posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by christmaspig
Dear Christmaspig - LOL, ha, ha - I know all too well that of which you speak! You can get an air diffuser and put in essential oil of eucalyptus - or
even plain old Vicks. But essential oils are not only natural killers of germs/viruses/bacteria but they open up the airways.
Keep a bottle/sippy cup (whatever you use) out in plain sight so that your little one is able to drink at will. And encourage him/her to drink
constantly. Keep a kleenex at hand and encourage to keep blowing in order to empty out the sinus cavities.
Have lots of humid baths/showers to encourage more nasal drainage.
Feed chicken soup, or any kind of soup, this encourages sinus drainage.
And that's about it. My child was a five year... note I'm saying a five year run, and not that she was five years old... continuous slimeball.
Seemed to catch everything and anything. And then one day it just all ended. I was so worried about her immunity.
You can also lift up the top end of the bed, put a book(s) or brick under and this will allow your child to breathe better at night.
Good luck!