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Zeitgeist .. The movie

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posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:26 PM
I watched this movie in 2008 and I give credit to it for my "awakening". It was very exciting, if not a bit scary, when I realized that almost everything I previously believed was built on lies. Since then I have recommended it to almost all of my friends, most of whom have also changed their view of the world. This movie is also responsible for my never ending thirst for conspiracal knowledge.

If not for this movie, I probably never would've found ATS much less became a member of this site that I now love so dearly. I may not participate in threads often, but rarely a day passes without me logging on to see what new info I can find. ATS has seriously become my main source for the latest news.

Edit to add: It's very strange or maybe coincidental that you started this thread today, I haven't thought about this movie in a long time but I was just thinking this morning about advising a friend of mine to watch it soon because we have been discussing the origin of Christianity. Recently, I have been studying and practicing the law of attraction, so maybe this isn't a coincidence after all. Hmmm...
edit on 1/10/2014 by SkyWatcher13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by SkyWatcher13

Hey skywatcher thanks for replying. Before I watched the film my eyes were pretty much open. My friends laughed at me when I started talking about different things. As I said on page 1 a friend had since apologised to me for laughing as it opened up his mind and eyes.

I accept that I can't just watch the film and say all of it's true. As others have said I need to look at some of the subjects mentioned and do my own research into them.

I found the film good because everything I've read on ats over the last 3 years, the movie placed it all neatly and I was able to understand a lot better.

With this thread I'm not trying to force people into watching it or start preaching everything I've seen on it and making up threads about the topics spoken. I don't have that kind of knowledge and that's why I need to research myself and get a better understanding. Also I just wanted people's opinions

For example the banking madness I never understood any of that, this filmed laid down the basics to start me off searching for other information

Anyway .. Thanks for your reply

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 10:28 PM
The first Zeitgeist filmed received much backlash due to religious related backlash. Cognitive dissonance, where an individual intentionally dismisses because it conflicts with their world view. It was revised about 3 times due to ambiguous wording, and now all of the information in the revised version is accurate with those citations, but how far does the rabbit hole go? Most things in life are based on hearsay and opinion from an opinion from an opinion. I can truthfully say that the research I've done on the film, has admittedly validated everything in its contents. There is nothing wrong with the film, only with the viewers, if they find something wrong.

I have done outlines on all 3 films and created scripts, and have researched everything in depth. The banking scandal is all true... "$1.00 in 1913 = $21.60 in 2007". Those inflation rates speak for themselves, depicting the horrors of Fractional Reserve Lending.

The third film is a bit idealistic, but nonetheless possible, within a few generations. We are on the wrong path though, and if people are as cynical as they are now, or continue to regress into this dark dismal state of ignorance as it is today, then we have no chance of seeing this prosperous future.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:43 PM

The first Zeitgeist filmed received much backlash due to religious related backlash.

This. Keep this in mind as you read criticisms of it.

For whatever errors may be in the film, do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. It is based, largely, off of Jordan Maxwell's work, but the concept of the Bible being the construct of man, rather than god, is not a new one and has been around long before there were typewriters, let alone the internet.

Much of the criticism stems from, not what is wrong with it, but what is right about it. It is these issues, that strike close to the truth, that generate a general vehement dismissal of the movie and need to criticize it on multiple levels.

Just as confident as some are that the Bible is the word of god, I am equally convinced that it is largely, if not entirely, a construct of man as a means of population control at the very least, much more insidious things at the very worst. The, umm, coincidences between Astrotheology and the Bible, especially the New Testament, are anything but. The sheer volume of them tells one this. Further, the Old Testament is a hodge podge collection of a few different cultural religions, complete with different gods (more than one name for god in the Bible - not an accident) from the same region.

This is the kind of stuff that shakes Western Civilization to its core. It will be vehemently attacked by anyone who has chosen to believe the Bible is the word of god, rather than what I think it to be.

Consider the fact that if that movie is only 15% accurate (I believe it to be far more accurate, in general, than 15%), that 15% is some pretty profound stuff, isn't it?

