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Small white humanoid creatures that glow.

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posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:14 AM

reply to post by MysterX

My mother said she just had a feeling and from the noises they were making that she thought they were evil. Now my other great grandmother that saw them said they were going into a neighbors house. Guess she thought they were up to no good.

Also, most of these people are extremely religious. Anything unexplainable would be either angelic or demonic.

For some reasont his reminds of the Gnomes of Kelly Ki. They were also described as playful. Also good and evil is a have way too many variables. The concepts of good and evil varie a lot to each culture. So saying that those things 'were evil' would be the same as telling to Muslims stop marrying children.

if those things were aliens or something else they would be just as instersted on human artifacts as we would be amazed by finding another species playground. I'm pretty sure they were just messing around and didn't care about your mother and father presence. Otherwise they would go after them.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by RammerJammer

thanks for sharing, love stories like this.

it's a shame though because you describe how when these experiences happened the land was not nearly as developed as it is now. It makes me think that if you went to the area today to possible have an experience yourself they would not be there because of the increase in population. It seems that creatures such as this enjoy living in mostly uninhabited pieces of land. But, it makes me wonder if perhaps now they may have moved to land still in that local but more remote. The way any species is gradually pushed away once land it inhabits starts getting developed or overly-developed. I wonder if they'll pop up again for someone else to see...

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 07:11 PM

About 10-12 years ago, there existed an incredible paranormal website that featured a similar story.
I cannot recall the name of the site and I've looked in archives like The Wayback Machine.
I'm gonna find that site info!

Anyhoo, this story was told by a guy who claimed to be a retired Oklahoma state trooper. It had an air of believability about it, and I think I have a good b.s. detector. He said if he had told the story to anyone while he was still working for the highway patrol, it may have cost him his job. He also said that others had seen these creatures.

He drove a stretch of highway that was mostly rural, desert-like area. It passed through a couple towns, and on the outskirts of the southernmost town, there was an expanse of mostly-abandoned oil drilling rigs. People referred to the area as 'the oil leases'.
He claimed that on several occasions, he saw a bunch of small, humanoid type creatures 'playing' around the old oil rigs and equipment. They would be jumping and cavorting to such an extent that they literally 'bounced around'.

It was always early evening when he saw them, just after sunset. Like the creatures in the OP, they seemed to have a white or very light green glow about them. Another story described very similar creatures supposedly living near the Superstition Mountains in Arizona.

The trooper said on a couple of the sighting occasions, he had swung his car off the road into the area where the creatures were, and they ran off into the desert or ran behind the rig equipment and disappeared in an instant.
edit on 14-1-2014 by ColeYounger because: (no reason given)

There were similar sightings in England in the past century. They were called will'o'the'wisp - greenish glowing shapes that would dart around. If anyone attempted to approach them, then they would disappear.'-the-wisp

It was possible to emulate their behavior through mixing various gases found in swamplands. These would actually oxidise at air temperature giving off a green glow. Any disturbance in air currents and they would disappear.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by RammerJammer

Fascinating! This, and a few other recent stories (black-eyed-people), have made me seriously consider the possibility of some form of interdimentional overlap occurring to some extent.

It seems that if these different being show up and dissapear so easily, despite obvious identification features, that they would likely be from "somewhere else".

Or perhaps I'm overly confident about humans ability to explore this planet thoroughly enough.

Even though I am an atheist, and highly skeptical, these stories are always beyond interesting.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 07:31 PM
fascinating story op and those who have replied with similar accounts. We truly do not see all that is around is. Dimensional overlap? perhaps, but perhaps something totally different. We really do know and understand so little of what there is to know. We think we are so clever, got it all figured out. The wisest people are aware of how much they don't know.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 09:08 PM

reply to post by RammerJammer

thanks for sharing, love stories like this.

it's a shame though because you describe how when these experiences happened the land was not nearly as developed as it is now. It makes me think that if you went to the area today to possible have an experience yourself they would not be there because of the increase in population. It seems that creatures such as this enjoy living in mostly uninhabited pieces of land. But, it makes me wonder if perhaps now they may have moved to land still in that local but more remote. The way any species is gradually pushed away once land it inhabits starts getting developed or overly-developed. I wonder if they'll pop up again for someone else to see...

