posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 11:03 PM
I honestly didn't know where to put this thread, I'm so lost since I came back on, I used ot have a nice groove to work in and a nice rhythm, heck
DToM can tell you I've been kinda all over the place in the past few months, just here sorta..
Which brings me to the subject matter.
Dystopian Narratives and How I learned to Stop Caring.
I am a self admitted science fiction fan, the very first book i ever read was SciFi, A World out of Time by Larry Niven... I work currently in my
spare time doing CGI work for two Star Trek productions, I am glad to count people that have acted in the shows as friends (John Savage is a hoot but
I'll get to him another time) and I generally watch SciFi TV (not the channel per-say but the genre)
I started watching Revolution last year, I admit I love the show, it's Dystopian. BattleStarGalactica (I have quite a few friends that worked on it
so I thought I'd watch it, the new one, not the old one) It's VERY Dystopian in it's overtones.. Movies, The Hunger Games, again a very bleak
Dystopian Future being pushed upon us.. Why though? Why don't they want us to see a Trek like show where the future is bright and while not 100%
perfect, we get a long and we work together for a better future? (Oh I forgot Defiance, another Dystopian show)
Question.. Quick, short, succinct.
Answer.. I came to the answer last night, and it really upset me, they are preparing us for this type of bleak, fight to survive future because they
know that's what's coming, not through some engineered economic collapse, not through World War Three, or nanomachines turning off the power, but
through ourselves and the way humanity is "evolving"
I have autistic children, and I don't' think of them as disabled, but evolved, another step on the latter, or a sideways lurch so to speak. They
keep me grounded, and seeing life and the world through their eyes is frankly fascinating and I could write a book about it, but they even see it with
people, the general everyday people on the street, people that don't really think too much anymore, it's all just instinct.
When is the last time you saw half the people that you run into daily walking down the street just stand in the middle of the sidewalk and say hmmm,
"today is a day I'm going to do something good for another.." HA you don't.. .The everyone for themselves dam the world attitude is what's going
to decimate our civilization, not war or engineered chaos..
Think about it, if you have say 4 billion people just walking around on nothing but instinct and suddenly the rules change or they get pushed off the
path, you're going to have a lot of scared, and angry people, but they know not at what so it lashes out at everyone around them, cue societal
Human instinct is to protect self, family, possessions (sometimes for some not in that order) give the people a bg enough catalyst and you're not
going to need Martial Law you're going to need a huge pandemic or something.. people are programmed NOT to care, NOT to help, NOT to be there for
others, it's sad, btu that's what's going on now, everything we read, see, watch or hear, is showing us that the future sucks, like in the here and
now, damn the consequences because in 10 years time you'll be in a gulag making gruel for your former neighbors..
I care, I help anyone I can anytime and anywhere, yeah I have a hairtrigger temper (ask Springer i've had to beg forgiveness from him on more than
one occasion) but more and more i'm seeing "get out of my way" as the attitude of the day..
It's just sad and I can't expend energy caring anymore about all of the people that refuse to see that an act of kindness , no matter how small
could change another's world in ways that would wake em up and stop running on instinct alone.
Intinct alone is what got us here, let's break that mold..and care again.
Thanks for letting my vent out, been on my mid for a while.