I've been looking around for good indie games to play next year and thought I might share a few of my favorites I've come across. I mainly like RTS,
RPG and FPS but not exclusively.
It's an old game with dated graphics, but the game-play is unique. (understatement!) It's basically a video game version of the move 'Castaway',
complete with your very own Wilson. (no ice skates though, thankfully...) It's completely free, always has been and always will - and same for the
sequel that's been in development for over a year now.
There's 3 indies I'll add, I have strange taste in games:
Prison Architect:
super fun and simple clean graphics with really good AI and gameplay, besides it's prison.
Don't Starve:
Very clean design, graphics, and gameplay. Makes you do the wrong things yet you keep wanting to try again, it's really a surreal survival simulator
with stylized feel.
This game is oldschool taken to a different place, and is just weird
edit on 25-12-2013 by Aliquandro because: (no reason given)
edit on 25-12-2013 by Aliquandro because: (no reason