reply to post by Tingle
I agree, Out-of-Body-Experiences can have profound affects on the experiencer. The feelings summoned by an OBE/Astral experience are like none other
and, without doubt, the experiences could be considered biologically addictive.
There are so many ways to develop an induction process for each individual, that each of us have to go through a process of 'trial an error' before we
can reveal which methods work best.
Personally, any sort of sound ruins my own induction process. It has to be absolutely silent, nearing the level of audible sense deprivation. That has
led me to wonder if an OBE, experienced within a sensory deprivation chamber, would produce a significant increase of intensity.
Another thing I have seen on a common basis is that a lot of people are confusing projection from a meditative state with an OBE stemming from sleep
pattern manipulation. They surely carry similar characteristics, just as your awareness and control in a lucid dream share similar traits to an OBE,
even though they are very different in their entirety.
Thanks for posting this video and information, I am sure it will help someone in their own induction routine.
I always like to share what has worked best for me in threads like this, as I have been fortunate to develop an induction process for myself that
produces a high percentage of induction success.
Here are some of the details of my own induction process. It may not work for everyone, but it may help a few members develop their own induction
method. Maybe they can combine elements from you Opening Post, some of my suggestions, and information they may find in other places:
The key to inducing your own OBE is to understand the only way to have success realigning the steps in the process of falling
Our mind falls asleep before we enter SP, this is the natural way. SP keeps us from acting out our dreams and potentially harming ourselves during
sleep. SP is also the pre-cursor to the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of sleep and the release of D.M.T. (Dimethyl Tryptamine *sp) - thought to be
the catalyst for our dreamscapes.
It is not easy to realign your sleep pattern, but it is possible and it becomes easier with time and practice.
The main thing is to remain 'lightly' conscious as you begin the OBE induction.
- You need a very, very dark room (Because you are likely to slightly open your eyes during the seperation stage. If any light enters your eyes, you
will essentially terminate the process by coming 'too' consciously aware) and you need to feel very safe.
- You need to be very comfortable in your bed, with no need to re-position yourself ever few minutes. You need to remain completely motionless -
absolutely motionless.
- You need to remain aware, but not too aware. Try something like counting sheep to keep your awareness, but work to make sure you don't drift into a
full sleep state. It can be a tight-rope to walk, but it possible and easier than other methods.
- When you begin to feel a warm, heavy-as-lead blanket being draped over you, from your feet and slowly moving to your head, you need to remain calm
and allow the process to run it's course.
- You will begin to feel a wierd humming/buzzing/vibration and potentially even auditory hallucinations that can sound like falling rain drops or
shattering glass.
Once you reach this point, you are ready for separation. Earlier, you mentioned that you have tried several methods for achieving separation,
including 'climbing the rope' (which can be effective for some, but not for others - obviously).
Instead of trying to use a method for separation, simply try something you are already very, very familiar with. Once you reach the separation phase,
simply try to sit up, stand up, or roll over. This is what I do and it ends with me rolling over and right out of my body.
Be careful that you do not try to sit up or roll over too quickly or too aggressively. This could potentially lead to induction termination.
You will notice a very familiar sensation as you try to achieve separation. It will feel as if you are trying to pull to magnets apart - one magnet
being your physical body, the other magnet being your astral body.
Once you achieve separation, you will likely find yourself being in an exact model of your physical surroundings. You may notice mild variations in
your surroundings, such as a different color bed blanket or a different style of window blinds.
You will also experience feelings that can be quite overwhelming, which can lead to the premature termination of your OBE. You may experience feelings
of unconditional love or of a sexual bliss nature, either can be distracting and could hinder your OBE, even causing it to end and leaving you to be
'slammed' back into your body.
If you can manage the emotions, you will find yourself with superhuman abilities of flight, teleportation, extreme intellect and the ability to move
through material objects.
edit on 11-12-2013 by esteay812 because: page breaking