posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 03:20 PM
So Like it feels like lately i can't sleep, but usually i fall asleep around 11 am and get like 3 hours missing important appointments
but today!!
the last day of 2013 i get a call from the bank about fraudulent activity on my debit card. I am so pissed
So now I have to call them to verify that they indeed did call me to "inform" me of fraud on my card. Not only is it suspicious, they KNOW its fraud
and were notified by the "authoritays". WTH so with the bank closed for new years, I can't get any money!! so bogus.
did this happen to any of you? i put target because they are in the news and my bank is bofa but I haven't shopped at target with this debit card
that I know of. I am just imagining that like 50 million americans are without their credit or debit card for the new years because of this. what
all over a 10 dollar charge! I couldn't even accept the charge and keep my debit card!! basically they were notifying me that my card was canceled.
I've had problems like this with the bank in the past. I think they need to rethink how they handle fraudulent activities like this. Especially when
its the holidays and they bank is closed, now I have to wait 7-10 days for a new card. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
end rant
ps. I know this must be some kind of sick psyop, perpetuated by twisted psychos.