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The Incredible Kundalini

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posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 02:35 PM
Because this!

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 08:29 PM

reply to post by GargIndia

GargledIndia=Salesman I think your ego refuses to let you see Yoga is for girls. Real men get the # kicked out of them by their own hands, sit in cells, serve in the military, lose everything to gain it all,sit on the precipice, till the bow string almost breaks and the creator lets that arrow fly! Many ways and many walks of life.

You are crazy and ignorant.

Anybody who listens to you is either in the same category or will get there.

You have absolutely zero knowledge of anything substantial.

I have to use this strong language as I can do this as a preacher and social reformer.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by GargIndia

I sort of thought it might be your ego talking. Many things that you have said to me and others here are not the words of a person who has made much spiritual progress. Spirituality is not a competition, and not everyone finds their way with yoga.

I am starting to think you are just here to troll and ridicule others. We need to realize that not everyone believes the same thing, and that is ok. Calling others ignorant merely makes you look bad and serves nothing to further another person on their own path.

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Coopdog

Have you read the thread by VedaTruth?

Have you read my posts on this and other thread?

I am not trying to force you or any other to do anything. Each soul is free and is so by its very nature. Even an evolved and very powerful soul cannot make you do what you do not want to do.

What you are trying to do is force God to give you awesome powers without any effort or following His laws. That is great. While your soul cannot be forced by anybody, you think you can force God your way.

I have gone through your stage. I understand what it is.

You do not understand the meaning of 'Kundalini'. This is a Sanskrit word. It is not a Chinese or English word. You will find its meaning in Sanskrit literature and not in some made up book by a hippie.

I exhort you to come out with proof to support your arguments, based on explanations of this word by great teachers and seers. Should I take your word for it?

I am using strong language on this thread as you take a word from Yogic parlance and then thoroughly distort its meaning.

My spiritual state has nothing to do with this discussion. I come here with considerable learning over the years, and direct from a great seer. This is why I write and with his permission.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by GargIndia

You sir are being very disrespectful in this thread. What makes you think that my lifetime of searching and learning has any less value than your own? There is more than one good teacher in the world and I have been privileged to know more than one.

Calling people "hippie" or "ignorant" only serves to illustrate your own lack of application of the principles you have supposedly learned.

No, I did not go seek out more of your disrespectful words and I don't expect that I will based on the way you have conducted yourself in this thread. Of all the things I have learned in my life, treating others with simple respect I count as one of the most important of all.

Kundalini can be achieved through yoga, and yes I have pursued Kundalini yoga. It can be achieved through meditation, and it can be achieved through traumatic injury or psychedelic drugs. I have studied Qi Gong, Chi Kung, Kuji-in, reiki, shamanic healing and Huna. I have known people that you might consider to be a "hippie" that hold multiple masters degrees. I do more than read books, I practice hands on in everything I pursue.

Your lack of respect for others speaks volumes about why your words hold very little weight in this thread.

If it seems like folks are a little skeptical, well sir, you have earned it. Please refrain from calling names and insulting people as it is entirely uncalled for here.
edit on 26-12-2013 by Coopdog because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-12-2013 by Coopdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by InTheLight

The OP has really given a simplistic sounding understanding of what he's talking about. I understand what he's talking about seems to excite him, but as you rightly and maturely pointed out, lets not become dogmatists about it. If whatever you do increases awareness and makes you a better human being, more power to you.

It seems to me the central danger of Kundalini type practices is going into it without resolving past traumas.

Trauma "stays" in the body - it doesn't leave. The nervous system is an exquisitely complex system, with atleast 3 separate layers - the autonomic, limbic and cortical. When someone goes through life experiencing bang after bang, and never resolves the traumas he or she experiences; and then naively comes into kundalini yoga thinking he can perhaps become a "god", mental illness tends to follow.

Depending on the severity of the trauma, any person who stimulates their bodily energy with "kundalini' practices overwhelms their autonomic and limbic networks with an energetic flow that is too much for their cortical networks to integrate. The "flow" isn't a stable flow that can be tracked by consciousness, but an unstable one, one that actually amplifies traumatic memories, eventually aggravating emotional networks to function in ways that terrorize consciousness.

It's a dangerous practice. It can of course be worthwhile, can really support states of wellbeing, promote creativity and joyfulness. But you need to organize yourself before you do this. I'm not sure how many people have experienced nervous breakdowns in response to this practice, but I'd imagine it's pretty high.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Astrocyte

The reason I said that it should be approached with the proper respect is due to the way it happened to me. I was in a very dark place in my soul and was in the process of transformation but did not realize that. I had meditated on my problems and come to the firm conclusion that all of the things that had me down were a bunch of self serving bull.

