It's that time of year where 'Political Correctness' [PC] seeps into just about every issue where Religion is concerned....mainly for Christians.
Well for fifteen years, Lighthouse Baptist Church Pastor Mike Butzberger from Florida has put up a different slogan on his front sign every week.
Except this time, some individuals did not find the humor in the short message
'Christmas easier to spell than Hanukkah'
NORTH PALM BEACH, Fla. - For fifteen years, Lighthouse Baptist Church Pastor Mike Butzberger has put up a different slogan on his front sign
every week.
"Something encouraging, inspiring, informative and occasionally for the purpose of making them smile," says Butzberger.
A recent sign read, "Christmas easier to spell than Hanukkah."
As Rabbi Alon Levkovitz stated, although the sign may have been in poor taste he did not find it offensive.
The Pastor claimed he overheard a person say that it was easier to spell Christmas than Hanukkah to a friend during shopping and it made him smile.
Which is truthful being as there are several ways to spell Hanukkah.
The reason for different spellings is that in Hebrew, the language from which the Jewish festival originates, the word for Hanukkah is not easily
transliterated into English. This accounts for why there are so many spelling variants. But Hanukkah and Chanukah are the two versions that are most
widely used and accepted.
Scholars disagree about how to interpret the Hebrew word for Hanukkah.
But one common interpretation is that it means “dedication.”
Hence why spelling Christmas
is easier.
Or also known as 'Xmas', which is even shorter.
It doesn't sound like the comment on the sign was intended for any thing other than humor.
Which I have to admit, some churches do put catchy slogans on their signs to make you laugh or stop to think "WTH" just to get your attention
That's what it's all about.... getting one's attention.
As the Pastor stated:
"We live in such a politically correct climate, people are literally searching for excuses to be offended and outraged," said pastor Butzberger.
I do believe that there are people who thrive on making others uncomfortable with this PC crap.
Regardless, he did remove the slogan so as not to
offend any one
edit on 5-12-2013 by snarky412 because: (no reason given)