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America "The Hated"

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posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 12:21 PM
I don�t think everyone hates America. Some,like me, don�t agree and aren�t too happy with the current Foreign Policies of America but that�s hardly hating America and it�s people is it?

If it would be helping countries and finding cures only, one can not say much against that. But you have to admit that it is more than that.
America sponsored these now called terrorists first. America sponsored and helped these dictators first. Your country has put dictators in place, caused civil wars, sponsored bloody rebellions etc.
That is what the world doesn�t like. Your country didn�t care for Iraq untill 15 years ago or smth like that, it let the Kurds be gassed ie. Saddam wa allready a dictator back then..
Your leaders doesn�t care too much for what happens in Sudan either.
The agenda which is behind the so called "helping" other countries is what makes people skeptic towards your country or it�s leaders.
By helping Iraq, I highly doubt Iraqi�s are helped much by the rebuiling contracts given out to the President�s friends etc. , or take the food program and so on.
This is the reason. Would it be that America helps because it is right to help and a good thing to do only, without all the rest, then the world would look totally different at it. Other muslim countries see also that rebuilding contracts go to US Companies and not to them, they see Afghanistan-with all due respect- maybe war has ended there for Bush, but what with rebuilding the country? You don�t hear to much of it do you?

There is good cops and bad cops. At the moment America is a bad cop, provocing sometimes, being wrong and too rude. That is why people don�t like your President. Or what he stands for.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 12:29 PM
And Ive grown quite tired if these b*lls**t statements as well.
We're not children here, so let's not be naive about the US and its foreign policy since the begining.

Uh oh, looks like class is in session, let's start:

The US began its existence by exterminating 90% of the population living on it's land. Thats 90%. The SINGLE greatest instance of genocide in the history of the world...ever! Far larger in scope than what the NAzi's accomplished. They then "relocated" the rest of the natives to some of the worst land in the country...a popluation that might never recover, muadibb! Or to quote Chris Rock, "when's the last time you saw two indians in a room together!". Think about it...really...think about it.
Then we proceeded to indulge in 400 years of a slave-labor economy. Thats 400 years, my friend! Think about that too.
Women in this country didn't get the right to vote until 80 years ago. S**t, we didn't even legalize civil rights until the 1960's! Thats 40 years ago!

Since then we've invaded Mexico, tried Canada..twice. Engaged in terrorist acts in Nicaragua (for which we were found guilty in the world court), Honduras, El Salvador, Chile, Argentina, Panama, Haiti, Cuba and the Phililpines. We have supported a dictator in East Timor that massacred 300,000 people in the 1970's. He got his money and weapons from the US as we blocked UN efforts to halt the killings. 300,000 people ..ever heard of it? Probably not if you live in the US..nice and insulated.
We support the Saud family that violently suppresses its population so our companies can get good oil prices.
We give 10 BILLION dollars a year to Isreal, whose actions, are almost universally condemd by the world community.
We support dictators in Africa.
We helped overthrow the Shah of Iran.
We setup Saddam and armed him with WMD to use against the Iranians and his own people and then turned our backs on the resistance that tried to overthrow him after the first Gulf War.
There was also that little thing we did to the Vietnamese for 13 years. I think 3 MILLION people were killed...and for what? Our prestige? So they couldn't have the form their government of choice?

How about Columbia? Know anything about that? Know that outside of Isreal they receive that largest amount of money from the US? Did you know that?
Did you know that from 1997 to 2003, when they were getting the largest amount they were one of the worst violaters of human rights in the world? Did you know that? Didn't hear it on FOX news eh? Weird. Do you know why they get so much money? Do you know its to support a brutal dictatorship that makes sure its resources and cheap labor stays available to American companies? Did you know that?
Do you know what the world thinks of our financial support of you know what the Italians think of the way our CIA made sure that no social parties took hold in the government after the second world war?
Do you know what the world thinks about our "invasion" of Iraq? Do you think they might think that its only in the best service of American Corporations...and that only lip-service is paid to democracy? Strange...I wonder why they would think that? Do you think its because we overthrough the "democratically" elected president of Chile in 73? Do you think its because turned our back on Castro in the 50's, when he was leading movement OF THE PEOPLE! You know that thing we're ALL ABOUT!

Did you know that not everybody see America as the "shining light" of the world? Did you know that some places even think that America's actions are hypocritical? OH MY GOSH!!! NO!!! But we're so good!!! It can't be!!
Don't they know Jesus loves us? God Blesses US??!!!

