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Ted Rice, Karla Turner, Sandy Hook, the Digression of Humanity, and EXISTENTIAL TRUTH

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posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 10:24 PM
Dr. Karla Turner was a prominent UFO Abduction/Government researcher who co-wrote "Masquerade of Angels" with Louisiana-born psychic Ted Rice. All of Dr. Turner's books are available here:

It is a commonly held conviction that she was murdered with reverse-engineered cancer-healing technology that originated within Skunkwork's deep black divisions.

Ted Rice, aside from popping up on a UFO forum in 2011 (, has been in "hiding" since Dr. Karla Turner's death.

It would be amazing if a discussion could begin regarding "Masquerade of Angels".

All evidence points to the fact that Dr. Turner and her close associates are legitimate sources whom accurately describe the context of modern existence, even if it is done from what is commonly perceived as the fringe.

In "Masquerade of Angels", Mr. Rice gives us the low down on the human soul. It is meticulously described as a force that can be manipulated by technology and has nothing to do with good/bad or heaven/hell. Mr. Rice's descriptions are anecdotal but heavily corroborated by the abduction-research community.

Let's assume his descriptions are accurate.

What the government and especially various alien-entities fear is that the human populous at large will come to see reality as it is. DEVOID OF INHERENT MEANING OR SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE. This could lead to an organized meta-physical resistance.

That resistance could take many forms.

The most feared version is MASS suicide in order to overwhelm the EBEs that manage the soul-recycling (not to do with Karma) process. While it is unlikely that such a resistance would succeed, the disincorporation of so many souls at once could create significant problems for the Earth-Plane MATRIX.

For those of you who know about these issues, how many of you know of this book "Masquerade of Angels"?, what do you know about Ted Rice?, and what implications are presented by the idea that the soul is easily manipulated with advanced technology?

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 11:18 PM
It's interesting to note that some of the symptoms of having brain tumors can and may involve delusions of the sorts many describe in abduction experiences.

It's also interesting to note that abduction experiences can be replicated artificially in the lab, indicating these experiences are entirely subjective/internal, a product of the mind.

We then get the Chicken and Egg argument; are the Abduction Experiences entirely subjective delusions resulting from tumors, or, are the Tumors a result of these supposed experiences?

Considering that we can replicate abduction experiences artificially, and we know that tumors can result in these sorts of delusions, likelihood resides more with the former than the latter.

As far as "soul harvesting" excuses go and such, it stands to reason in observing response and adherence to religious mythologies and even subcultures like the Vampire subculture that were there any such creature, alien, whatever, Hundreds of Millions of people, if not Billions would gladly submit to submission for any and every sort of empty promise, especially if accompanied with a little showmanship.

edit on 12/14/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

This is an incredible and untrustworthy reply. To claim that the abduction phenomenon is due to brain tumors or is founded in anomalous medical symptoms just goes along with low-brow misinformation theories that are based on suspicions and fears.

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 12:26 AM


posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 01:43 AM
Interesting perspective to think about, btw this sounds quite familiar to 90th movie calld Dark city, its similiar to matrix movie and theory also.

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 05:23 AM

Considering that we can replicate abduction experiences artificially, and we know that tumors can result in these sorts of delusions, likelihood resides more with the former than the latter.

I have not seen evidence of this. Can you point me to a good link?

I have read some regarding Persinger's work and the many descriptions of subjects, which are truly bizarre and sometimes verged into sense of entities or so on, but nothing like the actual experiences of so-called abductees I'd take seriously.

And I did see a show once that was featuring Persinger's work; the particular subject was a young male, a college student. Grinning in shared-conspiracy with the camera, he ASSURED us that he was AT THAT MOMENT having an experience of grey aliens. Yeah.... right.

This was so ludicrous it made me completely distrust the process as any legit inquiry after that, never mind anything you could call scientific by any stretch. In any psychological experiment, expectations make reporting of subjects highly suspicious. I think once the subject-pool for Persinger's work got some idea of what was going on, the already-subjective nature of it all became inherently biased.

Add that to the fact that as his research has gone over the years, long before anybody 'claimed aliens' -- when it was nothing more than 'I sense a presence' or bizarre stuff like 'I can feel my left leg crawling up the wall!' (?!) -- onlookers were claiming that his subjects were "encountering aliens" and such.

Now, if this pre-set paradigm (present long before anybody actually claimed that even, which is yet a third reason to distrust (the overall expectations + subjectiveness + apparent-desire-for-this-to-be-so) were to be used in a positive way, that is to say, "Perhaps this experience, which appears to be spontaneous for some, drug-induced (like south american plants) for some, and--perhaps--magnetic-brain-effects induced for others, indicates a 'doorway' in the brain to perceiving something which might have some degree of legitimacy but which our ordinary brain operation makes us oblivious to" -- that might actually make it a useful start to further inquiry.

