posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 12:44 AM
Yup, because everything is fine all over the world. Rainbows and unicorns abound.
There are no problems, the government, local, federal, crown, state, city. village governments have your best interest at heart, and wish to do
nothing but cater to your every whim on bubble-wrapping and duct taping anything dangerous that might harm you, your children. They believe that
everyone should have a catered life, where they are the only ones you need to rely on.
It's safe, because they say so. If there's a problem, just call the police.
You don't need privacy, share everything with us, you have no reason to hide.
Trust our mandates, laws, and edicts. It's for your own benefit and good, we know whats best for you.
Don't get angry with us, we know better then you how to manage your life.
/sarc off..
I understand his anger, and i am across the pond.
I'm glad to see you all are happy with being slaves to a system that does not benefit US, OUR children, OUR family, OUR wealth or OUR way of life.
Heck, it's doesn't have to benefit US, but sadly, it's not even FAIR to US. WE ARE LESS THEN CATTLE..
But that is ok. It's good to be complacent, bunny-hugging pacifists that will never rise up against those that care not one iota about us, or for
us.. We feed their machine, and that is ALL they care about..
So go on, keep drinking the kool-aid. Keep trying to change things with votes, and peaceful protest. Continue to whine on the internet. Continue to
quip at the local pub about getting pooched.
Apparently we are too stupid to take back that which is ours.