I, like plenty of others, think this is a path one needs to travel, namely a critical examination of the Bible, in the quest for the Truth. Just one of many paths, but a necessary piece of the puzzle to figure out what is really going on here on planet Earth, and who is responsible for it ...

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 01:10 PM
i just saw it, i got more from this in less time

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Indigent

Hey indigent sorry if your video was shorter and more easier to understand. I only made this thread about zeitgeist to see what others thought of it I do understand a 2 hour film can take it's toll

Briefly watched the video you posted (I've had to go out) and from what I saw it was a neat little film thanks for posting it

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 06:17 AM

reply to post by Pinke

Question for you Pinke would you say this was an ok video to watch or get others to watch so they start opening their eyes

Sorry I haven't replied sooner! Just busyness and distractedness and more busyness.

I've seen Zeitgeist make a few people drop their brains on the floor and start chasing it around in circles. Without proper studying and questioning it can make people zealous about possible truths in the same way sceptic magazine can make people judgemental and mundane in their thinking. It's just the other side of the coin.

I don't want to give haughty sounding advice, but I don't have much time today and I'm struggling with the words. So sorry if I come across badly

I suppose all am saying is, it's good you've found a piece of media that resonates with your sceptical friends, but just because you have your eyes open doesn't mean you're not missing things that are in plain view. I had a moment like this years ago when I first read Chariots of the Gods. I both love and loathe that book today. It started an amazing journey but also some embarrassing memories about how gullible I used to be!

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by ThePeaceMaker

In my opinion, this is propaganda to promote for a new type of society.
It mixes many facts with things that are simply untrue.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by arpgme

Hey arpgme thanks for your comment. Can I ask what you by this film is to try and create a new society ?

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 04:51 AM
Full of half-truths, alarmism, and outright propaganda... , very americanocentric (as if the world consists only of the US), perfectly suited for the US consumer... mention Zeitgeist here in Europe and you ll get a "bitch please"-look...
If anything, this movie further pushed conspiracy theories- and theorists into the far fringe corner, further discrediting them... smartest piece of COINTELPRO i ve seen in a while
edit on 17-1-2014 by Dynamitrios because: SATAN AND HITLER TOLD ME TO !!!!!111!!!111!!

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 04:58 AM
What interests me the most about Zeitgeist or Chariots of the Gods or The Illuminatus! Trilogy or The Matrix... whatever, is the all-too-human tendency to experience the ecstatic moment of epiphany-enlightenment and then start an all new evangelizing process, fervently replacing the old status quo with a new one.

The value of such movies and books SHAKE US LOOSE from our previously-held cultural indoctrinations.

Those who are not ready to be shaken loose at all then react violently and predictably to this process (witness the rabid debunkers that crop up around every 'revolutionary' work-along with reasonable critics).

Those not ready to "stay loose" then adopt whatever radical ideas as the new "Ultimate Truth."

To me, the real lesson here is the ancient advice of the Delphic Oracle: "know thyself."

Use the process to learn how you learn and unlearn things. What are beliefs? How are they propagated? What are the differences between beliefs and facts? (That is often a very hard question to answer objectively.)

When we view these things as parts of a process, or steps along a path, I think we can all relax a bit and just let each other be ... but then, I'm just one of those hippy-go-lucky-universal-rights-of-humanity kind of people.

edit on 5Fri, 17 Jan 2014 05:09:46 -060014p052014166 by Gryphon66 because: yeap, yeap yeap yeap

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 06:33 AM

The value of such movies and books SHAKE US LOOSE from our previously-held cultural indoctrinations.

I adore your post! It really speaks to me on some levels.

Chariots of the Gods did indeed lead me to questioning a lot of my indoctrinated values and completely altered my approach to truth seeking in the long term. Thank you for putting this experience into words for at least tiny Pinke.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 07:03 AM
When you receive a ton of backlash for something you have done. You must be on to them.

