posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 10:42 PM
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Makes many wonder, "How did them Indigenous people get themselves into prison in the first place?"
Was it the fault of someone else? Dad and Mom did not give them quality time? Were they abused, physically, mentally, spiritually?
Same time, no one put a weapon to their heads and said, "Okay! This is what you are going to do! Then, what if someone did do such a thing? how did
they get into that kind of situation in the first place?
You see, only they know why and how they got to be in such a terrible predicament. Was it a bad choice, or in the wrong place at the wrong time?
So many questions society has about them Indigenous peoples from Conquered Nations.
My own opinion is that we all make choices and some are good and some are bad, we all have to pay the consequences whether it be by the current laws
that govern us or when they leave Creation and answer to a higher power.
We try to make it so that the rest of them community's are safe, so that others may have a chance to live the best they can with whats available.
By living negative, it breeds negativity and creates cycles. Even today, many young think its acceptable behavior or a rite of some stupid passage,
place to get respect!
What if, them Indigenous people try to live by traditional beliefs and ways? By doing that, they will not be doing bad things or become addicted with
some kind of affliction, and assume everyone should feel sorry for them, pity!
Life lessons and common sense should tell them (others that have relatives in them prisons, jails or some kind of institutions) that if you live by
believing that society owes you or you are above the law you are showing by your actions that you gave up, your spirit is broken and not able to cope
with society's or communities and be a part of lives around you struggling to just live.
I may sound like I am a perfect human being, but I am not. I made mistakes and tried to learn from them bad choices, no one come along and held my
hand or provided me with a alternative, I made my own decisions, free-will to be a better person, not just for myself but to show the Creator that I
can learn and live, by doing that I set a example for my children and all I can do is hope and pray they make the right choices in this life we
People can change.