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Cabal Origins

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posted on May, 22 2003 @ 11:08 AM
Hi Everybody

Just got this off a friend. Looks like the early history of the Cabal. Enjoy!

Cabal, name given to the group of leading ministers who advised Charles II of England from 1667 to 1673, and the initials of whose names spelt the word: Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley Cooper, and Lauderdale. This gave a new meaning to an existing word for secret plots, related to the Hebrew Kabbalah, but the actual Cabal was less secret and united than the word implies.

On the fall of Charles II�s first minister Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, those who had successfully plotted his political downfall gained power; principally one of the secretaries of state, Sir Henry Bennett, promoted Earl of Arlington, and George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, son and heir of his namesake, the great favourite of Charles I. To them were added Sir Thomas Clifford (by 1672 Lord Clifford), a Catholic courtier and diplomat, useful in the king�s negotiations with France for his conversion to Roman Catholicism; Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, an ex-supporter of Oliver Cromwell and First Lord of the Treasury, who was created Earl of Shaftesbury in 1672; and John Maitland, Duke of Lauderdale, who ruled Scotland for the king. None was a practising Anglican. This diverse group of often rival politicians, under the personal direction of the king, cannot realistically be seen as a proto-Cabinet committee, as some historians have viewed the Cabal in the past.

Using individual ministers, some in but others outside the Cabal, Charles II changed his domestic and foreign policies after 1668. He was attracted to a closer alliance with Louis XIV of France, whom he admired and who could offer substantial subsidies to the financially hard-pressed English Crown. In return Charles II agreed to work for the toleration of Roman Catholics at home and war with the United Provinces (modern Holland) abroad. Clifford and the king�s sister Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans, negotiated the secret treaty of Dover (1670) to achieve this end. In 1672 war was declared on the United Provinces, initiating the third Anglo-Dutch War; the king issued his Declaration of Indulgence, suspending the penal laws against Dissenters, including Catholics; and the Crown reneged on its debts. None of these measures was popular, and fear of France and French influence (through the Cabal or other channels) grew, apparently confirmed by French inaction in some of the fighting between the English and Dutch fleets. Parliament was so disapproving of religious toleration of Catholics that it passed the Test Act in 1673 to prevent them holding office: the major victim was the king�s catholic brother James (later James II), who was forced to resign his post as Lord High Admiral.

In 1674 Buckingham and Lauderdale were removed from the council, Ashley Cooper moved into opposition and was dismissed, and Arlington was impeached. The king was forced to give up toleration and the Dutch war. The Cabal was abandoned, along with the royal policies associated with it.

Well, hope you all liked it...

[edit: title - all caps]

[edit on 27-4-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 12:16 PM

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 12:17 PM
I agree Gaz. Let's see what DR has to say about this!

[Edited on 22-5-2003 by observer]

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 07:28 PM
Daystar, very interesting post, do you have a link to it? I would be very interested in reading more.

I will readily admit that I have not done a deeply detailed research into the very beginnings of the Cabal. My use of the name Cabal comes from a couple of quotes by Nikola Tesla, who used the term "Cabal" and also "Evil Empire" or "Dark Empire" to describe what is largely accepted as the Illuminati.

What I do know about the Cabal is that it dates from at least the 1500s, and sprung from the wealthiest of European aristocracy. There is evidence indicating involvement with certain high members of both the Roman Catholic and Protestant faiths, much of that evidence indicating a corruption by pagan/occultic rituals and subcults. I do not know if the acronym is accurate, although there is a possibility that it may be (again, if you have information on this, I am very interested in pursuing it)

My interest in the Cabal is largely in how it has affected and engineering the world we currently know, through actions taken in the past 150 years. It is my honest belief that the vast bulk of the world we live in today has been engineered from the beginning by the Cabal, in the interest of following some kind of "master plan" for humanity. What the end goal of this master plan is is open for discussion, although all known information on the subject indicates it is not something that will be beneficial for the common rank and file human beings on the street.

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 08:41 PM
Daystar's absolutely right about the Stuart resonances of Cabal - and it did indeed make use of the fortunate coincidence of the initials to establish a link with an older word from Hebrew Qabbalah - "that which has been received"
It's hard to imagine that such a word did not have earlier currency among mystics, alchemists, Hermetics etc; but I'm unaware of any very clear references to an organised system of beliefs and/or people from the 16th century.
It would be interesting to see a verifiable reference to an earlier use.

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 08:28 PM
Cabal, Illuminati, Dark Empire, whatever you care to call it... it has been here for a very long time, and has engineered a great number of things around us.

As was pointed out in the original Matrix, we are born into a prison we cannot see, touch, smell or taste, but we are still here.

posted on May, 24 2003 @ 01:44 AM
The "Wolfowitz Cabal?"

