posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 11:21 AM
We had quite the parenting experience last night.
About two weeks ago I started noticing that my youngest son, age 3, had horrible breath. I had him brushing his teeth 3 or 4 times a day. The extra
brushing was not helping so I examined his teeth to make sure that they were ok because bad teeth can cause bad breath. His teeth are fine, so I
moved on.
Things slowly got worse until last night when he kissed me goodnight. When he did, I almost gagged because his mouth literally smelled like an out
house. I went online and lo and behold, true poopy breath often comes from something lodged in the nose of the child.
With some finesse, a small ear loupe, some saline, tissues and blunt tweezers we went to work. We managed to dislodge the offending item and he blew
it out himself. It was rotting and unrecognizable, he later told us it was a piece of food.
The only time you should try and dislodge an object from a child's nose is if you can actually see the item. Never use pointy tweezers and don't put
anything up their nose that may push it farther in, it could travel into their lungs if that happens. If the first attempts don't work then they need
to be taken to a doctor to be removed with their tools.
A couple of methods that I came across last night are to close the clear nostril and blow through the mouth of the child to push it back out. If your
childish old enough to blow his or her own nose then cover the good nostril and have them blow as hard as possible. Ultimately my little guy blew it
out himself, I had resigned myself to taking him to the doctor today when my final attempt with the tweezers failed. I had dislodged it just enough
for it to come shooting out into the tissue. The smell in my living room was horrid when it came out and there was no question that's what the problem
had been.
Best of luck to the rest of you parents out there! Kids do all sorts of funny things while exploring their world. I know I learned something new last
night, hopefully he also learned to stop putting things up his nose.
edit on 10-12-2013 by woodsmom because: Fixed link