That however did not help my mental state. I was driving down the road with tears of frustration in my eyes, when I felt the stirrings of this energy come up my spine. I had undergone several partial experiences and since I had been working for several years with Kundalini as a loosely defined idea that I was working towards, I was familiar with the sensations and the concept.

Suddenly it went all the way to my head and exploded throughout my body and soul. I was in a moments time transformed from being in one of the worst depression that I had ever been in to being filled to the brim with the peace/love/joy energy of Kundalini. I was filled with ecstatic joy and if I had not known what it was I would have driven myself to the nearest psych ward and turned myself in!

However I dealt with it. Music was transformed for me, and I had spent a whole lifetime being too "cool" to dance and suddenly I could not stop myself from dancing. The energy and sound had to be expressed and I went home and danced with my wife until 4 am and wore everyone out completely!

I kept dancing for a month straight. I began exercising as this energy needed to be released. Over the next year I wrote and published a book and lost a hundred pounds and kept right on dancing. I picked up my old guitar and suddenly found myself playing music every day and began to express it through music as well. It never sounded so pretty!

Now it's a few years down the road and I have transformed my life and went from being a big scary guy to being very well thought of and appreciated in my life. I have let go my anger and it dissipated like a black cloud to be replaced with love and joy.

Kundalini is a powerful force and one must be sure that this is the path they want to pursue because it will come into you and change your very core personality. Are you ready for that change in your life? I wonder how many really are?

I would wager that not as many as thinks they are. I am very grateful for this experience and so are all of the people around me as they have witnessed this change for the better in me. It has been a strange and wonderful thing and stays with me all this time. I was afraid it would fade soon as many people report, but I got the full on experience and I have strived to keep that mindset even when life is hard from time to time.

Oh and by the way, I care nothing for any "powers" other than the healing that I practice and share freely. If powers is your goal I suspect that you will never see real Kundalini.

It's all in the attitude! Peace...
edit on 26-12-2013 by Coopdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Coopdog

I did not start posting on this thread to earn respect.

I am rather mad at the wrong use of the word "kundalini".

You are yet to answer any of my substantial questions.

I did not start this topic. I am a skeptic and I am here to debunk what you do.

Whatever you are saying is illogical and misleading. I shall continue on this line until you respond to the basic question - what is "kundalini" and you have to answer based on Sanskrit text by well-known masters.

I am questioning your knowledge because you are dishonest.

Misuse and mis-interpretation of ancient yogic terms is a very serious crime.

You are bundling a lot of unrelated things with "kundalini" in an effort to malign genuine seekers.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by GargIndia

I have said nothing dishonest. I am not selling anything and not asking anyone to go out and buy into anything. I see that no matter how I define Kundalini it will be wrong (in your eyes) as you are as stuck on your own process as any religious zealot I have ever interacted with.

You sir are disrespectful of others and this will be the last time I reply to this as the interaction has become rather tiresome to me. Nothing I say will convince you one bit and I am tired of trying. I am not confused, and I am not misleading anyone because I am not trying to lead anyone anywhere, so your point is once again not made.

I think for my own spiritual mindset I should politely bow out of further interaction with you as you are a toxic and negative individual and I do not choose to take this any further. I respect your right to speak as you like but the name calling and delusion of grandeur is nauseating me.

You sir are no teacher that I would listen to, plain and simple.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 03:04 AM
I always listen to reasonable people and even readily apologize if what I say hurts somebody.

However I have a very serious problem with people who claim to know some topic without doing proper research or putting an effort into it.

I have repeatedly said that "kundalini" is a Sanskrit and yogic term.

You cannot arbitrarily define it.

If you are looking for a meaning, you will look for Sanskrit dictionary first of all.

Did you study "Nirukta" and "Nighantu" - the two books that are necessary to understand Sanskrit?

Nobody has so far been ready to come out with a reasonable explanation based on a reasonable source.

What is wrong with my premise that people should stop arbitrarily defining.

Did anybody prove me wrong with proper evidence without name calling?

Anyway you guys continue with your discussion, and you people are hell-bent on giving false and misleading information, and probably that is your mission.

This is a very serious topic and is different from other topics on this website. And people who engage in false practices and defamation of eternal truths will see visible effects in their own life. I attach this effect with this thread.

Goodbye guys.

edit on 27-12-2013 by GargIndia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 03:19 AM

I always listen to reasonable people and even readily apologize if what I say hurts somebody.

However I have a very serious problem with people who claim to know some topic without doing proper research or putting an effort into it.

I have repeatedly said that "kundalini" is a Sanskrit and yogic term.

You cannot arbitrarily define it.

If you are looking for a meaning, you will look for Sanskrit dictionary first of all.

Knowing about a topic is a little different than having the experience.

You can read 500 books about water but putting your hand in water will be the best way to know what water is.
edit on 27-12-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 03:48 AM

I am questioning your knowledge because you are dishonest.

