posted on May, 21 2003 @ 11:30 AM is the best place for information. DX2 will be out in october.
In Deus Ex, you play an anti-terrorist agent working for the united nations anti-terrorist coalition. The story line is astonishing. i wont ruin
anything for you but its the deepest storyline in a game ive ever seen.
The game is a first-person-shoot role-playing game. But theres more... its not just that, its one of those games where its really hard to say its
exact genre.
You talk to hundreds of characters in the game. Theres loads of things going on.... such as the NSF (National Secessionist Force) stealing barrels of
the vaccine for the grey death (global virus). You can walk around a city and there'll be tramps (or bums or whatever americans call em) walking
around. Some of them will be drunk and start singing some national anthem... and tell you how the NSF has changed since they left it etc... some of
them will be begging you for the vaccine. Some drug addicts will beg you for a drug called "zyme". you can get information out of people by giving
them things ... or doing things for them.
One part that i remember is going to some docking bay and talking to a little kid walking around. He moans about hows hes so hungry.... so give him a
candy bar and he'll tell you how he was spying on the NSF taking a big barrel of the vaccine through a locked doorway... then he says "i saw them
type the code". then he'll tell you the code. you dont HAVE to get through the door that way... you dont even HAVE to go through the door. its ure
choice.... i love how after you've spoken to the kid he says "thanks mister!" "the nanites make my teeth slippery".
Well, doesnt sound so good in text, but if you played this game, ull understand how its such a great game aswell as how small things like that make it
such a good game.
theres a MASSIVE story behind the whole lot. ure involved with conspiracys, secret societies, new government inventions etc.
One part that i remember, i found a newspaper on somebodys desk. I read it, and there was ure boss (Joseph Manderly) denying knowledge about the black
helicopters that people have been seeing over the city lately.... but you know that he does, because UNATCO use black helicopters to get you around!
its crazy.
ive done it again... gone off in a trance of memory. maybe the games just too good.