posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by lacrimoniousfinale
"What a thoroughly miserable set of events to have to endure at Christmas (or any other) time. A few points that come to mind, in no particular
Exactly my sentiments!
" * You need to seek legal advice from a solicitor, not the members of ATS (no disrespect to the latter intended), unless they are genuinely
qualified to give it."
I'm sure my aunt will do exactly that as soon as she returns from Israel this week, the information I seek here is more for my own peace of mind.
"* Ditch the care company immediately. I'm sure they are within their rights to remove their care, but you are entitled to remove your custom."
Easier said than done i'm afraid they still require care and it takes time to change company but its definitely in the pipeline.
"* Write to the Chief Executive and Communications Director of the care provider, suggesting that this may make an interesting story for your local
TV and newspapers, then sit back and wait for instant resolution."
Thanks that's sound advice, cheers!
"* No-one is going to have the dog put down."
I know that buddy, I would put them down first! And there was no suggestion of this in the first place, the dog only barked at them.
"Don't give in, and best of luck. This is a situation that could and should have been much better handled by the care provider."
Think of it this way, if that was some poor mentally disabled child they were filming it could quite easily have be construed as kiddie porn. Someone
is going to answer for this, by hook or by crook!