Instead it is mostly used by people who as a pre-set bias don't want to believe in consciousness whatever, to simply dismiss the entirety of every possible report of interaction -- whether mental or physical -- of humans with anyone else, because allegedly, "aw they can make that all happen in the lab so therefore it's all a brain-problem, ergo biologically- delusional." I think that is using possibly bad science in the possibly worst way to shut down any intelligent inquiry into human experience, by just pre-explaining it all away with a hand-wave instead.

Nicely making a doorway for inquiry into a tombstone for inquiry instead.


Regarding the OP: perception is a capacity. Interpretation is a multi-level psychological function. You can perceive things on a somewhat greater level than "ordinary" senses and yet have no capacity for perceiving what is divine. This may lead some people to theorize that there is nothingness, emptiness, pointlessness. This is their drama. It's real for them apparently. It's not real for everyone else. Believing in a meaningless existence is as much a paradigm as believing in the pastafarian gods.

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 02:13 PM
The idea that the abduction phenomena (there are hundreds of thousands of victims around the world) is an internal brain dysfunction manifesting common symptoms or culturally bound is ludicrous and has no founding. To claim that this is the case without presenting the evidence is an empty argument. Anybody who suggests this is highly unlikely to have taken the time to explore this phenomena.

The most well-known psychologist who longitudinally studied the alien abduction phenomenon was Harvard professor Dr. John E. Mack (read Passport to the Cosmos). This is as mainstream as it gets. His conclusions were somewhat surprising in that he conceded that alien abductions are real, but he did not question the overlap between various aliens' advanced technological ability and motives.

The hard questions were asked by Karla Turner (read "Masquerade of Angels", "Into the Fringe"). If these beings are real, and if they have the ability to completely control our perceptions, how can we know what their motives are?

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by RedCairo

In terms of consciousness, perception, and giving purpose to life; these are all subjective elements of one's life. They can be manipulated from within and from without.

What I am trying to discuss here is the nature of reality as it really is and how that process of discovery can break down the main elements of our shared reality. The concept of a shared reality is not metaphysical. It is the psychological molding of human minds into agreement. This happens through ongoing interaction with the environment (the universe), genetics, and interaction with other people and their media.

EX: When the banking system blackmailed our government into giving them our tax money it diminished the shared reality that money is real and it caused problems (the Occupy movement). People realized that there are elements of their shared reality that are based solely on an idea and that The Powerful had mismanaged that idea to their own ends.

Ideas can be manipulated through peaceful means. Peaceful means takes away the home advantage for The Powerful. Ideas are dangerous because of how quickly they can take hold, they can break down lifetimes of conditioning, and weapons and violence are not needed for an idea to become a belief.

In my OP I said that there is an idea behind the abduction phenomenon that is powerful enough to break down people's generalized and specific shared realities to a point where psychologically there could only be one result: chaos amidst a context of meaninglessness.

However you choose to think about your consciousness, it is contingent upon your beliefs which can be changed through new information.

EX: World leaders announce that aliens are real and that we were created by them in a lab to be part of and fulfill our role in a simulation run by the beings. They can alter the simulation in any way they are told to by the forces that control them. Your life is someone else's video game and your thoughts are not your own. Here is the evidence that proves this to be the case.

If that scenario were to play out, how could this not chaotically affect the shared reality of human minds? Wouldn't you have to use that new information when thinking about your own consciousness?

Paying attention to credible sources regarding the abduction phenomenon will change your version of reality by breaking it down some. If that process went all the way via say complete disclosure, there wouldn't just be some breaking down of our shared reality, there would be a breaking down of one's own personal reality. The common reality people would then share would be a loss of reality and at that point human behavior becomes unpredictable.

edit on 15-12-2013 by hyperreflexia because: gramore

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 03:10 PM
So aliens are responsible for the tragedy of Sandy Hook?

You need to clarify your position or at least do a better job of connecting these otherwise non-related dots.


I ate granola for breakfast. Therefore, aliens are going to abduct my co-worker's cousin's mother-in-law who lives three states away.

In short, you ain't making a lick of sense.

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 03:25 PM
It's fine and fun for fringe enthusiasts to parade around their favorite poster children and talking heads who they feel give confirmation for their favor bias, but, the rest of the Scientific and Medical community, for the most part, submit substantially higher standards and more rigorous objective prejudice in favor of likelihoods corresponding with observations as opposed to likelihoods favoring unobserved anecdotal phenomenon.

Let's, for instance, look at Sleep Paralysis:
Sleep Paralysis, Sexual Abuse, and Space Alien Abduction - Richard J. McNally, Susan A. Clancy Harvard University
Please note the list of papers below the Abstract that cite this material.
The link to the FULL PDF is to the right, but, for those who might have trouble finding it, they can click HERE

A number of other references and papers may be found listed under the Sleep Paralysis wiki.

Feel free to review some of the material, especially as it applies to cultural and social influences on the phenomenon.

From there, we can move into cognitive and neurological pathologies in reviewing the wealth of material available on Schizotypes, and tumor specific delusions.

The effects on presentation as the subject applies to malignant growths should be quite obvious, and I'll allow anyone interested to enjoy self directed education on the matter.

