posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by helius
Firstly, in the flesh, Cain was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, however, this meant Cain also was the first son of God and the first son of man in
one and the same carnation. Cain received God's mark on his forehead, and fled East of Eden and settled where he built a city dedicated to the name
of his son, Henok. It is my understanding that the mark is the ancient Indian caste system that pre-dates Hinduism, which is the oldest living
religion in the world, and that the city he built is a hint to the spark of the Indus civilisation.
To rewind a bit. Cain was a righteous and humble man, and year in year out he would watch his brother Abel's gory rituals which included ritual
killing of thousands of animals, with scenes of spilling of- and drinking blood, swinging of carcases and burning the remains to white ash. This to
Cain was sacrilege and unnesasary violence, and in this sense Abel drew first blood. An old kung-fu master once said: "Never make a patient man
angry". To Cain all life was sacred, he was a vegetarian and forbid the killing of any life, and like with Jesus, wine was his blood and bread was
his meat and non-violence was his way, but at some point he had had enough of Abel's blood festivals and killed him in an act of cold-blooded
vengeance. Blood for blood was born, an eye for an eye. Alternate blood-rituals involving blood of animals or blood of grapes was accepted and favored
by God before human blood to settle blood-feudes and God forbid human sacrifice and we see the first religious laws emerging.
Many lies are in circulation over Cain and Samael, some modern, some even ancient. I intend to do my share in writing to Cain's defence. He was a
good man, let it be.