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Snowden Leaked Docs Proving Aliens Working With Govt, Says Irans Fars News.

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posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:52 PM

reply to post by light2012

I think he is telling the truth myself! That's just my personal opinion!

Yeah and all the naysayer's probably work for the NSA, Global Intelligence agencies... I know he is telling the truth! I hate when you have people on here downplaying it like it's a LIE! When in fact it's the TRUTH!!!

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:58 PM

If this were true this thread would be full of dissinfo trying to convince us its all BS.

In which it is full of naysayers saying otherwise...

Could snowden have such documents? Maybe his clearance didnt allow him direct open access, but what if he hacked from the inside?
Yes and he probably did.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:04 PM

If this were true this thread would be full of dissinfo trying to convince us its all BS.

In which it is full of naysayers saying otherwise...

Could snowden have such documents? Maybe his clearance didnt allow him direct open access, but what if he hacked from the inside?
Yes and he probably did.

I know your agreeing matey but my quote appears to have been corruptet!

If this were true this thread would be full of dissinfo trying to convince us its all BS.

Could snowden have such documents? Maybe his clearance didnt allow him direct open access, but what if he hacked from the inside?

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:07 AM
I expected this was Sorcha Faal's doing as soon as I read the headline. I was not disappointed.

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 06:50 PM
I like these types of threads. They reveal the (conscious & unconscious) agenda of many ATS members.

Regarding EBEs: information about this subject is of the highest classification. Snowden was quite adept at obtaining information, and it wouldn't surprise me if he stumbled upon it.

As I recall, Wikileaks threatened to release information about ETs. What (who) stopped it? Take a guess...

Those who go looking for aliens will soon have aliens looking for them. It's a stone best left unturned.

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