accepting reincarnation is more than just body to body. Its everything to everything, everything following the same pattern of energy.
When you are with a candle flame, you are the candle flame.

"Everything that exists in time passes because, TIME PASSES" - Ram Dass


posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:29 AM
Interesting question. Very interesting!

Also a lot of the responses have been very good, excellent points of view from all perspectives.

Now I have a theory.
We are a collective spirit, as well as a singular spirit, The Holy Spirit if you like. Free to make out own decisions, but also at a level which connects us all in a spiritual realm.

Now when we pass, the theory goes as such, we return to the essence, as a collective, but also with the free will to decide if we want to "ride" again (a la Bill Hicks) to remind ourselves of important information and paths to choose.

Now in doing this we need a way to put it into place, in comes the Book of The Dead, I believe as well as being a physical book for Ancient Egyptian burials, it is also the book referred to in The Bible and other Holy scriptures which lets the Angels understand who has sinned, who has been overly righteous etc.
You may wonder what this has to do with not remembering, I'll get there.

Not so much that we do not remember, but instead what we wrote into the book after passing over, we placed in moments of clarity, epiphanies etc. Sometimes as a shared experience, or a wavelength if you will. An example of this is when two people(or more sometimes) come to the same conclusion, at the exact same time, sometimes sitting right next to each other. And then said persons look at each other on a physical level as if to say "wow, how did that happen that was weird?"... I believe spiritually those same people are sitting together laughing at the limitations of the human mind, not in a sinister sense, but as if to say "if only you knew", I think it is people connected and on a wavelength together. This could also happen world wide, maybe you are thinking exactly the same thing as another group of people, half way round the world, may never meet to discuss the said wavelength, but spiritually you both know already, and it's an easy sacrifice to make in order to further the physical experience.

I hope that made sense to people.

As for past lives, the same theory of te spiritual reminders, but just the important stuff, for when the time is right, & only if needed.

This would be a collective decision however, decided by your spirit, and the angels, on behalf of The Great Architect.
Eventually, as Bill Hicks put it in the best way I can describe, people come back, and remind us/themselves/each other.

You may wonder how I came to this conclusion. I will explain if asked.

You will also probably same I'm crazy. I can handle that as well.

EDIT: Another theory of reincarnation, probably the scariest thing I've ever heard or come across, as it takes away choice and remembrance, is that the "light at the end of the tunnel" is actually the beginning stage in the process of your new birth(basically the exiting of the vagina). Also it would mean there is no in between, no afterlife or spiritual process, it would just mean "This Is It".
Goddess, I hope that's not what Michael Jackson wanted to tell us.

I'd prefer to be worm food than stuck in ground hog day.
edit on 20-1-2014 by CharlieSpeirs because: Second Theory!

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:30 AM
Memory; it's a tape-loop, this life is recorded over the past.

Some info bleeds through, random and accidental, but still vivid. Most will never be discovered 'cause it's blinded by ones current experience, but by searching the corners of your darkened mind - yet lit by your unconsciousness, past memories might unveil...

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:46 AM

Honesty I think people who recall past lives may actually be either sensitive to a spiritual entity or are being influenced by a spiritual entity that may have in a way attached themselves to a person (if it's not a false recollection which is common in regressions). In my research I've come across different accounts of such things from time to time; While the concept of past life recollection being a product of outside spiritual influence or sensitivity it isn't as pleasant for some, as the idea of reincarnation for some reason is for them it seems to me every bit as possible.

This is something I truly believe and forgot to mention in my theory.

People who do try to remember, or just try to connect on a spiritual level must beware of the spirits who want nothing more than to see you and everyone else suffer.

eg You may think you're hearing Ghandi... But it could easily be Adolf manipulating your perception.

In my experience it is not uncommon for the evil dead to portray someone else more trustworthy, even family members of yours, who the evil dead watched you grow up around.
edit on 20-1-2014 by CharlieSpeirs because: Spelling Error!

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:52 AM

reply to post by droid56

For me, it's more likely that our DNA is an incredibly complex and little understood biological memory storehouse.

It stores our ancestors past lives and experiences they had, and was passed along to us (our own individual ancestoral lineage) at the time of our conception.

Also a very valid point, this is well known to happen within the animal kingdom and there is no reason we are not the same in terms of genetic memory.

A lion cub may stray from the pride and become lost, or lose its family due to war(for want of a better word) between prides, and be left behind.
They will however, if they reach maturity, still know how to raise their own cubs, and dominate it's pride as matriarch, or patriarch as if it learned by watching.
Other species are also capable of this, so humans are not to be ruled out.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 01:41 PM

My question is what is the wisdom behind deleting our memories of past lives? I realize this question does not resonate for people that don't believe in reincarnation, but for those that do, it is a big question.

The standard explanation for the forgetting is that it would be confusing to remember that our husband was our son in a previous life.
This makes sense.

But it is also possible that the forgetting is a device to keep putting us in the 3D world for the benefit of others.

Other than remembering a previous life, does the forgetting also involve forgetting basic lessons about how to behave in the physical world with other humans? How to avoid stupid conflict situations?

Are we trapped by this forgetting? I think, maybe.

Question back to you....

If a soul can live forever, then why does a soul need a human body to live?

If a human body needs a soul to live, then why would a soul choose to live in a human body that dies.

