posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 05:23 PM
The spelling thing brings me back to an idea I had years ago.
I think there should be a standardization of the English language.
Those of us who learned it as a first language take it for granted, but it's a difficult language to learn because it is very rarely spelled how it
sounds. Notice how the kid put a Z for actual Z sounds.
Germany standardized their language into high German over 100years ago so nationwide kids would learn a simple (mostly) phonetic language that could
be understood all over the country. Dialects still exist, but they are not taught in schools regionally anymore.
I think kids could focus on other more important things and excel much faster if they had a standardized language.
I'll use Finnish for an example because It's one language I know that all of its thousands of words, there are only TWO words in the whole language
not pronounced EXACTLY as they are spelled.
Nyt on hyvä tilaisuus hinnoitella oma auto helposti ja jättää se vaikka myyntiin, nimittäin Hintalaskurin käyttö nyt joulukuun ajan
In the above sentence, every single time you see a certain letter, it is pronounced EXACTLY one way
A is always 'ahh'
E is always 'eh'
I is always 'ee'
etc etc and the accented letters are also ALWAYS pronounced just one way.
American kids aren't dumb, but our absolutely silly language that spells so many words nothing like they're pronounced makes it so our kids are
still struggling with ENGLISH many years into school. Finnish kids don't struggle with spelling past elementary school, while in English nations
plenty of adults can't spell worth a damn (and aye don't blaem them when nuthing iz speled laik it soundz!!)
Just the 'great vowel shift' that turned Danish/low-english into middle English is absolutely retarded
I mean WTF are all these "E"s doing on the end of words supposedly making the earlier vowel sound "hard"... LOL wut? :
Liek became Like
Faet became Fate