posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by peaceblaster
So hypothetically in order to rid all dimensions of Hitler, you'd need to go back to that moment before all the different time lines skewed
off and eliminate him all together. I made this really crude graphic to show what I mean..
You couldn't rid Hitler if you are aware of Hitler, his role is playing out in every possible quantum state, of course that's if Everett Wheeler
model is correct.... While trying to kill Hitler you would only create more world lines for him to exist, but at the same time you may save and give
life to millions of new people....hypothetically.... Movie scenario, what if Hitler didn't exist in our world... would you exist. If you eliminate
Hitler you might be eliminating your family and friends....
There are constants as you say... for example a cosmic impact that has set it's course towards earth, we can not stop certain mass extinction
events.... but I bet we could prevent or delay WW3...
But, can we reach or even observe these realities? Could slipping into R.E.M. sleep and/or kicking in our pineal gland make it so that we can
see beyond the veil and into the possibilities that are out there
Yes.... you are observing one already, and probably many more that you are not aware of. At this moment scientist are searching for that holy grail
to peek into other realities/worlds.... consciously.
I'd say consciousness can collapse into reality.... our thoughts are composed of energy, we are constantly releasing thought particles into the
quanta universe. Your dreams and thoughts can create world lines etc.... Manifestation is very real, you can choose to be the passenger or the
driver of destiny. I believe you can tap into other worlds by thought alone, as well those worlds can tap into our thoughts.