I absolutely love the Zeitgeist films. As everyone finds out, there's a bunch of conjecture and comparisons made in the movie that academia hasn't accepted.

I say Jesus may have never existed, I wasn't there, so I don't know the answer. I do enjoy showing part I to friends that are overly religious.

We are sun worshipers, always have been, always will be.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 07:23 AM
Here's a good analysis about the movie from a skeptic's point of view:

Zeitgeist: The Movie

Sure it's from Cracked, but considering the subject matter, at least Cracked cites its sources.

ETA: I haven't seen the movie so I haven't formed an opinion on its veracity, just thought I'd interject that there is another side to the story.
edit on 17-1-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

Cheers Krazy gives me something to read while I'm in hospital lol

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:27 AM
Zeitgeist was valuable to me because it made me think and it made me do research to find out if they were telling the truth.

What I found was that, obviously, they were making a presentation with a thesis, and facts were used to promote that thesis.

In some areas, things aren't quite as definite as they'd like you to believe, but, if you notice, they ask a lot of seemingly open-ended questions that really only have one answer. (That tactic is used quite commonly in debate.)

I think the movie may have made part of a whole generation start to think "wait a minute, does that make sense?"

Which is more valuable than ten films that just regurgitate agendas.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 10:33 PM

Here's a good analysis about the movie from a skeptic's point of view:

It is a world full of opinions, Krazysh0t, and that is obviously yours, to which I take no offense. However, I take great exception to your describing that as a good analysis of the movie. It was, IMO, nothing resembling such.

ETA: I haven't seen the movie so I haven't formed an opinion on its veracity, just thought I'd interject that there is another side to the story.

If you haven't seen the movie, how can you make a judgement on the quality of the article you linked to?

Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater. If there are some identifiable flaws in that movie, it DOES not negate the concept, nor the MANY, MANY, MANY other sources of the same type of information that you can find.

Unlike the Cracked article incorrectly implied, Zeitgiest IS NOT an original thought process of Joseph, and many of the concepts presented were around before anyone reading this post was born ...

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 10:53 PM

Full of half-truths, alarmism, and outright propaganda... , very americanocentric (as if the world consists only of the US), perfectly suited for the US consumer... mention Zeitgeist here in Europe and you ll get a "bitch please"-look...
If anything, this movie further pushed conspiracy theories- and theorists into the far fringe corner, further discrediting them... smartest piece of COINTELPRO i ve seen in a while
edit on 17-1-2014 by Dynamitrios because: SATAN AND HITLER TOLD ME TO !!!!!111!!!111!!

Well, since I am, according to you, on the fringe and discredited, I am curious as to examples you care to provide to support your apparently confident assessment? I 'm not demanding, how 'bout instead of a complete dissection, you provide three examples each of:

1. Half-truth
2. Alarmism
3. Outright propaganda

After all, you said a 2 hour movie was FULL of this stuff, so it ought to only take you a minute or two to support your blanket assertion.

"Bitch, please," ? You're from Europe, eh? And now, apparently, this film is 'made for us dumb, arrogant Americans'; whereas a across the pond, ya'll too sharp to believe any of that nonsense, eh? I don't know what to tell ya, it is US dollar bills and US guns that are all over the world, not the French Franc and the French Foreign Legion building military bases in foreign countries and occupying them which this movie was talking about. Talking about these facts is not Ameriocentric - it is reality.

Well, this arrogant, easily duped US consumer would like to help you out. You are using the American phrase, 'bitch, please' incorrectly.

No worries, simple translation thing. What you need to do is turn to that little German wench calling herself a Windsor and say, "Bitch! Please! We're done with you and this charade of Christianity that you and the Vatican have used to steal, rob, rape and kill us". Start with her. She is only the tip of the iceberg ...
edit on 20-1-2014 by RedFunfzhen because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-1-2014 by RedFunfzhen because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-1-2014 by RedFunfzhen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 10:56 PM
Look up the definition of Zeitgeist it explains it pretty well.

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