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Genuine Psychic Needed

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posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 06:04 PM
Not sure if this is the correct forum for my request, so if it needs moving feel free mods.
Right, this year has been the worst imaginable and I really would not wish it on even my worst enemy.
It started when I lost my Grandmother to cancer in January, I lost my Mum to cancer in June and now my Stepfather was shot with a shotgun in his own back yard in an attempt to kill him (he is currently in intensive care recovering) for no apparent reason. He does not drink, he does not socialise in pubs or nightclubs and is not a drug user.
So, I am looking for a Psychic to help me make sense of my life and what the hell is happening to me! I have had many experiences with UFOs, I have had far too many experiences when I know I have been asleep but I am unable to wake up when I have had a heavy pressure on my chest and unable to scream or shout.
I feel completely out of sorts and I am just gliding through life with no direction. I ask for a Psychic, as I do believe there is something I need to do to bring my life back into balance.

Hope you can help

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by chelsealad

I don't mean this in a rude way at all, so please take what I am about to say as friendly advice.

It doesn't sound at all like bad things are happening TO you. They are happening around you. Take a step back for a moment and remove yourself from the equation. The bad happened to your family. (Unless there is a story about yourself you are leaving out.)

I know how hard it is to lose loved ones. Healing will take time. But, live your life from here on out for those you have lost and make them proud. Don't hang your head in the negativity, hold it high and become stronger.

Prayers for your family....

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 06:22 PM
Im going to reply because I feel the need to. I am not phycic and never have claimed but I am sensitive and always have been. I have encountered spirit every living day so I'll chime in.

The first impression I got was of a leaf being blown at the end of a branch, then a close focus to that branch and on to the tree. Sometimes these pics are specific to things I understand....

I think this may be a dark tea time for you and a Time to find your conviction. I don't feel any malign spirits here, no direct attack on your family, but a time of trial for you and yours, and I honestly feel that the above is to encourage you to become the branch for your loved ones and keep the tree in's not a long way off.

(I hate to mention specific impresions but an Aunt B keeps nagging at me, that its fine cause she is present).

Those are the first impressions I got, sorry its difficult if i dont see whom Im reading in person, if anything these are genuine feelings.

In the least my heart is open for you and I wish you strength in life and trails, there are alot of people who care whats happened in your life and wish you every good will/blessing/protection/happiness now and in the either, myself and family included.

May peace and a time of refuge surround you and yours now and all times.

Best regards,


posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 07:05 PM
Find people who are worse off than you and do charitable acts for them. Your problems will begin to evaporate.
Also pray for your mum to visit you in a dream.
I hope things get easier for you and yours

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by chelsealad

I saw Madame Ruby in Chico Ca 20 years ago, he forcast for me was extremely accurate. That I would move far to the west, never thought i would, meet someone I would be happy with all this happened within a year of seeing her. I believe she would do just as well over the phone.

She had said right off that was recently divorced, how she could know this when i was still wearing my ring and i was smiling and laughing, out shopping with my daughter that day.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by chelsealad

Don't feel alone.

I have yet to talk to anyone who said 2013 has been good to them. This has been a BAD year.

Personally, I will be happy to bring in 2014 and put this year in the past.

Hoping things will get better for you next year. Try to keep the chin up kid.
edit on 2-12-2013 by MrLimpet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 09:16 PM
Sorry about all your difficulties lately. I had a year like this too, once. I lost two best friends and then my father all in 11 months---and also a lot of other horrible things commenced that I won't get into.

It took a long time to swim my way out of the sadness, confusion and depression, but you will. Time heals, and the only way to get through this is by putting on your tall boots and wading through the muck to the other side.

If you try to avoid the pain and grief with denial or drugs, it won't go away. It will just take longer to deal with. Nope, the only way through it is by truly wading through it until you get to the other side of it, feeling it in all its intensity. Face it head on.

The only upside that might make sense to you right now is that almost everyone alive has been through this sort of grief and because humans are remarkably adaptable, we do heal and so will you. It takes time, but it happens.

Like you, my year of death was a giant wake up call that people actually die---and people very close to us. No one is immune to it because it's a part of life. We live in a society where we are taught that death is bad and unnatural but it is truly a part of life--something we all have to do. As you grow older and face it more and more, it will get easier to lose people we love. Sadly, we get better at it as it happens more and more to us. In your life, you will lose friends and neighbors, family members and community members. But our first experiences with death are always the hardest.

So, how to deal with the present moment? First, take really good care of yourself. Do what you have to do to nurture yourself: take yoga, meditate, see a grief counselor, get out with friends and people you care about. Talk about it. Exercise to relieve tension. Take up a new hobby. There are so many things you can do to ensure that your cup remains full, that your life continues and that you see each day as a new adventure. The key is to not stop living your life because someone else has lost theirs.