Gimme a break.

there is no enemy anywhere - Lao Tse

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 12:51 PM
Yes BS Statements...Like the USA killing out 90% of the inhabitants of North America and that it was a case of the worst genocide ever. Now where did you get this figure....oh wait you copied and pasted your remarks from somewhere else. So were they yours or someone else's. I seem to remember that the Spanish conducted a bit of ethnic cleansing in South America.
If we were to subscribe every evil ever committed by every country in existence today and dismiss them all we would be left with a very short list. So I fail to see your point. Should we Americans hate the Germans, of the British, or the French? They have all commited evil acts upon others. Additionally last time I checked the USA has only been around since 1776. 2004 � 1776 = 228 years not 400.
**Edited Here**
Now for the record I do not think the USA is perfect. She is far from perfect. It is a human institution. Which mean by default it is only as good as the sum of it's population. We, like the rest of you, have good and bad people. We do the right thing and the wrong thing. But to say that we are 'Hated" due to the evil we have committed is a bit hypocritical. Seeing as every country, at one point in time or another, has committed evil. By that Logic I guess we should all hate everyone.

[edit on 19-11-2004 by Imperium Americana]
***Edited to correct error***

[edit on 22-11-2004 by Imperium Americana]

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Voice_of Doom
The US began its existence by exterminating 90% of the population living on it's land. Thats 90%. The SINGLE greatest instance of genocide in the history of the world...ever! Far larger in scope than what the NAzi's accomplished.

Correction: Europeans were responsible for this. America wasn't a country until 150+ years later.

Oh, and disease was the main killer. Not cold blooded murder.

Then we proceeded to indulge in 400 years of a slave-labor economy. Thats 400 years, my friend! Think about that too.

If your going to condemn the US for that, then you might as well condemn the whole world while you're at it. 400 years is nothing compared to how long it lasted in other parts of the world.

Women in this country didn't get the right to vote until 80 years ago. S**t, we didn't even legalize civil rights until the 1960's! Thats 40 years ago!

Yeah, now that's sad. And to think, people on here would have sided with the south during the civil war. I can guarentee you blacks would still be pushing for civil rights this day had the south won....

Since then we've invaded Mexico, tried Canada..twice.

Middle part = blah blah blah, America's evil, blah blah blah

Did you know that not everybody see America as the "shining light" of the world?

Who doesn't know that?
Who cares!! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
We saved many of these countries butts several times. We still give aid, food, supplies, etc. on a global scale unmatched by any country or organization. Do we ever recieve thanks or recongnition for the good that we do? Of course not. But...we continue to do it anyway. So evil.

Did know that some places even think that America's actions are hypocritical?

So what are these countries with their perfect, uncorupt governments with their perfect, uncorupt history? I seriously want to know. If they don't exsist, then aren't the countries that are accusing us of being hypocritical, being hypocritical.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 05:21 PM
Yeha the "Commies"

There is nothing communist about North Korea or any other countries which claim they are communist. Look at the way those countries are run and compare it to the writings of Karl Marx.. you will be suprised.

It's easy to say how "communist" these countries are but never read any of Karl Marx.

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by alienaddicted

Originally posted by aape
To put usa�s problems short : You have helped the wrong ones and attacked the wrong ones

And according to Americans they've helped the right ones and attacked the right ones......

The problem is, we the people, have a mind.

In a mind, there is + and -, positive and negative, love and hate, good and bad.

One can't exist without the other. You can't have bad without good, or good without bad.

So there will always be an endless discussion about America being the? good one or the? bad one, Russia being the? good one or the? bad one, Iraq being the? good one or the? bad one, even you being the? good one or the? bad one.

Anyway the answer is America is A good one AND A bad one, Russia is A good one AND A bad one...........

Another problem is, people think they are their minds, they identify themselves with their minds. So when your mind is convinced of the fact that America is good, and it receives a fact of america being bad, what will happen???

or it just ignores the bad fact by letting it become nothing according to all the good things.

or it will deny the bad fact

or it switches from thinking america is good to bad

or maybe something else inside realizes it's just #ed up and it won't want to take a stand in believing america is good or bad, and will realize that everything is good and bad, it only depends on the way you look at it.
(What is it that realizes this??)

And according to history (by those who've written it) we can see that to no matter who, most/all? countries have done good and bad things.

When you deny this you're fooling yourself, you know that don't you.

So once in a while you're country is good, and once in a while you're country is bad, now it's good, now it's bad. Now it's good, now it's bad, now it's good, hey you know what, it just IS man, you're country just is, just like you are, and I am. You only make it good or bad the moment you start thinking.

The mind is a dualistic thing, it's discussion is endless, stop having a judgement about something, eh, read the bible..... (and by posting this, I judged, and there is only one thing in a man that judges and that is your mind)

this gets me to the most disturbing part of America (to me):

What false god do you worship in america??

