posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 02:35 PM
The Beast of the Apocalypse, is perhaps not good enough for God, but is still what we’re left with until Europa gives birth to a line of kings
founded on science and progress and not economy and politics. The Beast is the fake Jesus stories still hitting the worlds bestseller lists, completed
with videos and TV shows, and the kingdoms of Europe, Babylon’s the holy Church and there’s nothing real new. Tracing their royal lineages back to
all the ancient powers of the Bible, the European kingdoms are using a wide variety of totems in their heraldry and insignia to make us know who or
what they are; lions, dragons, leopards, unicorns, sheep, bears, eagles you name it. Beasts. They are in control of- or “own” several currencies,
they force us to adhere to laws and rituals in order to be a respectful citizen, like paying taxes and suffer prison if you don’t, or being drafted
for the army, complete with a lion in gold or similar sowed onto your hat, while being taught the Beast’s (read: politic’s) favorite ultimatum;
war. Which is politics, only the other way around, with expensive cruise missiles and oblivion instead of cheap lies and compromise. You salute to
your king or anyone higher in rank than yourself, by raising your right hand to your forehead. If you do such a thing, you are bound to be sent to
Hell, read: War, if you are needed. So, do as the Booke says and draw aside the veil. What the Apocalypse call Beast is Politics, and the ultimate
consequence of politics— War, or the Sea of Fire if you like. Sorry for letting the dragon out in your back yard like that, but we're basically
lost between a rolling rock and a hard place. We fell from grace before we were born, and all we have is an image of a sparkling city far ahead with
pearly gates and miles wide crystals for bricks.