posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi
Discussed, yes. Hypothesis presented, yes. Explanation found and proven? No!
See, there's the disconnect. The dataset is flawed, but that's apparently not something you can debate. You keep trying to twist this back to
political or
ad hominem arguments. It's not about someone making a claim that I am repeating. It's about the assertion I made, by myself,
using scientific reasoning, based on your link:
the dataset is admittedly flawed.
As far as FoxNews is concerned, I haven't seen an episode in, what? Around ten years now. They're too opinionated. I tired easily of O'Reilly's
constant browbeating of his targets using his "No-Spin" but well-twisted agenda. I tired even easier of Hannity's self-aggrandizing attitude and
condescending questions. I'm not even sure they are still on the air, and if not, who replaced them. So you'll have to find another stick to beat
that dead horse with. Sorry to bust up an otherwise perfectly good canned response.
I don't watch any news shows about science, as a matter of fact. After the Great Global Warming Debacle (call it GGWD for short; I'm gonna start
using that) I simply don't trust the media to know an atom from a cabbage plant. Instead I read scientific journals for my science info. Any links I
use are quick searches made on the spur of the moment for supporting sites others can read. The info is all in my mind before I post.
As for Al Gore... well, what can I say? The bumbler decided to play scientist to pad his wallet with carbon credit profits and fell flat on his face.
I laughed so hard at "An Inconvenient Truth" that my sides were hurting halfway through; it should have been labelled a comedy. If the rest of the
GGWD supporters had let him fall on his face all by himself, he wouldn't be the unofficial spokesman for the GGWD. But, instead, the Global Warming
advocates at the time hailed him as some sort of scientific brain and a hero to the cause. Now they get to sleep in the bed they made.
Nice tries though.