You only get one crack at this life you're living. Make it as beautiful and special as you possibly can. Get through your grief, be willing to face it so you can get to the other side of it as healthy and as quickly as possible, and move on.

I still miss many people who have died every day. But I carry them with me and these days I can laugh at our memories and I realize that they live in my heart.

You have been through a lot. Be extra good to yourself.

There are many books that help you deal with grief. Buy a few. See a grief counselor if you must.

And... keep on putting one foot in front of the other.

Don't let falling apart be an option.

Keep the faith.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by chelsealad

So sorry for your loss's. The weight must seem more than you can bare. I am no psychic by no means, but I feel you are looking for comfort and understanding in your life. I went through a time in my life like that years ago. After searching every avenue for answers I finally went back to my roots. I sought God. That was the best thing I ever did for myself. It was a turning point in my life for the better. I truly hope you find want you are looking for.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 09:43 AM

Not sure if this is the correct forum for my request, so if it needs moving feel free mods.
Right, this year has been the worst imaginable and I really would not wish it on even my worst enemy.
It started when I lost my Grandmother to cancer in January, I lost my Mum to cancer in June and now my Stepfather was shot with a shotgun in his own back yard in an attempt to kill him (he is currently in intensive care recovering) for no apparent reason. He does not drink, he does not socialise in pubs or nightclubs and is not a drug user.
So, I am looking for a Psychic to help me make sense of my life and what the hell is happening to me! I have had many experiences with UFOs, I have had far too many experiences when I know I have been asleep but I am unable to wake up when I have had a heavy pressure on my chest and unable to scream or shout.
I feel completely out of sorts and I am just gliding through life with no direction. I ask for a Psychic, as I do believe there is something I need to do to bring my life back into balance.

Hope you can help

Hey there chelsealad ... it sounds like you've had a pretty rough time of things and whilst I do not consider myself to be psychic I am pretty good with the Tarot Cards (and in addition I use my 'inner-sense').

I know these days it seems like everyone and their dog reads the Tarot but if you want to check-out my credentials you can click the link to a thread I made back in June 2011 that ran constantly through to December 2012 and covered 120 pages of satisfied members ... the only reason it stopped then was because it got a little overwhelming when my health took a bit of a nosedive so I closed it down.

(ATS Thread);
The Tarot - Your Card Of The Day by Woodwytch

Ok chelsealad I have drawn 3 cards for you and they are;

1 = 8 of Swords ... 2 = The Sun ... 3 = 9 of Pentacles

So using these 3 cards and my own 'inner-sense' this is the translation I get for you ... hopefully it will help you to see things more clearly and progress in a positive way.

Let me begin by commenting on some points that you made in your OP;

Firstly you mentioned the tragedies that you'd experienced in the last year on a personal level ... secondly you mentioned the fact that you have had numerous UFO sightings ... and finally you mentioned the fact that you have experienced what sounds like 'The Hag Syndrome' and 'Sleep Paralysis ... so let's see how or if these things all have a common link as far as your life is concerned.

Speaking from experience I know that personal life-trauma(s) are like a kind of 'spiritual training ground' if you will (the deeper the trauma ... the greater the lesson available to us). In a nutshell I believe you being tested in a variety of aspects to see how well you stand-up to the pressure.

Drawing these 3 Tarot Cards indicates to me that you have great potential but you just have to learn how to understand it and how to use it. Interesting that you asked for a 'genuine psychic' at the start of the thread when I believe you actually have that as yet untapped ability yourself and will (further down the line) be able to put it to good use ... let me explain in more detail with the drawn cards and how I translate them specifically for you.

8 of Swords clearly indicates that you feel like a victim of circumstance and in a way you are because all these awful things are happening around you in a relatively short space of time ... this has naturally left you feeling confused and to a degree, isolated too. You might also feel trapped by this situation but that is more to do with beliefs and attitudes ... remember 'just as your mind can imprison you it can also set you free' ... and to achieve that you need to clear away the obstacles that are cluttering your mind. Spend some quiet time thinking things through in a medatitive way (learn to still the mind-chatter).

The Sun tells me that in the past your ego may sometimes have got the better of you and you may have been dazzled by your own charm and ability ... this will have obscured the clarity that this card is meant to bring but because of your recent experiences in loss you will now be seeing things in a different light and have a clearer understanding of what is really important. Once you realize how destructive ego can be this card can bring your delayed success to the fore ... it will allow projects to bloom in this cards light and warmth and your full creative talent has the potential to be realized by the world ... there is a high probability that when you have taken the lessons on board that you will be liberated from everyday worries and constraints with the freedom to be your 'true' self ... I know how grand that sounds and I never make such statements lightly but the next card emphasizes this even more.

