posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by EA006
Actually that end scene from fight club and ed Norton stating its a reset has stuck in my head for years.
Fast forward...9/11..
Not so much towers 1&2...but 7. Not only rumored to have financial records of the billions that went missing at the last hours per the DOD. but what
about future stock. Or bad past gambles. Or good gambles.
The phrase to big to fall or prosecute has been thrown around a lot in recent times..
I kind of see where you are going with this...
Leave it to Holly..Bally..Bangcock wood to clue us in I guess.
Let's see where this thread leads..
Edit: that end scene always felt like a J P MORGAN CHASE...BANK THING..don't know why.
edit on 15-1-2014 by Bigburgh because: (no reason