As to Schizotypes, it's a far more common occurrence than the laymen public is aware.
In fact, roughly 20% of the world's population has mental health concerns and around 1 out of 100 people are affected by the more commonly perceived symptoms of Schizophrenia.
Note there are degrees of Schizotypes where there is even what's considered "Healthy" Schizotypy.

Although aiming to reflect some of the features present in diagnosable mental illness, schizotypy does not necessarily imply that someone who is more schizotypal than someone else is more ill. For example, certain aspects of schizotypy may be beneficial. Both the unusual experiences and cognitive disorganisation aspects have been linked to creativity and academic achievement. Jackson proposed the concept of ‘benign schizotypy’ in relation to certain classes of religious experience, which he suggested might be regarded as a form of problem-solving and therefore of adaptive value. The link between positive schizotypy and certain facets of creativity is consistent with the notion of a "healthy schizotypy", which may account for the persistence of schizophrenia-related genes in the population despite their many dysfunctional aspects.

"Healthy" Schizotypes in many cases are entirely unaware their condition and may even benefit from expression through involvement in creative outlets and otherwise typified imaginative pursuits.

Once again, these are often entirely unaware, undiagnosed, and have no reason or call for treatment as such subjects with minimum expressions tend to self manage, leading successful and productive lives.
There are, however, in some cases, instances of monothematic or even polythematic delusion, dissociative events, personality disorder, obsessive tendencies, grandiosity, paranoia, and other expected behaviors and expressions.

For those genuinely interested, I enthusiastically recommend a thorough study of abnormal psychology as well as neurology, not in pursuit of Aliens, but, for a comprehensive understanding of the variety of subjective experience presentations represented in a large array of various, sundry, distributed, and related pathologies.

Oh, also, please, for those desirous of an emotional reaction to any of the above; you're more than welcome to disagree, even passionately so, but, by all means, argue/debate the topic, not the person.

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Fuzzy Wabbit

Agreed. I didn't mean to put Sandy Hook in the title of my post. I think I missed my edit window. Sorry to everyone for the false advertising.
edit on 15-12-2013 by hyperreflexia because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2013 by hyperreflexia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

It is obvious to people that the UFO abduction phenomena has overlap with mental health and illness. And there are many disturbing and rare sleep disorders that could be interpreted subjectively by the experiencer. However, It is poor reasoning to discount overlap and to state that the alien abduction phenomenon is confined to people with extreme mental health issues or brain disease.

You are out of hand dismissing the researchers I have mentioned by not discussing them at all. You have not discussed Dr. John E. Mack or Dr. Turner. What do you think about their work? Are you familiar with psychological techniques used in therapy sessions to determine whether an individual is manifesting some greater mental problem than the one being discussed with the therapist. Psychologists also screen for physiological medical issues to.

I am familiar with the studies you have linked to. It has been a couple of years since I reviewed the supposed lab recreation, and the methodology for the experiment I reviewed was deeply flawed. Are there many of these lab recreations experiments or are you referring to just one? Please cite.

AliceBleachWhite says: "It's fine and fun for fringe enthusiasts to parade around their favorite poster children and talking heads who they feel give confirmation for their favor bias"

Is this your answer and argument to the OP researchers I discuss or is this a personal jab?

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 03:00 PM
Teddy Rice is an amazing man. With amazing stories.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: hyperreflexia
Dr. Karla Turner was a prominent UFO Abduction/Government researcher who co-wrote "Masquerade of Angels" with Louisiana-born psychic Ted Rice. All of Dr. Turner's books are available here:

It is a commonly held conviction that she was murdered with reverse-engineered cancer-healing technology that originated within Skunkwork's deep black divisions.

Ted Rice, aside from popping up on a UFO forum in 2011 (, has been in "hiding" since Dr. Karla Turner's death.

It would be amazing if a discussion could begin regarding "Masquerade of Angels".

All evidence points to the fact that Dr. Turner and her close associates are legitimate sources whom accurately describe the context of modern existence, even if it is done from what is commonly perceived as the fringe.

In "Masquerade of Angels", Mr. Rice gives us the low down on the human soul. It is meticulously described as a force that can be manipulated by technology and has nothing to do with good/bad or heaven/hell. Mr. Rice's descriptions are anecdotal but heavily corroborated by the abduction-research community.

Let's assume his descriptions are accurate.

What the government and especially various alien-entities fear is that the human populous at large will come to see reality as it is. DEVOID OF INHERENT MEANING OR SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE. This could lead to an organized meta-physical resistance.

That resistance could take many forms.

The most feared version is MASS suicide in order to overwhelm the EBEs that manage the soul-recycling (not to do with Karma) process. While it is unlikely that such a resistance would succeed, the disincorporation of so many souls at once could create significant problems for the Earth-Plane MATRIX.

For those of you who know about these issues, how many of you know of this book "Masquerade of Angels"?, what do you know about Ted Rice?, and what implications are presented by the idea that the soul is easily manipulated with advanced technology?

I honestly cant tell you what I think or know of Mr. Rice. It would endanger some people

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