The "X-men Origins: Wolverine" when it was released with Hugh starring in 2009, wasn't that good.
It seems your question has been answered but IMO, Origins dropped the ball.
The problem is H-wierd keeps adapting these comic stories for modern cinema fans and not the fans of the original comics. They don't hold true to the
original storylines and always seem to lose the edge that made them superior stories to begin with.
Logan shouldn't have been a match for The Blob...he was someone for Colossus to deal with traditionally.
You don't make Deadpool a mime.
Most of the other mutants were kinda pointless except Sabretooth.
The movie company should have been spanked for hiring Ryan Reynolds and Wyclef...what were they thinking?
The ending was convoluted.
The raw release was leaked online before any SPFX were added and THAT didn't help the movie any.
Wolverine's lifting capacity was estimated somewhere in the 500-750lbs range...still within normal human why was he throwing a speeding
motorcycle at a helicopter using only his legs?
I could keep going but I think you get the idea.
One of the worst "mutant" movies to date IMO.
Even THIS guy makes a better Deadpool:
But since this IS a Wolverine thread...
edit on 22-12-2013 by Eryiedes because: Typo
edit on 22-12-2013 by Eryiedes because: Typo
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22-12-2013 by Eryiedes because: Addition
edit on 22-12-2013 by Eryiedes because: More Observations
edit on 22-12-2013
by Eryiedes because: Added Link
edit on 22-12-2013 by Eryiedes because: Last Links...Promise!
Thank you for replying. I too thought it was so mediocre it was close to being a senseless movie. Like they could have written it better and put a few
more $$ into it.
Regarding "Origins", I see now I wasn't alone with my opinion, and Im glad after 2009, I didn't bother renting it again. Would have been a couple
hours and dollars of a waste of my time.
I was watching this yesterday with my son. I said that they could put out a Wolverine movie about him on laundry day and this movie confirmed that.
What a piece of crap. I'm mighty glad we got this one from the library. Hate to have spent ANY money on this.