GWB is talking a lot about a god, but I guess that isn't the one which said Thy shalt not kill and thy shalt not judge.....

you know, Adam and Eve ate the apple of knowledge, since then they knew what good and bad is, God forbid them.... getting the picture??

As little me said, this discussion is endless.

why people hate you ask?? because they love

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by Imperium Americana
Yes BS Statements...Like the USA killing out 90% of the inhabitants of North America and that it was a case of the worst genocide ever. Now where did you get this figure....oh wait you copied and pasted your remarks from somewhere else. So were they yours or someone else's. I seem to remember that the Spanish conducted a bit of ethnic cleansing in South America.
If we were to subscribe every evil ever committed by every country in existence today and dismiss them all we would be left with a very short list. So I fail to see your point. Should we Americans hate the Germans, of the British, or the French? They have all commited evil acts upon others. Additionally last time I checked the USA has only been around since 1776. 2004 � 1776 = 228 years not 400.
Israel is the worst violators of human right (1997-2003)...really? Got a link to your esteemed research. LOL Please what a bunch of crap.

Now for the record I do not think the USA is perfect. She is far from perfect. It is a human institution. Which mean by default it is only as good as the sum of it's population. We, like the rest of you, have good and bad people. We do the right thing and the wrong thing. But to say that we are 'Hated" due to the evil we have committed is a bit hypocritical. Seeing as every country, at one point in time or another, has committed evil. By that Logic I guess we should all hate everyone.

[edit on 19-11-2004 by Imperium Americana]

Son, do a little homework before you step to me in conversation.

Firstly the numbers are around 20 million native americans dead...from north America. If you want me to do your research type North+American+Genocide into Google. Enjoy to your hearts content!
Secondly, schmuck, I posted that COLUMBIA was the worst human rights violater from 97 to 2002...not ISREAL! Check the f****** numbers yourself!
And finally, this thread is about why the world hates the US..not England, Spain, Germany or Japan. Those countries are hated too. Once the topic or thread comes up, we can talk about their atrocities. Untill then stick to post and do a little research.

*Onto the ignore list another ignorant poster goes*

there is no friend anywhere - Lao Tse


posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 11:18 PM
Well for a country the is hated.... they keep coming and coming and
coming and coming and coming.....

The numbers.

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Dreamz

We have over time given more to the world than any other nation has in history. Yet we are seen as "the problem" in many circumstances. Why is that? Is it that we can only help so much, or is it that we dont help enough? Do we not have the right to protect our citizens any way we see fit,

I think here lies the problem
What a unique perspective of history
And to think all done in less than 300 years
This is crude vanity, that is an error of fact
If you look at per population ration Australia does more
Peacekeepers in Timor, the Solomons, Fiji, our commitment to the coalition of the willing.
Millions in Aid sent to many nations around the world
It is the responsibility of the fortuitus to help the less fortunate if the less fortunate want the help
Insistance of help causes ill feeling

I dont think Americans are hated more than other people of the world
Other countries are suspicious of Americas intention and driving forces
I think you need to separate country and people
my experiences are that there are good and bad in all races
country policies are a different matter

If you insist on meddling in other countries internal affairs or national fires be prepared to be burnt wether u deserve it or not
for every action there is a reaction

Having an open door to Nations is way more preferable than being proactive.
My advise is Americans need to look at the world as a tapestry of life, its difference were created by this emergence of life, and the differences need to be treasured not assimilated

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Voice_of Doom

Originally posted by Imperium Americana
Yes BS Statements...Like the USA killing out 90% of the inhabitants of North America and that it was a case of the worst genocide ever. Now where did you get this figure....oh wait you copied and pasted your remarks from somewhere else. So were they yours or someone else's. I seem to remember that the Spanish conducted a bit of ethnic cleansing in South America.
If we were to subscribe every evil ever committed by every country in existence today and dismiss them all we would be left with a very short list. So I fail to see your point. Should we Americans hate the Germans, of the British, or the French? They have all commited evil acts upon others. Additionally last time I checked the USA has only been around since 1776. 2004 � 1776 = 228 years not 400.
Israel is the worst violators of human right (1997-2003)...really? Got a link to your esteemed research. LOL Please what a bunch of crap.

Now for the record I do not think the USA is perfect. She is far from perfect. It is a human institution. Which mean by default it is only as good as the sum of it's population. We, like the rest of you, have good and bad people. We do the right thing and the wrong thing. But to say that we are 'Hated" due to the evil we have committed is a bit hypocritical. Seeing as every country, at one point in time or another, has committed evil. By that Logic I guess we should all hate everyone.