9 of Pentacles tells me that because of recent events you may have lost your way and/or forgotten your priorities ... in the past you may have lacked discipline that prompted you to abandon projects because they didn't show results quickly enough for you ... but above all you may have felt restless and disatisfied. Again I don't say this lightly but indications show that you have reached this point in your life 'in spite & because' of your recent harsh experiences (this was your 'testing ground') and this is something you need to tune-in to because this is where the key lies and the words that my 'inner-senses' are playing in my head in big capital letters are ... 'THE SPIRITS GUIDE YOU'.

To round-up I feel that your future lies in working with spirit ... and I mean in a very big way that will see you earning a living with this but you will not see it as work because it is a natural ability ... the 'genuine psychic' that you seek ... is you !

But always keep it real and true ... never ... ever ... ever make stuff up to fill a gap or it will be gone forever.

Enjoy. Woody )O(

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:36 AM
Not sure if I'm allowed to post this ... but I'll give it a try.
THIS is the psychic that I've gone to three times.
She's really good. At least for me she has been.

Some psychics connect and others don't.
I think it has something to do with your frequency and theirs. (my guess)
She's not a 'cold reader' ... at least not with me.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 02:19 AM
Sometimes intense traumas are compounded and compressed by time and all the bad feelings and memories blend into an overwhelming ongoing ordeal. Separating the loss of loved ones from the many experiences with UFOs might help you deal better with all the trauma. It sounds like the pain, confusion, and anger of losing loved ones resonated with the pain, confusion, and anger you have regarding your UFO/abduction experiences.

It might be worth seeing a therapist (do research before choosing) rather than a psychic at first so you can talk about family.

I've never been to a psychic, but I have been read by an old friend who seemed to have at the very least intense intuition/probably some true ability. BUT BE WARNED. YOU ARE IN A VULNERABLE STATE AND SOMETIMES WHAT PSYCHICS TELL YOU WILL ONLY UPSET YOU MORE. The things my friend told me kind of upset me and stuck in my head in such a way that I felt like my free will had been taken away. I think this is probably a common reaction to psychic readings.

The best thing you can do is avoid addictions (especially alcohol), exercise (relieves stress scientific fact), and don't isolate yourself. There are therapists who deal with anomalous trauma and there are UFO support groups. Volunteering and helping out those even less fortunate than you will make you feel better.

Life mercilessly deals out blow after blow.
edit on 7-12-2013 by hyperreflexia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 10:01 PM

Not sure if this is the correct forum for my request, so if it needs moving feel free mods.
Right, this year has been the worst imaginable and I really would not wish it on even my worst enemy.
It started when I lost my Grandmother to cancer in January, I lost my Mum to cancer in June and now my Stepfather was shot with a shotgun in his own back yard in an attempt to kill him (he is currently in intensive care recovering) for no apparent reason. He does not drink, he does not socialise in pubs or nightclubs and is not a drug user.
So, I am looking for a Psychic to help me make sense of my life and what the hell is happening to me! I have had many experiences with UFOs, I have had far too many experiences when I know I have been asleep but I am unable to wake up when I have had a heavy pressure on my chest and unable to scream or shout.
I feel completely out of sorts and I am just gliding through life with no direction. I ask for a Psychic, as I do believe there is something I need to do to bring my life back into balance.

Hope you can help

My thoughts are with your family who have passed, I hope for your stepfather to recover.
I hope you find your direction, I maybe wrong but I just don't think you will find your direction through a psychic.
It takes time, family, friends and people whom have the same sort of anguish you are going through.
and believe me there are many who are as unfortunate as you that need compassion.

It also seems like you are experiencing sleep paralysis, and this can come on by stress which we can tell you have.

and yes there is something you will need to find to bring back balance and that is purpose, do not be afraid to seek and make your own path.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 12:48 AM


But always keep it real and true ... never ... ever ... ever make stuff up to fill a gap or it will be gone forever.

Enjoy. Woody )O(

It's always really great to see the art of communicating with spirit with such detail.

I saw this and wish it isn't so.
I want help to use my gift, I tried to "read" a good friend and saw women around him who were of African American decent.

But all of it was wrong he had no clue , I felt ashamed that I couldn't actually PROVE my gift.
I didn't mean to fabricate something , I thought I saw them.

To be honest I am afraid of the dark, for there I see things.

my dreams haunt me more and more lately. I sage the house and try to console my worries to my love.
But he refuses to believe sometimes.

But I choose not to speak to any who I see. I want some hands down knowledge, demons can take many forms.

be blessed ;D

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 12:55 AM
I wish you well.

May your days be less burdened with the weight of tragedy.

I can't truly say I know how your feeling. but I can genuinely say that I hope you are reliving the nice times and special moments you shared with your loved ones.

My mother told me to "Forgive as Many people as I can and to save all the beautiful and happy memories in an envelope in my mind.

take care be blessed

I too feel you have the gift

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