posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by buster2010
You may want to do a little research into your statement. Nothing in the ACA raised the price of insurance the insurance companies did that on their
own. So Romney who owns Staples is cutting hours to save a few bucks what a shock.
The insurance policies are all based on the minimum standards provided by the PPACA.
The policy costs are partly based on peoples age and whether or not they smoke cigarettes.
From there, the costs are based largely on what the medical costs actually are/will be from the "providers" and some are "negotiated".
Insurance companies are also operating on narrow margins.
Yes they make big money and yes they are somehow guaranteed a profit from provisions inside the PPACA by law.
But I think they are pressing the "market prices" of policies to the hilt.
And I think many policies still have limits on certain coverage that they won't pay for.
I don't think Romney still "owns" Staples does he?