And yet i think they must like to be nearish to human civilization because you don't hear about these things from backwoods campers and hikers, like myself.

The myths show the same, a nearness somewhat to humans and some interactions that seem to be fun to them.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:14 AM
In Australia there is what is known as Junjuddi [hope thats the right spelling ] that if you are out in the bush and have a camp fire, pointy headed small people will appear and dance around the fire .My mother who tutored aboriginals from Cape York ,told her that there was a place there where small people lived, and if she ever came to Bamaga they would show her the people ,but you couldnt laugh at them or they would paralyze you .my mother said the girl drew a picture of one and it looked like an Elf.I have never seen them ,but at time years ago when i was working night shift and living on my own, i would wake up and hear voices in another room, one was a human voice the other was like an Elf [or a human when they inhale laughing gas] ,which kept on giggling ,when i got up to investigate, it would stop immediately ,this happened several times over a period of time then stopped altogether .

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:21 AM
Sounds like fae-folk. If they are you should always be careful and never trust them. They aren't good or evil, just inhuman and mischievous. They like to play tricks and they aren't always very nice tricks. Fae-folk tales are always interesting from around the world.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 03:46 AM
This reminds me of the Kodama, forest spirits from Princess Mononoke.
As Seen Here

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

i completely agree with you. and in retrospect i was driving at that point. they enjoy that borderline between inhabited and uninhabited land. maybe close enough to monitor or have their desired experiences but not close enough to where they would be spotted on a more daily, wide spread basis.

what's interesting is, it seems as though there are folklore, stories from places all across the world that touch on similar aspects of the OP story even if different peoples give it a different name. it appears as though this particular creature or whatever it is, is not purely confined to the forests of the United States, but perhaps forest land in general be it remote or the border of remote land.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 09:52 AM
I know that most people who hear stories like this think it's either lies or delusions. I'm not one of them. I encountered what I think were elves and fairies back in the early to mid eighties in a forest near my home. I never told anyone until about a year or so before I created the thread here because I knew no one would believe it. I never told my wife until right before I posted it here and we've been married for many years before. I have no doubts about what I encountered. They exist. I think they live under ground.

It sounds like your parents saw something incredible and rare for us humans to see. I love that they were "playing and laughing". These little people have been seen all over the world since the dawn of time by many different cultures. I don't know if what your parents witnessed were aliens or the little people under the ground. These sound a lot bigger than what I saw, but who's to say there's not all different sizes/colors of them.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 11:39 AM
You are not alone. My friend witnessed one screaming from the top of a junk pile in a junk yard near his home. It then darted down and into the woods.

I believe I may have had an encounter as well.

About 10 years ago I was walking home from a friends house. We lived in a pretty rural area with woods all around. For whatever reason, I brought a flashlight with me that night. I never did before as it was just a short walk from the bottom of the street, and there was a lamp post at the top of the hill to provide adequate lighting.

Anyway. As I came out of his driveway, his cat comes up and starts walking with me side by side up the street... which was very strange as she'd never done that before. Suddenly, I hear a rustling in the trees to my right. I shined my light at it, but whatever it was was very quick, and darted into the woods. The bush was quite low for the first few feet, so it was surprising to see even trees shaking as it went deeper into the woods...

I figured it was just a deer, and continued walking. Then, echoing out of the woods came the most terrifying, blood curdling scream you could possibly imagine. I instantly turned, stepping directly on the cats tail! She screeched and bolted up the street. I just stood there, frozen. In shock. Then I turned and continued to walk home.

I searched all over the Internet to try and connect that sound to a creature, but surprisingly the only thing that came close were alleged Bigfoot calls... but after hearing my friends story years later, and considering how small this creature must have been for me to not catch a glimpse of it darting through the bushes, I'm not so sure anymore.

I'm finding more and more stories now. People describing the exact same thing, with seemingly no knowledge of other stories. Very disturbing.