The adherents of the so-called "Wolfowitz cabal," pushing the "Clash of Civilizations" theory, are nothing less than "an enemy within" the United States, a network that cuts across the Defense Department, the State Department, the White House, and the National Security Council. This report is not a "good guys" versus "bad guys" description of the Bush Administration; rather it is a warning that this cabal is a close-knit rogue network that is trying to hijack U.S. policy, and turn the current Afghanistan mess into a global war. The cabal bears a dangerous resemblance to the "secret parallel government" of North and Gen. Richard Secord's "Project Democracy" operation that ran Iran-Contra. In fact, some of the cabal members now in the Bush Administration are convicted criminals as a result of their activity in North's "Enterprise"!

posted on May, 24 2003 @ 02:02 AM
Conspiracism and "Secret Elites"

Just like in other forms of scapegoating, conspiracists sometimes target people who in fact have significant power and culpability in a given conflict--Wall Street power brokers, corporate magnates, banking industry executives, politicians, government officials--but conspiracists portray these forces in caricature that obscures a rational assessment of their wrongdoing. It is not individual people who have the actual power, but the roles they occupy in social, political, and economic institutions. There are undeniably powerful individuals, but when they die, their power does not evaporate, it redistributes itself to other individuals in similar roles, and to individuals that scramble to inherit the role just vacated.

Secret Societies control the world. That's all there is to it. They always have and until people wake up and learn their secrets and how they control us, they alwayswill. There are many secret societies in the world today and not all of them are on the same side. Some secret societies create BOTH SIDES, and really work together although it would not appear so on the surface. Probably, the most secret, mysterious, oldest and most powerful secret society is the Priory Of Sion. This is only an estimation, not an accusation. I would not assume they are the most dangerous, although I cannot say for sure either way. They are definitely near the top of the research ladder. I do not consider Leonardo Da Vinci or Sir Isaac Newton to be Evil Men, on the contrary, they were probably wise benevolent Illuminated Rosicrusions. One thing for sure, they were Rosicrusions and both members of the Royal Society and their knowledge did not come from inside them. It was passed on to them . They were Both Grand Masters of the Priory Of Sion.

posted on May, 24 2003 @ 02:04 AM
From WordNet (r) 1.7
n 1: a clique that seeks power usually through intrigue [syn: faction,
junta, junto, camarilla]
2: a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially
a political plot) [syn: conspiracy]
v : engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear
together; "They conspired to overthrow the government"
[syn: conspire, complot, conjure, machinate]

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Cabal \Ca*bal"\ (k[.a]*b[a^]l"), n. [F. cabale cabal, cabala,
LL. cabala cabala, fr. Heb. qabb[=a]l[=e]h reception,
tradition, mysterious doctrine, fr. q[=a]bal to take or
receive, in Pi["e]l qibbel to adopt (a doctrine).]
1. Tradition; occult doctrine. See Cabala [Obs.]

2. A secret. [Obs.] ``The measuring of the temple, a cabal
found out but lately.'' --B. Jonson.

3. A number of persons united in some close design, usually
to promote their private views and interests in church or
state by intrigue; a secret association composed of a few
designing persons; a junto.

Note: It so happend, by a whimsical coincidence, that in 1671
the cabinet consisted of five persons, the initial
letters of whose names made up the word cabal;
Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and
Lauderdale. --Macaulay.

4. The secret artifices or machinations of a few persons
united in a close design; intrigue.

By cursed cabals of women. --Dryden.

Syn: Junto; intrigue; plot; combination; conspiracy.

Usage: Cabal, Combination, Faction. An association for
some purpose considered to be bad is the idea common
to these terms. A combination is an organized union of
individuals for mutual support, in urging their
demands or resisting the claims of others, and may be
good or bad according to circumstances; as, a
combiniation of workmen or of employers to effect or
to prevent a change in prices. A cabal is a secret
association of a few individuals who seek by cunning
practices to obtain office and power. A faction is a
larger body than a cabal, employed for selfish
purposes in agitating the community and working up an
excitement with a view to change the existing order of
things. ``Selfishness, insubordination, and laxity of
morals give rise to combinations, which belong
particularly to the lower orders of society. Restless,
jealous, ambitious, and little minds are ever forming
cabals. Factions belong especially to free
governments, and are raised by busy and turbulent
spirits for selfish purposes''. --Crabb.

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Cabal \Ca*bal"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Caballed (-b[a^]ld"); p.
pr. & vb. n. Caballing]. [Cf. F. cabaler.]
To unite in a small party to promote private views and
interests by intrigue; to intrigue; to plot.

Caballing still against it with the great. --Dryden.

posted on May, 24 2003 @ 06:27 PM
What is Kabbalah?
Kabbalah predates any religion or theology. It was given to mankind by the Creator, without any prerequisites or preconditions. According to kabbalistic teachings, the universe operates according to certain supremely powerful principles. By learning to understand and act in accordance with these precepts, we will vastly improve our lives today, and ultimately we will achieve true fulfillment for ourselves and for all humanity. Just as basic physical laws such as gravity and magnetism exist independently of our will and awareness, the spiritual laws of the universe influence our lives every day and every moment. Kabbalah empowers us to understand and live in harmony with these laws -- to use them for the benefit of ourselves and the world.

