The candidates at ALL levels need to be selected differently. The last people we should have running things are the ones who step forward and WANT to
run things.
There is a solution - politicians should be RANDOMLY selected, like jury duty, at ALL levels.
So for Mayor of some dinky town, maybe we randomly select 3 from each party, 6-18 months prior to election.
NO, and I mean NO donations are allowed. Newspaper, Radio & TV time is donated equally to each.
Eventually 2 front runners emerge, due to either a candidate declining or exhibiting ideas contrary to the given group of voters. The incumbent would
have been elected in the same manner the previous cycle, and can run ONCE more if he/she so chooses. Those who serve are paid 20% above their current
private sector salary, and their jobs are held for them by law.
All of them, Mayor, Senator, Congress, Judges, and President. National offices like President would start with some number from EACH party, from EACH
State. The more important offices would naturally need to draw from a larger set, with alternates.
I am not sure how to handle "life" offices like the Supreme Court, but these offices that have the expectation of law experience would still be open
to all - with the ability to engage law consultants for a set non-lucrative fee. I think we all have our opinions on court case decisions - and most
people could probably do better than some decisions I have seen posted on this board.
We need to get the money out of this system. Government should NOT be a career choice. Supreme Court Justices are supposed to be for life, but WTF I
guess Senator, Congress, Town Supervisor and all the rest sure seem to be that way too. It should be SERVICE. Brief SERVICE. All these guys we have
now are bought and paid for by whoever put them there with MONEY. They don't vote their conscience, they inflict decisions on us that enrich those who
made the donations that added up to 1 BILLION $ in the last Prez election.
Why even vote???????? Let's just give the freakin' job to WHOEVER RAISES THE MOST MONEY. Then at least we'll save some taxpayer money that is wasted
on the whole voting charade BS.
It will probably never happen, we can see how the current batch cling to power.
We'll at least get a better variety of egomaniacal control freaks this way.....
edit on 23-12-2013 by supamang because: missed a word