posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 05:02 AM
I was thinking about how to develop a system of world government that was not capable of being corrupted, and worked for the benefit and health of the
planet as a whole..
One of the significant factors of what makes a government corruptible is that there is no transparency in how it operates or who is operating it.
Maybe, that should be the first sign of corruption - that a government is trying to hide from you its internal workings, who exactly is operating it,
and for what reasons.
The idea of Open Source came to mind.
In software development, Open Source is a development model where the Source Code is available for viewing to the general public.
From Wiki - "Generally, open source refers to a computer program in which the source code is available to the general public for use and/or
modification from its original design. Open-source code is typically created as a collaborative effort in which programmers improve upon the code and
share the changes within the community. Open source sprouted in the technological community as a response to proprietary software owned by
So if we applied this idea to developing a software program that will operate and govern our Earth - then it can be characterized by the following:
1 - The open source for this program should be viewable by the general public, or by elected officials (elected within the program) on a regular
2 - The operation of the program should include - forum discussion and debate to propose agendas. The agendas should come out of forum discussion and
debate on the ultimate purpose of humanity, or worthy objectives for humanity (or of all life on the Earth,i.e. Earth as a whole system).
3 - People of influence can be elected out of qualifications which can be available for all people to view (something like an online bio or resume),
as opposed to our current system which is highly influenced by cronyism and financial contribution.
The people of influence, depending on their category of expertise, can determine the structure of the program, through public debate, as well as take
part in proposing and approving agendas.
People can gain influence similar to something like how people receive stars or flags on this site to express their approval for someone.
4 - The general public, i.e. individuals, can post their own resources and skills that they are willing to contribute to worthy, proposed agendas and
Of course I haven't worked out the details..
I welcome anyone to add their own ideas on how this can work.
But I think the great benefit of such a system would be that -
1. It will be a transparent government - since anyone (or elected individuals) can view the source code on a regular basis to make sure it is not
2. Forums, debates, and agendas/objectives for humanity - will be available for all to view and witness, or to take part in through some voting
3. People who run for election, or for positions of influence, can be evaluated based on actual qualification and worthiness, since their bios and
resumes will be available for all to see. Since forums, debates, and agendas/objectives for humanity will take place online, elected people of
influence can be much more numerous, numbering in the thousands. Elected people of influence can have varying degrees of influence based on worldwide
approval ratings.
Anyway, these are some of the ideas I came up with.
The objective is to develop an uncorruptible software program that will run the world.
It can even run concurrently with current government, while being developed, and eventually take over due to worldwide public approval.
It can fund agendas by the system I mentioned - where individuals list finances, resources and/or skills they are willing to contribute to any
particular proposed agenda and thus gain autonomy within the current existing government.
I welcome anyone to add to, or criticize these ideas.