Misuse and mis-interpretation of ancient yogic terms is a very serious crime.

You are bundling a lot of unrelated things with "kundalini" in an effort to malign genuine seekers.

Knowledge will always be questionable. Experience is actual.

If we stood together and put our hands in water we would both instantly know what water is. As soon as we use words to describe what was experienced it will conflict. Words and ideas, symbols and signs never portray the truth of the actual.

Fighting over words that describe something that has not been experienced is insanity.
Imagine 4 blind men fighting over what red means.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by Astrocyte

Trauma "stays" in the body - it doesn't leave.

Have you ever read any books by Alexander Lowen? I think you would find what he speaks about very interesting.
Here is just one that I have read.
edit on 27-12-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by arpgme

It's not "just" energy. Energy is the motion which makes things turn.

Honestly, no offense to you, but there are so many ignorant and idiotic new age knaves who write about psychological matters like "kundalini" who haven't got an inkling of how dangerous it can be.

This probably has to do with a mixture of arrogance and ignorance. Arrogance in thinking they know all there is to be known, and ignorant/foolish, in not realizing or even recognizing relevant information when the come into contact with it.

As I said in this thread already - KUNDALINI CAN BE EXTRAORDINARILY DANGEROUS. Every new age site which recommends this practice without putting in very bold letters, as a disclaimer: If you have any unresolved trauma, kundalini can be dangerous, should be SUED.

Autonomic "blockages" in energy flow related to a past unresolved trauma is the basic reason why energy practices can induce massive sympathetic arousal, enormous dysregulation within the nervous system, will aggravate existing neuroses (any particular obsession/fixation the person may deal with).

Why is that? Because the trauma has not be resolved. The autonomic nervous system keeps the physiological markers alive in the body. Introducing more "energy" into the organism does not fix it. Fixing unresolved trauma requires cognitive processing i.e. understanding of the event, in order to create alignment within the organisms cortical, limbic and autonomic processes.

So, playing around with kundalini yoga, if you have any unresolved trauma, will likely result in a serious nervous breakdown. It's basic cause and effect.

Just so this becomes clear. What is a common response to trauma? Dissociation. What is dissociation? A "turning away" from embodied experience. Why? Because the hyper-arousal of the originating trauma overwhelms the nervous system/conscious mind. The response is inhibiting cortical-autonomic connection, which means a massive reduction in bodily feeling, emotional sensation i.e. a serious reduction in energy within the organism.

You introduce kundalini type energy into such a person? Trust me. It's not a joke. A nervous breakdown will ensue in such an individual.
edit on 27-12-2013 by Astrocyte because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

Sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for the recommendation.

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by Astrocyte

You are welcome.
You might like to hear Alexander Lowen speaking about his work in this video - he covers quite a bit in a very short time.

I find his approach amazing.
edit on 28-12-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

I truly apologize if I said anything that lead this thread to derail like it did. I stand by my assertion that I manifested this Kundalini type of energy in my life. My teacher was very pleased and upon researching this effect Kundalini is about as good an explanation as any.

Some could say I just went "insane" but I do not believe this to be the truth, simply from the changes that have come to fruition in my life since this happened. What happened to me was a total transformation of my core self, in one moments time all that darkness was simply gone and the sun shined into my life finally.

Coincidently (or not) I prayed whole heartedly that day for my higher self, God, Creator, or whatever helper spirit was listening to help me to lose the darkness that clouded my eyes. Maybe my prayers were answered simple as that. I truly don't know, but it took me right back to kindergarten when I thought I was ready for a teaching degree.

The change was so dramatic that people asked me if I was on drugs and my wife kept waiting for the inevitable crash of the manic depressive human condition, but it never came. So if I am calling this by an incorrect term, then that is not my intention, but the textbook definition of Kundalini fits it perfectly.

I consider myself to be an eager student of all things having to do with mind/body/spirit as I believe there is a universal core of truth to all of it. It is up to us to weed out the chaff and keep the small bits of knowledge to be found and all we can do is use our own experience and education to try to make the best choices for ourselves. It's all subjective as it'snowagain said about the water thing.

edit on 28-12-2013 by Coopdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by Coopdog

No need to apologize, I did not see any derailment and I totally believe you.
I believe you because it too happened here.
If you come across people who do not believe what you say it is because they have not experienced it. It is undeniable to you, is it not? You know as I do but no one will believe it until it happens to them. They will argue and tell you that you are wrong - but you KNOW!!
People read books and think they know everything. It happened here without any prior knowledge of it and I had to go and find out what it was that had happened - it happens a lot.

It happened to the author Eckhart Tolle and he spent years finding out what had happened.


posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 08:43 AM
Really interested in learning this but a bit apprehensive of crossing a line I can't uncross.

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