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Britain - Almost Everything Corrupt - On Record

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posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 05:01 AM
But aren't we 'the people' guilty of corruption by proxy every time we vote or purchase these people into the positions of power?
We are no different to them because we too want what we believe satisfies our egos.


posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 06:48 AM

But aren't we 'the people' guilty of corruption by proxy every time we vote or purchase these people into the positions of power?
We are no different to them because we too want what we believe satisfies our egos.


We the people should have no guilt about the way we vote, or whether we even choose to as far as I am concerned. Let me clarify my thought process, so that you know where I am coming from.

First of all, politically speaking, we do not choose how individuals within a political party, rise through the ranks within that party, and attain power on the party level. David Cameron is a case in point. He was recruited by the Conservative party. Do you know how rare that is? Normally, a person would have to express an interest in joining up, but he was INVITED! How much power did anyone of us regular folks have over that? How much power did we have over his becoming the leader of the Conservative party?

I will tell you. None. We have no power over who leads the parties that come to power in this nation, and so all that we get to do, is pick which bunch of suits are going to be screwing us next, and any illusion of choice which extends beyond that, is nothing more than just that. Totally and utterly illusory. And yet, the argument that if you do not vote, you cannot complain is actually pretty sound when you consider how well the lie that we live in works on the majority of people.

You see, the lie that we call our electoral system operates as well as it does because it works on just enough people, that those who can see through its crap are unable to assemble enough support for a significant and radical change to its operation. You know, and I know, that for decades now, we have been in the business of selecting our next tyrant, our next overlords. We are under no false impressions in that regard. We know that the Labour party have not been a genuine socialist alternative to the Conservative party for a generation at least, and that the party is run by a bunch of immature morons who have never so much as broken a nail in pursuit of a days hard work. We also know that the Conservative party is run by a similar bunch of buggers, who have only slightly larger bank accounts, and precisely the same pounds per square inch of air in their heads as their Labour counterparts.

However, you and I know these things to be true, but many people still "believe" in Tory values, and will religiously vote Conservative to keep any other party from getting hold of their local and national votes. Many other people still "believe" in Labour values (not that these are ever supported by the Labour party these days) and will vote accordingly, by rote. Some people see the lie, and refuse to accept its implications for them personally, or believe that there is no getting out from under the bullcrap, and so they may as well just go through the motions, because there will never be an end to the back and forth game between the big two parties.

Personally, I believe that we cannot be held responsible for the route our nation is taking, when vast and long term efforts on the part of the establishment, under several different governments and both main parties I might add, have been aimed at preventing the people from having an effective voice, or choice, in any important matter. The affairs of our nation are effectively out of our hands, and have been for a very long time, if they ever actually resided within our power to control or affect in the slightest.

You have to remember that the whole idea of Parliament was essentially to make it LOOK as if the people were the power, rather than to make that appearance a reality.

The reason this is all such a big deal now, why people are coming to understand these things better, is that for the first time in human history, we can communicate immediately, en masse. We can express our thoughts on the affairs of the day in an instant, to everyone who might have an interest in the subjects we are concerned about. Here on this site, there is masses and masses of political commentary and opinion, an awful lot of which is of high quality, and contains some fantastic ideas about how to do things better, now. How to end corruption by tea time tomorrow, how to effectively balance our societies so that they do not collapse under the weight of their own errors.

But if the people running the show, ever let the people decide the path our nation takes, they will never get the power back, and that is why we cannot be held responsible as a mass, for the actions of these few power mongers. Every day that they continue to promote the sham elections as evidence of our wonderful democracy, every time they ignore our will as a great multitude of people, and take their own route to the future, dragging us kicking, bleeding and screaming behind them to hell, they traitor themselves before us and against us. Every time they go to war despite vast protest, cut benefits to people who have done no wrong (which contrary to popular media influence is the majority of people currently on them), weaken laws which are supposed to defend the innocent, while strengthening corporations and banks, every single thing they do to weaken us prevents us from taking control as a people, of the nation in which we live.

Against odds of that scale, against a system which is designed to disenfranchise us, against a government which would turn on its people faster than a snake strike if they thought we were organising against them, what exactly is the man in the street capable of doing about that on voting day? Bugger all, thats what.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Thanks question was aimed more at people who hadn't actually stopped and actually questioned 'The System'.
But I think you and I are in the same boat on this one.
I've only ever voted twice in the whole 35 years I have been given that 'priveledge'.
Nothing will change until the voting system is for WHAT we want not WHO we want.....the political system would be dead overnight. Hence the reason we never get interim referendums on things.
The what vote would work far better than current so called 'democratic' who vote. Up until recently, Belgium quite happily trundled on for a good 2 years without a government and the civil servants ran 'stuff'. Not perfect, but definitely an insight and proof that there is an alternative democratic system that empowers people and puts them in charge.

But hey, while society is constantly expanding and growing, the further from true democracy we are becoming, until the whole sorry mess will eventually implode on and because of itself.


posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

The voting process isn't a democratic process. The way the government is run isn't democratic. The choice of leader and politicians again isn't democratic.

People have been dumbed down into them or us, right or left, a. or b. because of the addage 'divide and conquer'. At no point does the government want a cohesive society that can act as a whole. This was probably learned from the American war of Independence among other such 'revolutions' that weren't in it's favour. The US and many other faux democracies have a similar them or us ethos deliberately permeated throughout society.

