posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 04:01 PM
Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander
Originally posted by Bout Time
We have two stolen elections in a row, with a sizable portion of the country willfully blind to it, another more sizable chunk completely
disenfranchaised and the last portion oblivious, yet poorer & sicker none the less.
No to consecutive terms, but if you have a president, like Clinton, who reversed the destructive policies of the previous 12 years prior to his first
term, why not take him in 2004 or 2008, should he muster the votes?
People actually knowing what they're getting? Good god, can't have that, can we!?!?
Hmmm, proof of a "stolen election"? If the election wears a blue dress, maybe...
I like the spin.
Saying things like "stolen", "oblivious", and "blind" when referring to the fact that democrats lost and continue to cry about it, certainly
helps the credibility. I guess you're right. BJ Bill is just a Saint of Leadership (among interns anyway) despite the fact that he lied to the world
over and over and over and got caught.
Zed, I don't think you could part the curtain of dingleberries wide enough to extract your head so you can see proof; so why ask for what's been
vetted on ATS? It's there, and since my prose gets your tights in a bunch, you can look to several others who've made analogous arguments. But, Zed
( you should have put a 'Z' on Dean Cain's chest!
) , when the heck will a conspiracy be acknowledged as valid by the very entity that's
enabled it!?!? Is a GOP Congress, Supreme Court, and two GOP State Secretaries who were State GOP Co-Chairs & Executive branch going to blow the
whistle on getting their boy in the top seat? Or, are things like the
14th Amendment going to be used in a twisted & contorted way to bring
"closure" to things? You see, being one of the champions of the
willfully blind, I'm sure 2000 & 2004 will go down for you as a few
'hiccup' level anomalies on the way to the "better man winning".
"Continuing to Cry about it" - WOW! That's just an adorable piece of nonsense ! I want to pinch it's cheeks and make cooing noises! Forget
THOUSANDS of Bush votes being tabulated in an area with 800 registered voters! Forget that several counties in Florida, all above 85% registered
Democrat, were won by Bush by a substantial margin!
As for the dispersion on President Clinton, sure, fixate on his penis and a married man lying about infidelity; since it, of course, was the first
time in recorded history that sort of thing occurred. History has already recorded his turn around of the US economy, and record numbers in job
creation + welfare decrease + poverty decrease, after 12 years of failed Republican oligarchy. Four years of Bush has only enhanced that further.