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posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 10:10 PM
Ha! Helen is wrong, 1+1=0,1,2, and x.

1+1=0 Destruction.

1+1=1 Elimination

1+1=2 Addition

1+1=x Creation.

X can equal anything. One frog plus one frog equals a ton of eggs. One human plus one human can make 1-8 kids.


First one. Antimatter collides with matter, they destroy each other.

One army fights another, one wins, other destroyed.

One apple and another equal two.

And then the frogs and human explanations.

So 1+1 doesn't always =2.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 11:18 PM
Here is a wonderful compilation of past deities whose stories are remarkably similar to that of the Jesus story. Is the Jesus story original, or just a rehash of an old story?

And there is another who claimed to be the Son of God....


Who was the Son of the highest God, and the biggest healer in Antiquity? He healed the sick and even raised the dead. Hear and behold: former paralysed walked again, the blind could miraculously see again, and the deaf could listen and the mute speak after the Masters gentle touch! But he did not only heal the body, he also healed the soul. They called him Saviour and Redeemer, and he healed both rich and poor, men and women, young and old, slaves and free men, friends and enemies. In one occasion a paralysed man was brough to him in his bed, and took his bed and left walking after the Saviour had touched him. What was this Saviour�s name?

� Asklepios.

Who was born by a mortal virgin mother and had a divine Father, and was known as the "Saviour of the world"? Before he was born his parents wandered to a bigger town, and prophets had foretold his birth and that he would be a king. This instigated a search for the infant Saviour by a leading figure who wanted to kill him. After growing up the Son of God was shown all the kingdoms of the world from a high mountain. He also walked on water and when he met his end his mother and his favorite disciple stood by him. He then tells his mother: "Do not cry, I�m going to heaven". When he dies he utter: "It is finished" and the earth trembles and darkness cover the land. Then he ascended to heaven, and his greatest achievement was to conquer death.

His name was of course...Hercules.

We all of course know the Redeemer who was no figure of pagan Greek polytheism. He was the true Saviour who wanted to help and save the sinful humans, by sacrificing himself. But he was willing to do this, out of love, pity and compassion for the humans.

His name:...Prometheus.

No, who was the real Son of God, born by a mortal virgin mother, and often presented as the venerated newborn infant, or depicted riding a donkey? He healed the sick and did numerous wonders, among those making fine wine from plain water. He was killed but resurrected from the dead and became immortal. The followers of this God often ate a holy meal in a kind of sacramental union with the deity to achieve immortality after their death. One of this god�s finest achievements was his death, his sacrifice, which delivers the whole human kind.

The God was the very popular Dionysos.

Who is the "Light of the World", the One, the God who defeated death? Born of a virgin mother, considered the first true King by the people. Who rose from the grave and ascended to heaven. He defeated death, and must be considered the single true God.

Of course the egyptian Osiris!

Now, the real God often called the "Light of the world", "The good shepherd", "The lamb" and is "�the way, the truth, and the life". Identified with a cross. Who could that be?

Horus, (the son of Osiris).

The original "Light of the world" was the mediator between God and man and was born on the of December. Local shepherds witnessed his birth and gave him gifts. He had 12 disciples, and when his work was done on earth he gathered together to a last supper, and then ascended to heaven. At doomsday he will return to pass judgment on both the living and the dead. The righteous will go to heaven and the sinful will be killed in a giant fire. Sunday is his holyday, and this religion gave us the seven days of the week. His followers called each other "brothers" and their leaders "fathers". They practiced babtism and established a sacred meal ritual, where flesh and blood was symbolically consumed by initiates. Above earth was heaven, and below the dark hell with demons and the sinners.

The �Light of the World� is of course the sungod Mithra.

Wise men were led to his birth by a star, and his conception was miraculous. After his birth the ruler in the area wanted him dead and started a hunt for the child. But his parents were warned by a heavenly messenger who told them to escape over the river with the holy child. Here, he was met by shepherds. The boy grew up and did many great deeds, and was the mediator between God and man.

His name: Krishna.

Who then, was the God whose mother was told by an angel that she would give birth to a holy child destined to be a Saviour? Even as a child he instructed the priests in the temple in religous matters, while his parents were looking for him. He started his religious career when he was ca 30 years of age, and surrounded himself with 12 disciples. One of the disciples is his favorite another is a traitor. He and his disciples abstain from wealth and travels around talking in parables and metaphors. This God called himself "Son of Man" and was referred to as "Prophet", "Master" and "Lord". He did many great wonders and healed the sick, blind could see again and deaf hear.
He also walked on water. When one of his disciples tried to do the same, he started to sink - his faith was not strong enough.

We are here obviously talking about Buddha.

Our Saviour cannot be mistaken for any other. He performed countless miracles on earth, miracles well attested to by bystanders. He healed the sick and the crippled, restored sight to the blind, cast out demons, and even raised the dead! His birth was of a virgin, foretold by an angel. While still a child, he exhibited extraordinary knowledge of religious scripture. He reformed the corrupt and worldly religions of his day. He was crucified, rose from the tomb and appeared to his disciples to prove to them his power over death, after which he ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. He was known as "the Son of God!" His message is of love and compassion.

