posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 07:05 AM
Hey guys
I thought I would share an interesting dream I had the other night. My dreams are normally always crazy but every now and then they provide me with
inspiration for a book I am attempting to write.
So the dream went as follows:
I was sitting at a desk with a pen in my hand and a voice from behind me asked if I was ready to write. I insisted that I was.
The voice then went on to tell me that there were three things that I needed to remember. Three steps that I needed to take.
Step 1: Meditate/pray. This is the start and without this step the rest are meaningless. Pray, every day. You need to pray.
Step 2: There are only two paths in life, the path of fear and the path of love. You need to learn to choose the path of love in your life. Actively
choose the path of love in your every thought, in your words, actions and reactions. Always choose Love.
Step 3: Change. The first two steps will help you achieve this. You will begin to change. Begin with your mind and then your body. Change yourself and
you will be able to change the world.
"Remember these things three" was the last thing I remembered before I woke up.
Now, obviously I know it is just a dream. I must have been thinking about the plot of my book too much and my subconscious gave me the dialogue I was
looking for. This all sounds very familiar to me though, so I am assuming I have heard it somewhere before.
Anyway, I just thought I would share