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Death bed confession: ADD/ADHD is a hoax.

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posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 09:22 AM
Now if only someone would confess the same about the stupid "Indigo Children" i would be a happy man.
that being said, i never had much doubt that if not totally made up, it was at least waaaaaay over diagnosed.
You kinda know something is messed up when you have the "basic" version and then a more advanced one (ADHD) just to make it sound even worse (1080p attention deficit?)
Now, i cannot debate the real existence of the condition, i am not qualified for that, but given how in america alone the cases are in the MILLIONS (between high definition and standard resolution) it was pretty obviously to me lots of those cases had to boil down to one of 2 things:
teachers that want children to stay in line
Parents that simply don't want to deal with their children.

It's kinda scary, how we are treating humans more and more like computers, all these meds we fill children with are nothing more than "hotfixes", a quick solution to shut the little guy up and calm him down, and we totally ignore the long term effects things like these can have, especially when given to children that really don't need them.
Hopefully this information can help raise awareness, to make parents at least try to me REALLY sure about pumping their kids full of pills.
that might be all there is to a "zombie apocalypse": mindless kids, now adults, in a dream like state, made incapable of showing interest or emotion in anything around them because we went way beyond reason trying to make them behave when they were little.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 02:12 PM

reply to post by Bundy

ODD is nothing like what ATS portrays it as. In ATS land ODD is a label applied to anyone who bucks the status quo. In real life it is the same thing as antisocial personality disorder (aka psychopathy). Professionals just don't want to label children with such a damning diagnosis. So are you saying that everyone on ATS is a psychopath?

If ODD is the exact same thing as psychopathy, why come out with a new name? It's not the same. I never read anything on ATS about it, so what people here portray it as has no effect on me. I know people who work in the public school system as teachers and counselors. That is how I've drawn my conclusion. Are you a psychiatrist? Not being a smart A I'm being serious.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 02:18 PM

reply to post by Bundy

ODD is nothing like what ATS portrays it as. In ATS land ODD is a label applied to anyone who bucks the status quo. In real life it is the same thing as antisocial personality disorder (aka psychopathy). Professionals just don't want to label children with such a damning diagnosis. So are you saying that everyone on ATS is a psychopath?

This is absolutely ridiculous. You need to do more work before you go labeling people who defy authority as psychopaths. There's plenty of highly compassionate individuals who choose to buck the system on principal, and they're far from psychopaths.

I was labeled ODD as a child, and am anything but a psychopath. You know why I got the label? Bad parenting. My mom took the same approach with me as my older sibling. That being, -do as I say, not as I do-, and "because I said so", or "this is my house".. all of which are dictatorial, and without adequate reasoning. I refused on principal. My defiance was brought to the attention of this idiotic psychiatrist, who failed to question me before tossing out the label. I, for years, told my parents all I required was adequate reasoning for compliance. My mother was simply incapable of adapting her parenting style towards what I required.

Get a clue, fool.
edit on 10-12-2013 by webedoomed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

"Works as a treatment for ADHD". LOL. Just what is ADHD?? Much the same as bi-polar in the sense that there is no such thing. As they admit there is no way to measure one of the two "chemicals" that are out of balance. Cough, cough. Result? A medically controlled "stone" that masks the symptoms suddenly labeled by the Psychs/technocrats/pharmas.

The same mechanism for both and many others masking agents designed to relieve "symptoms" that have been around for generations and well addressed by discipline, practice, familial support and good food.

Of course, the pharmas aren't going to research the biochemical benefits are they??

If some gain from these drugs, the vast majority and society lose far more...

edit on 11-12-2013 by nwtrucker because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2013 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by fleabit

I feel for you too.

Mine's not as bad, but sometimes I get distracted at time and totally space out on what I was supposed to do.

I guess people will never understand how difficult these kinds of things are until you have them.

posted on Jul, 28 2015 @ 08:20 PM
You know, I'm dealt with this my whole life, the stigma of saying I have A.D.D. when I wasn't just diagnosed by my doctor, but I went to Kennedy Krieger Institute as a child of 8 through 10 and was also diagnosed there. Nothing else did I have, only A.D.D., it's so bad I avoid reading books since the ability to remember 100% of what I'm reading doesn't happen and I've left going back and re-reading over and over and over, never finishing the book because it's just a chore, instead of a consistent pleasure.

The best analogy I've heard to describe A.D.D. was imagine your brain as a board and the memories you want to make are nails, sometimes the memory if really focused on out of interest, necessity or another random variable, the nail is driven into the board deeply. However if the memory is something lackluster or doesn't light up any interest, the nail is barely stuck into the board and ends up falling out after time if not right away, resulting in no memory being created.

It's really a attention issue coupled with a memory issue.

Increase the focus / interest in said memory to be created and it's a memory often many times can be painted later on it's so well preserved.

Now there have been some pros to these cons.


On the flipside, I've seen many who say they were A.D.D. who clearly had something else, since they might have a symptom or two of A.D.D. but also had a host of others. I do remember A.D.D. being a goto for almost anything a child complained about at school.

With that said, I would beg to differ about A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. being real, since not only can I see myself having A.D.D. my whole life and reacted positively ( like night and day ) to medication, I can clearly tell a difference in those who have A.D.H.D. almost right away.

Very interesting thread and thank you everyone for the posts.

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