We give you: Apollonius of Tyana*

And there is of course the God-man, the prophet, the founder of a great monotheistic religion that still exist today. He preached that there was only one true God, and his teachings focused on the eternal fight between good and evil. The teachings include the idea of the Saviour will wake the dead and pass judgment on all. The righteous ones goes to Paradise and the sinful straight to a burning Hell. The very word of Paradise stems from this religion. This semigod started his career in his early thirties, and had a following of disciples. As a band of monks they wandered around, preaching their religion. He was eventually killed and sent to heaven.

And he was the Persian Zarathustra.


posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by helen670
Supernatural...........1//of an order of existence outside the natural world.
2//Attributed to Divine power.

Yeh, now what?
Jesus Christ did have Divine power......and did so claim to be not of this world!!!
What are you trying to say?
I believe in the supernatural.......I did not ever say that the ''supernatural'' does not exist!
Power can come from evil as well as good......depending on what you ask for?

If i am wrong here helen, then i apologize. I just sensed an implication that Jesus being supernatural is ok because it is attributable to the Divine, yet anything else 'supernatural' is considered 'occult' and synonymous with/from Satan.

And i don't like that implication. Again, if i read into your earlier (page 1) statements wrong i apologize.
But it seemed as though you were saying all 'Witchcraft' (to use the term of the thread) is evil/wrong/bad unless Jesus is the person performing the witchcraft.

If Satan is responsible for 'occult' powers, wouldn't it make sense for God to endow certain individuals with the power to fight the 'bad witches'? Not just one guy, 2000 years ago, but up to and including the present?

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Ha! Helen is wrong, 1+1=0,1,2, and x.

1+1=0 Destruction.

1+1=1 Elimination

1+1=2 Addition

1+1=x Creation.

X can equal anything. One frog plus one frog equals a ton of eggs. One human plus one human can make 1-8 kids.


First one. Antimatter collides with matter, they destroy each other.

One army fights another, one wins, other destroyed.

One apple and another equal two.

And then the frogs and human explanations.

So 1+1 doesn't always =2.

AHA! Thank you James!

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 02:37 PM
When i was in college i was sitting and studying and i looked to the side and saw this kid..around my age at the time 19 and he was reading some looked really cool...old and dark..i observed him reading this for a couple of days..he seemed to be the quite loner day i asked him it was that he was said it was the book of satan..well...i really forgot what thier bibles it was satans bible...he seemed like an overall nice guy...he said he was preparing a spell to use on someone in his class..i really forgot why...but i think it was because he picked on him...i asked him if he was gonna use it to kill him..he looked at my oddly and said No...just something nasty...i talked to him more and asked more about satanism..i never knew much..and thought this would be a great chance to learn...from what he told me that beliving in satan was not good or evil..thiers evil christians. he said it was just a different way of life.....i have no idea what my point was..i forgot
....well.....from what i know...their is no good or evil with craft its just the way you choose to use your teachings....for good or evil

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 02:42 PM
Satanism is different than Witchcraft.

Satanists believe in the Biblical god and Satan. Witches don't.

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 02:49 PM
Oh......woops...well i really dont know to much about the topic, just though i would share my eccounter...but thanks for the info...i always thought that thier was a connection between the 2...does witchcraft go out of the boundires if religion..or is it its own religion?

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 08:26 PM
Wicca (witchcraft) is a completely seperate religion/belief structure then satanism and the 2 have nothing to do with each other

people saying Wiccans worship the devil is like saying Christians worship Buddha, it's a ridiculous statement

posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 12:34 PM
I do not practice witchcraft but I have studied about it and there is a difference between white (good) magic and black (bad) magic. For the most part white magic focusses on healing, good luck, and helping people. Black magic tends to focus on revenge, causing bad things to happen and hurting people.
The structural differences between a Christian prayer and a Wiccan spell are not as different as most would suspect. In a Christian prayer God is usually called on. In a Wiccan spell, a spirit or Goddess is uaually evoked.
In a Christian prayer, a request is made; the same goes for a Wiccan spell. The only real difference is the type of Diety being called on. But for that you have to ask yourself a few questions.
1) Is God all powerful?
2) If so, then what right do we have to say that he is
only what Christianity says he is?
3) If he is all powerful, then couldn't he choose to be
God, Goddess, Diety, or Spirit of all of the religions at
4) Couldn't the purposs for having more than one
religion in the world simply be a test of loyalty to God.
Could this be why the rules of one religion contradict
the rules of another? In other words, the rules don't
really mater, it is your loyalty to them that counts.

posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 12:41 PM
I noticed that most Christians seem to think that if you have the ability to see the future, manipulate energy, talk to ghosts that you are evil. This is a terrible mistake. If you believe that people were created by God, then you probably also believe that God endowed you with all of your strengths and all of your weaknesses. Having the affore-mentioned abilities is just another one of those strengths and weaknesses. If God gives you a gift, then you should use it to do good for others. A gift from God should never be viewed as evil and it most certainly should not go unused.

posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 10:14 PM
I agree about your gifts from God.

I am sure I have a good ability to know when something negitive is about and when I am in contact with my spiritguides and teachers,,,these are not bad experiences or feelings.

I have had a couple of encounters with not so pleasant beings and promplt asked them to leave..

Everyone has a gift or gifts. It is part of our physical state of being. That little gland in our head often referred to as the 3rd eye is our connection. That and actively seeking spirit will develop and expand your gifts.

Unfortunatly, most people won't even consider trying to discover their gifts because they are told it is evil.

That is so sad that they are denied the chance to be in true contact with spirit and GOD.


posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 10:29 PM
BTW, Phimes, wonderful post on "the son of God." Superb research.

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