Those that might actually work in favour of the people have probably been kept from attaining positions of real power so far, until that changes, people won't actually have any real say, just a pretend say. Let's hope people that truly want the best for the people and nation are given positions of power soon.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 09:09 AM
Well for me since the SIR jimmy savile scandal erupted. I dont trust any one. His 50yrs of raping children in hospitals churchs and on the tell lie vision. All covered up by the BBC police and m eye 5. Same thing with that big fat nonce Cyril from Rochdale.
Savile had christmas dinner with maggy for 11 yrs on the trot. He was friends with every prime minister for the last 40 odd yrs of which ever party. Running around buck house in track suits/trainers wearing his bling. Mentor to big ears and best friends of the rest of the royals.
Political parties?
They are all the same and any one who gets into Downing street does the opposite of what he said before being elected. I think we need a revolution here in the UK and all politicals /royals /banksters / elitest types and the so called free press need rounding up and giving a good talking to before we have their heads chopped off like the french did. Of course that will never happen as people are to busy watching soaps on the box or x factor ect ect. The floride must be working a treat because we should be all out in the streets protesting.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

I'm not very clear as to why you answered my post directly.
To sum up what you have written, I said I have only ever voted twice in 35 years. I chose not to vote because I refuse to take part in a system which I believe to be not fit for purpose, habitually lying and breaking promises to the very people who put them there in the first place.
Is there something wrong with what I've said?


posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by illuminnaughty

Exactly, all the slimy evil celebs of the 70's and 80's that were omnipresent on tv and radio turned out that they were perverts and paedophiles. No wonder I never liked any of them in the first place, each one of them gave me the creeps then and even more now.

The fact that they were covered for and it was openly known by 'trusted' organisations like the BBC and the Police is sickening, even more sickening is that they practiced their evil in hospitals and children's charities. They preyed on children at their most vulnerable. Sickening is putting it mildly.

As for politicians, bankers and their bureaucratic minions, they might not be perverts, perhaps some are, but their ethics lie in the mire, hoodwinking people out of jobs and resources that themselves and their ancestors worked and fought for. Just as people are wakening up to their corruption they shipped in a whole country load of foreigners all too happy for the corruption here compared to their home lands and many here just for the free ride.

If that isn't a slap in the face enough, the dumbing down has increased, constant 'reality BS' on tv and media and more devices for ostracising individuals into insular apathy in the forms of x-box, playstation, ipad, facebook etc and children and teenage role models even more vain and vacuous than ever, barely a moral in sight.

God help us all.
edit on 14-1-2014 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 11:13 AM

reply to post by theabsolutetruth

I'm not very clear as to why you answered my post directly.

But aren't we 'the people' guilty of corruption by proxy every time we vote or purchase these people into the positions of power?
We are no different to them because we too want what we believe satisfies our egos.

You said that.

When the 'democratic' process is a sham and people hoodwinked in to believing it, no it isn't a case of people just as corrupt at all. I don't vote, and won't until there's something worth voting for, but that is besides the point. Many others are too blinded to know better rather than morally corrupt.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

Ahhhh.....think you need to read the post immediately after that one where I talked to've got me all wrong...


posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 10:35 PM
britiain is the most corrupt country in the world

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by ilikeblondes

I take it you have visited China, Russia, Egypt (either before, or after the Arab Spring swept through) and Saudi Arabia? If not, you might want to expand your world view just a tad before claiming with such certainty that Britain, of all the nations of the world, is the most corrupt.

I would not argue that it is not nation in which there is much corruption, to all our shame and dismay as Britons. But I would hardly credit any commentary which sought to hold this little island nation up, as the modern example of moral dysfunction on a national level. There are much more widespread abuses happening else where. What I would say, is that the corruption which affects our nation and occurs within it, is of a scale in terms of its global impact, which boggles the mind, and boggles it again when you consider that it is not, as a nation, the worst offender in that regard.
edit on 3-2-2014 by TrueBrit because: REASONS!

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by raiden12

Worried about the influence organised crime has?
Yeah, sure its a bit of a problem, especially the spread of Eastern European gangs - but there's always been an element of this. And the UK is certainly nowhere near as bad as many country's.

Personally I'm more worried about the 'cabal' of self-serving, egotistical, corrupt and amoral bastards who fill nearly every single position of power and influence in the Senior Civil Service, Government, Judiciary, Clergy, Police, Military, Industry, Banking, Commerce, Media, Education etc - namely privately educated, Eton Oxbridge types and their 'old schoolboy network' that has more power and influence now than at any time since the 1800's.
edit on 3/2/14 by Freeborn because: grammar and clarity

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by raiden12

If you're corrupt, immoral, and have major criminal intent...what makes more sense - To continue to run from, actively evade or otherwise avoid the law OR become those that make, administer and preside over the law?

Criminals may be criminal, but the organised types are not stupid.

No point running from the law, when you can become the law.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

The problem is though Freeborn, when the organised criminals are themselves educated at Oxbridge and Eton, wear an expensive suit, move in certain circles and speak with the right accent and grammar.

All it takes is time, and there's been plenty of that.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by ilikeblondes

Probably why the British currency has stayed as strong as it has over the years.

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