posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 07:41 AM
I live in equake country, so my family and friends have a few pre-arranged meeting spots, out of town (depending on the disaster). We also, have
equipped ourselves with CBs, and walkies, and have a prearranged channel that we know others in our group will be broadcasting from, and listening to.
As well as a prearranged time to broadcast. Example: We will be on channel 10 and will be listening or broadcasting at 10 am and 10 pm. We also have a
call word, that signals the other members of our tribe, without having to identify ourselves.
Each meeting place, has a plastic tub buried with the basics, plastic sheeting, solar blankets, quick meals, skillet, fishing equipment, arrow tips,
bow string, solar lights, water purifier, solar charging equipment, a CB radio etc. We also have mirrors just in case we need really low-tech to
communicate. (mostly for who ever is on look-out).
We wont have to give our location over the airway, because we have the positions numbered. So, when I say I am at position #3 everyone will know
exactly where that is.
The problem for us, in using Ham equipment, is the power it takes, the knowledge it takes to use it, and the cost is prohibitive. At least CBs and
walkies are inexpensive enough, for everyone to own, and also to stash in the woods.
You can find CBs at Garage Sales for next to nothing.