If a soul can live forever, then a human body would also live forever.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 01:53 PM


My question is what is the wisdom behind deleting our memories of past lives? I realize this question does not resonate for people that don't believe in reincarnation, but for those that do, it is a big question.

The standard explanation for the forgetting is that it would be confusing to remember that our husband was our son in a previous life.
This makes sense.

But it is also possible that the forgetting is a device to keep putting us in the 3D world for the benefit of others.

Other than remembering a previous life, does the forgetting also involve forgetting basic lessons about how to behave in the physical world with other humans? How to avoid stupid conflict situations?

Are we trapped by this forgetting? I think, maybe.

Question back to you....

If a soul can live forever, then why does a soul need a human body to live?

If a human body needs a soul to live, then why would a soul choose to live in a human body that dies.

If a soul can live forever, then a human body would also live forever.

While I don't agree with the standard explanation proposed by Droid56 -at all-:

A soul being enteral may not need a human body to live but a human birth may be one way for conscious energy to come about. It is possible choice doesn't play into a soul initially choosing anything, it's very well possible that what we know as a soul or the true "us" is born out of this human existence. In regard to your thought that a soul being potentially eternal would mean a human body would be eternal what rational do you base that on?
edit on 20-1-2014 by Strayed because: Correction

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 02:33 PM
I agree that remembering past lives would be traumatic for most, and would have great influence over your present life. The thought of remembering a past life is certainly intriguing, however getting a fresh start at a new life seems much more favorable.

I'm not fully a believer of reincarnation, but I believe we can get a glimpse of our past by paying attention to the talents and skills we were born with. I have felt a certain connection or flow of "a greater consciousness" when sketching or painting. I've never really had formal training, but I definitely have a skill for it. Where did it come from? Why am I good at it?

I think that while we are incarnated our purpose is to develop as many skills and knowledge so that our soul/consciousness keeps evolving to a more enlightened being. Maybe after we have acquired a certain lever of skills, knowledge and understanding in a certain dimension, we can graduate to the next level of existence.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by droid56

No sir all comes in its own time , altho dont get trapped in remembering .

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:56 PM
There exist several explanations, one of the popular one is that each life serves the purpose of learning and that previously learned lessons therefore could be hindering.

This, somehow, makes sense. The memories of former lives could prevent you from achieving the goals for this life in a neutral manner.

Another explanation (and I am just pulling this out of my hat now) that our brain OBVIOUSLY is physical and so is our current, physical life. Past lives etc. are not "physical" since they happened already, similar as a dream (although in itself consistent) is not the same as our physical reality. Since the brain developed as a result of THIS physical existence it makes sense to assume that its purpose is only for this reality and THIS physical body, not for the possible countless others before.

The common theory is also that once someone becomes a "true being" again (aka: dies)...the soul, the true self again remembers all lives incl. relationships with other souls etc. since we're then not dependent anymore on the physical brain, we can see the ENTIRE picture as opposed to the limitation of our brain/body within one physical life-time.

I strongly tend towards the idea that the brain is indeed "limiting" of what we perceive as a reality, there is plenty evidence that practices like meditation or certain drugs can remove this limit, allowing us to see behind the curtain. For us as physical beings that undergo ONE specific physical life at a time it might cause problems if we were to realize our true origin and purpose, it would possible be rather bad since it would distract from the necessities of "normal life", from plain survival etc. within one physical existence.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by droid56

The answer is that reincarnation is bull#.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by droid56

If you were to look at past lives from the perspective of buddhism, it is the concept of karma that prevents you from remembering your past lives. If you had a previous incarnation that did 'wrong' things (from the perspective of buddhism, this would be selfish acts of the ego or towards desire), you would carry that karma into your next life. The search for enlightenment in buddhism is to catch a glimpse of 'nirvana' where you pay your karmic debts in this life, and you are granted the ability to remember your past lives.
I'm not too sure about Hindusm, but I would also suspect a possibility of seeing a past life in a lucid dream. (the yogi's of tibet practiced a conscious state that continued through the night and it would result in lucid dreaming. Source: Exploring the world of lucid dreaming by Stephan LaBerge) See the connection there? Bhuddist belief of past life + ancient ways of lucid dreaming = ?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 09:42 PM

Assuming people die and that their spirits often come back in different human bodies at birth, why would we need to forget past lives? One answer might be because if we came back to learn certain lessons, we might need to forget all the stuff we learned in a past life that might prevent us from looking at everything from a different perspective.

If in a past life, I used to routinely kill people and was real good at it and thought killing people solved a lot of problems, then forgetting what I learned before would be necessary to look at everything from a different perspective. Then when we die again, we can put all the puzzle pieces back together and realize we might have been living a lie in a past life or that everything is not always black and white.

Another option is that the physical process just makes you forget all the spiritual information like rebooting a computer wipes out what is stored in temporary storage memory. Everytime we get reborn our computer minds reboot to this world just because that's the way things work. There might not be any other reason. If someone came up with a method of retrieving information from the spirit world, maybe past life memories could be restored somewhat. I'm not sure how many memories the human mind can remember.

Many have come up with stories of that nature, remembering past lives It is happening and has been for thousands of years but it never seems to be the piece of convos. Ever heard of Alex Collier?............... I know, i know ,don't crucify me but that is one of his subjects. just saying

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