posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by dorkfish87
I am denying ignorance, I wasn't there, as you were not either, I was simply providing another possible alternative. I also don't live there, but I
was simply providing a real actual event I have seen (IT was in Philadelphia btw the incident in my first post) So those saying that they
target/profile blacks there is a load of crap, at least when I lived there, In fact they outnumber the whites on the force in that district (which was
5th district which was an upper class area) So there is always two sides for a story actually there are 3 sides, the cops side, the kid's sides and
the truth...But you know in this case 3 out of twelve was all that was arrested I am not seeing that they were racist/profiling or they'd haul them
all. Or if they were so dastardly they could easily just you know, instigated a fight to eek even worse and more charges against them (which the real
Bad Cops actually do) Or you know tase one like the cop in Florida who tasered a eighty yr old woman who was innocent. I think you are blowing this
out of proportion. Just saying. making a big ol' race card mountain out of a molehill.
I've had teenagers and one of them was a boy, they get anxious/antsy/ and rowdy when they're waiting (especially for a sports game) And I'd venture
a guess that 3 out of 12 is about the normal (maybe even below normal) range of how many you'd expect to act out in that kind of situation especially
without full attention of the teacher/coach/parents/counselor/chaperone, etc. I've taken kids out that were near the age group in a large group with
three adults and still the boys all pretty much became rambunctious, so it's normal, Why not just shut your mouth and behave even if they were
behaving why not just say "yeah ok" when I was growing up they taught us respect our elders especially those with a gun and a uniform. We were more
afraid of our parents.
So what's really the story here, huh?
A bunch of people just hating and self hating and calling for pitchforks and torches to the "Officers" who would have probably just been on their
way if the kids said "Ok sir, We will stand out of the path of the foot traffic and keep the shenanigans down" And where was the bus shelter? If
there was one there why didn't they sit/stand there out of the walkway?