(Yeah right)

posted on May, 24 2003 @ 06:30 PM

Back room deals and conspiratorial organizations are more the rule in world history than the exception. Anyone who tells you other wise is naive, foolish, or may have already sold out.

McCarthy was right about socialist inflitration in Hollywood and the U.S. government. Don't believe it? Check out the recently released KGB files.

The only reason China isn't a constitutional republic is because of people in the U.S. State Department. Chiang Kai Shek and the Nationalists knew it. Why don't you?

Franklin D. Roosevelt and George C. Marshall secretly knew of the Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor but gave no advanced warning to our commanders at Pearl Harbor.

During the Vietnam War, the United States was sending machine tools and wheat to Eastern Block Countries who were diverting these resources directly to the North Vietnamese. And the State Department knew about it and continued these shipments.

The Chinese General responsible for attacking United States troops during the Korean War, General Lin Piao, later said, "I would never had made the attack and risked my men and military reputation if I had not been assured that Washington would restrain General MacArthur from taking adequate retaliatory measures against my lines of supply and communications."

posted on May, 27 2003 @ 08:03 AM
sorry that it took so long for me to reply DR, but the guy that gave me this info had gone to France for the weekend.

anyway apparently there is no link - its from Encarta 02! ha ha ha ha - i thought he got it from the net!!

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by dragonrider

Interesting Tesla note.

If any one butted heads with the Cabal.. Illuminati, and survived.. we think,
it was Tesla.

I can't say he wrote about the Cabal to the New York Times where he
was constantly defending his engineering against fakers and frauds and
critics. It must have been a money in the bank ongoing controversy for
the paper.

Lest, it was the Cabal that supported this league of phony scientists
while his works were being examined closely for their use.

ED: Oops dragonrider got banned...

[edit on 4/26/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 12:51 AM
Why did dragonrider get banned?
I know about some of what he is posting though I dont agree with all of his material.
His posts are however intresting.

To my knowlege thier are two versions of history in the minds of most peoples.

History is mostly a crap is random...not planned.but just isolated events...not connected.

History happens for a purpose..many of the dots are connected..much of history and the outcomes are written in advance..little happens by random accident. Events are not unconnected..but often deleberate and related.

you guys decide which one applies.


posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 09:00 AM
Kaballah goes much further in history, then ever mentioned in this thread.
As far as I can see, Kaballah is coming from Egypt.

Since there it moved to Hebrew environment, Greece (Pythagoras) and from there to the freemasonry in the rest of Europe and now in America.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by dragonrider

Kabbalah predates any religion or theology.

Do you know of its association prior to the Hebrews,, was it the science that Abraham brought with him from Ur (and the Sumarians)? Is this the same body of knowledge that Daniel and his friends knew in Babylon under the Nebucanezzer dynasty..
Is it the science of the Zorastorians?

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 04:46 AM
Kabbalah is the name of an ancient form of Hebrew mystics. For the most part it is wisdom like we know it from Solomon's books in the bible, but also intricate forms of esoteria involving astrology, numerology, comments to the Torah, the ten Sephiroth Tree of Life, the language and alephbet and so on.

When I say it's ancient, it is because it apparently was the wisdom collected all the way back to Adam, via Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses and all the other prophets, put into system. This was secret knowledge only the few would be initiated to. It explained the inner secrets of the Torah. However we have little known remains of the ancient part of this tradition, other than the still living oral tradition. Modern Kabbalism was born with the Zohar in the first few centuries AD. Another important piece of Kabbalistic scripture is the Book of Formation, the Sepher Yetzirah. Kabbalah was probably introduced to the Christian world around the 13th century in Spain.

[edit on 29/4/2008 by Neo Christian Mystic]

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 09:11 AM
Gee do you think there is any newly discovered knowledge that might be important.

Yeah, its in power groups like corporations and its their secrets and
company confidential knowledge.

Technology and world wide economy management seem to have gone
against one another.

Plugging in the right factors can't work without knowing all the secrets.
Playing cards without knowing all the rules.

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 12:46 PM
thanx, I had not heard much on Kaballahism lately, the last trail I followed led to Spain,,,I beleive that is where the myth,,legend of the Golem originated. And the the "wise men", Magi, and learned men of the Hebrews were Kaballahist.
It was the practice of the Sumerians to "initiate" the brighter people into the body of knowledge that they used,,I thought that might have been the source of the science associated with Kaballahism.

[edit on 29-4-2008 by jbmitch]

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 01:00 PM
There is a distinct difference between the actual tradition of Kabbalah and the highly theorised Cabal. And it has nothing to do with cards.

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