Physicists have demonstrated the existence of six types of quarks, but in terrestrial matter found only the two lightest quarks exist. These are the
Up and Down quarks that make up the proton ( uud ) and the neutron ( udd ) . Particles that contain heavier quarks , as strange quark ( quark S ) can
be produced by accelerators .
Measurements made by Chandra on the star RX J1856.5-3754 and 3C58 pulsar located in the remains of a supernova that exploded in 1181 suggest that this
is the first strange stars ever observed.
Now a neutron star is the result of the collapse of a supernova of type II or Ib The precise nature of the superdense matter existing in the core of a
neutron star is not yet well known. Some researchers call this neutronium substance which could contain a mixture of superfluid neutrons , electrons
and protons . Other particles, such as pions or kaons , may also be present, but now , this has been neither confirmed nor contradicted by
observations .
When a massive neutron star is subjected to sufficient pressure caused by the gravity of the star, neutron collapse, releasing the quarks that
compose it, thus forming the strange matter . The star becomes a strange star . The strange matter is composed of quarks up, down and strange
interconnected directly , similar to the connections between neutrons in the neutronium , this strange star then becomes a kind of unique and gigantic
nucleon. A strange star is located halfway between the neutron star and black hole, both in terms of the mass in terms of density, and if enough
material is added to a strange star , it will collapse on itself to become a BH. A neutron star diameter is approximately 20 km but a strange
star’s about 11 km . The diameter of the star RX J1856.5 - 3754 was estimated at 11.2 kilometers , making it the first strange star ever
To add some doom porn to this thread I would also like to say that a fun aspect of strange matter is that it is a very effective way to destroy the
Earth. Indeed , If we succeed in producing a stable strange quark in a particle accelerator, there would be simply to wait , and gradually the whole
earth material would collapse on the strange quark to end up in a little ball of strange matter , an inch in diameter ... Funny, is it not?
Pardon my French.
edit on 42014Wednesdaypm131Wed, 08 Jan 2014 16:54:59 -0600America/Chicagov54 by Golantrevize because: (no reason given)