[edit on 19-11-2004 by Imperium Americana]

Son, do a little homework before you step to me in conversation.

Firstly the numbers are around 20 million native americans dead...from north America. If you want me to do your research type North+American+Genocide into Google. Enjoy to your hearts content!
Secondly, schmuck, I posted that COLUMBIA was the worst human rights violater from 97 to 2002...not ISREAL! Check the f****** numbers yourself!
And finally, this thread is about why the world hates the US. not England, Spain, Germany or Japan. Those countries are hated too. Once the topic or thread comes up, we can talk about their atrocities. Untill then stick to post and do a little research.

*Onto the ignore list another ignorant poster goes*

there is no friend anywhere - Lao Tse

For the sake of intellectual fairness...he is correct. I attacked something he did not even say. For that I give my apologies to all. Had I read his post carefully I would have easily seen that. Voice of apologies. I fully enjoy engaging in this "Conflict of Ideas" and it is a lesson to me to be so crass in my post and to shown how big of an ass I was.

Ok now in regards to the figure you gave "20 Million". This figure is of some suspect. I did do "your" research. And it is yours since I did not make this claim. If you are going to make claims such as this be prepared for other to ask for links to your PROOF. It is the height of intellectual arrogance to make any claim, then when asked to prove said claim, respond with: "If you want me to do your research type North+American+Genocide into Google. Enjoy to your hearts content!" WOW the burden of proof is on you dear sir not I, but hey for my own curiosity I did do some research. By putting in Google what you said the first thing that came up was this:

So after reading this biased site, I did another search. Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the 20 million figure: "Europeans also brought diseases against which the Native Americans had no immunity. Sometimes they did this intentionally. Ailments such as chicken pox and measles, though common and rarely fatal among Europeans, often proved fatal to Native Americans. More deadly diseases such as smallpox were especially deadly to Native American populations. It is difficult to estimate the percentage of the total Native American population killed by these diseases, since waves of disease oftentimes preceded White scouts and often destroyed entire villages. Some historians argue that up to 80% of some Native populations may have died due to European diseases."

At the bottom of this paragraph there was a link to a Jeffery Amherst:

"The hostility between the British and aboriginal peoples during the Pontiac Uprising of 1763 led to the first documented use of biological warfare in North American history. In response to the uprising led by the Ottawa Chief Pontiac, Amherst attempted to spread smallpox among the aboriginal peoples."

The interesting thing about this is that he was: A) British B) His actions were before the American independence & C) The incident occurred in what is now Canada.
You say "...And finally, this thread is about why the world hates the US. not England, Spain, Germany or Japan. Those countries are hated too. Once the topic or thread comes up, we can talk about their atrocities. Untill then stick to post and do a little research."
Excuse me you insolent jerk! You are accusing my country of contributing to the destruction of 20 million inhabitants. These actions, by all authorities on this subject, occurred over the course of the entire history of European involvement in North & South America. Not during 1776-20004. There is even a good debate as to weither the causalities were even 20 million.

The aforementioned site, Religious states it was between 1.8-20 million. So I do believe the actions of England, France, Spain and any other country has a bearing at least in this facet.

Here are what Religious has to say are the worst cases:
Death toll: Unknown

41 Million!!!!

35 Million!!!

You so eloquently said the following: "Secondly, schmuck, I posted that COLUMBIA was the worst human rights violator from 97 to 2002...not ISREAL! Check the f****** numbers yourself!"

NO SIR! You made the claim, YOU BACK IT UP. While I have found numerous reports dealing with Columbia's human rights record, I have yet to find a single report that says categorically "Columbia's Human Rights record is the World's worst" from 1997-2002. Nor have I found records detailing Columbia's abuses from 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 & 2002 that state what you have said. If you know of one, and that did not come from Noam Chomsky, I would be happy to read it.

I agree with you on some of your statements, America is not blameless. But your hyperbolic statements bare no witness to the facts. America is not hated because she has committed wrongs, all countries have committed wrongs. America is hated because most of the "haters" want to hate something. They see us as the biggest target and that is it.

[edit on 22-11-2004 by Imperium Americana]
last edit to clean up links.-IA

[edit on 22-11-2004 by Imperium Americana]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:47 PM
You know the world started hating America even before 9/11

Did you know that every nation invited signed the kyoto accord except for the United States of Bushes America?

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 01:06 PM
Here's a thread that's less than a couple of weeks old on this very subject:

And like I did there, I'll add this survey.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 09:44 PM
The first aim of terrorism is to instill doubt and fear
If you think the world hates you, the first mission is acomplished

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