P.S. I live on the coast of eastern Canada. So if they're all the way out here, I have no doubt they're everywhere...
edit on 21-5-2014 by Gh0stwalker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: MysterX

They were at the neighbor's house in the middle of the night!!!!!! The're definetly evil haha

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Gh0stwalker

Had to log in first time in years just to reply that i have had same kind of encounter. Only exception was that it was long road in middle of forest and i was with my friend. We never saw what it/they was but they followed us 1-2km and made horrible screeching noises and run extremely fast, always staying on the forest beside the road. Only when we reached houses and lighted road they stayed behind. I have never been so scared before or after that incident.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: MrConspiracy
Looooove stories like this. Thanks for an interesting little read!

I have no idea what they may have been. This may be unrelated but a friend of mine who i was close with at the time (still am good friends) said she say 3 white blobs floating in the garden opposite her own. They moved around each other then climbed/floated up the wall of the opposite house. The burglar alarm light up and they were gone.

Now i know you said creatures and not "blobs" but that's how she described what she saw.

It SO interests me that these things happen. We know so little of what is truly out there!

Actually, I haven't mentioned this to anyone else but my wife and I witnessed 2 such white "blobs" floating around our back deck at 1 am in the morning. We were upstairs in bed. Something made me get up, not sure what, but I went to the window, with the lights off, cracked the blinds and looked down. Lo and behold, I witnessed two moving things kind of floating at or near ground level. Their movements were not animal-like in any sense, they kind of just "drifted" and "swirled". They appeared to be male and female. Don't know how I came to that conclusion but it was just a hunch. I kept my eyes on them, called out to my wife, who got up, came over and looked out the blinds to the scene below. I remember us telling each other we didn't know what the heck those things were. These things had to be no more than 30 feet from our vantage point. After about 1 or 2 minutes, they drifted towards the deck, went under the deck and that was it.

To date, we are still not sure what those entities were.

edit on 20-1-2015 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2015 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: Teye22

Trust me, if you're ever in a situation like this that scares you stiff, your phone is going to be the LAST thing on your mind.

Imo pictures and it DIDN'T happen.

You wouldn't be in the right frame of mind to take a picture. I sure wasn't when I saw freaky things.

I believe the OP.

posted on Jan, 23 2015 @ 05:49 AM
As interesting as this story is, I think it highlights an issue that needs to be addressed and is perhaps worthy of a separate thread.

Stories like this are not uncommon from the generation in question, but have waned in years since while other things have crept into the limelight of conspiracy and the unknown. Yet I am forced to wonder if the evolution of these stories does nit, itself, parallel their subjects.

Take, for instance, these small white children. What if they are fae, and more importantly, what if they didn't leave?

We have all heard of the black eyed kids. Could the slow warping of our culture, or the land itself, be twisting these beings into newer amd darker forms? Could the faeries and angels generations past be growing darker as we do, somehow corrupted by an unbreakable link between our species and theirs?

Every culture speaks of a race of people hiding in the shadows of history, maybe we need to be thinking about bringing them into the light in a different way.
edit on 23-1-2015 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: Jaellma

originally posted by: MrConspiracy
Looooove stories like this. Thanks for an interesting little read!

I have no idea what they may have been. This may be unrelated but a friend of mine who i was close with at the time (still am good friends) said she say 3 white blobs floating in the garden opposite her own. They moved around each other then climbed/floated up the wall of the opposite house. The burglar alarm light up and they were gone.

Now i know you said creatures and not "blobs" but that's how she described what she saw.

It SO interests me that these things happen. We know so little of what is truly out there!

Actually, I haven't mentioned this to anyone else but my wife and I witnessed 2 such white "blobs" floating around our back deck at 1 am in the morning. We were upstairs in bed. Something made me get up, not sure what, but I went to the window, with the lights off, cracked the blinds and looked down. Lo and behold, I witnessed two moving things kind of floating at or near ground level. Their movements were not animal-like in any sense, they kind of just "drifted" and "swirled". They appeared to be male and female. Don't know how I came to that conclusion but it was just a hunch. I kept my eyes on them, called out to my wife, who got up, came over and looked out the blinds to the scene below. I remember us telling each other we didn't know what the heck those things were. These things had to be no more than 30 feet from our vantage point. After about 1 or 2 minutes, they drifted towards the deck, went under the deck and that was it.

To date, we are still not sure what those entities were.

Thanks for sharing! I really wonder what these things are? It's very bizarre... Do you think they are natural? Supernatural? Extra Terrestrial?

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