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This is how I know the US has gone to total S***

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posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 02:02 PM
The government propaganda department must be so happy that they have the people So focused away from the Real world!

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 04:52 PM
Let's look at this from another angle: Americans are regularly criticized, here & elsewhere, as being disgustingly apathetic to world events & even to the slow-motion takeover of our own country's government.
Yet, how many news stories have you read about well-wishing messages, cash donations, offers of employment, etc. pouring in in response to a news story about someone's hardship? If you've been paying unbiased attention, it's actually quite common.

Here's an example of people caring enough about a fictional character's death to express their dismay by creating & signing a petition. How about considering the idea that people who care enough about something this relatively trivial, may well be involved also in petitioning, voting, demonstrating, etc, against the more real-world concerns they have in this life? I don't see how anyone can claim to know that all signers of this petition are shallow, brainwashed oafs who don't act on other concerns they have in a way that would be found admirable if known.

In reply to the argument "but it's a cartoon dog", this can just as easily be seen as an indicator of the depth of caring in some people, once you get past the assumption that this must be the only thing that's stirred them into action.

So, if we don't care, our country has gone to hell. According to what I read here, if we do care, it should only be about what is deemed valid by a few of us, or the country has gone to hell. People invest their concern & caring in a wide variety of areas; I don't agree with much of it, & am indeed disgusted by much of it. I do recognize, however, that they have a right to do so, & that I have a right to act on issues that I care deeply about, as long as I'm not causing injury or mayhem to befall anyone.

That's one of the things I think is still nice about living in the US, & not at all a sign that the country has gone to hell.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 05:55 PM
Family guy is one of my favorite shows, and I think killing off Brian was a big mistake, however I'm not going to rush out and sign a petition over it, so I understand where the OP is coming from.

I think if McFarlan wanted to give "Paulie" a job he should have added a new friend for Peter. His little group is getting boring and could use a little spicing up anyway.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 06:56 PM

"I don't know how many damn times I have to say it people, we need to get our damn ratings up! I don't care what the hell you have to do - if our ratings aren't up by next week, you can kiss your asses goodbye!"

:: Conference meeting ::

"Ok everyone, what are we gonna do here? We gotta think fast about this one and come up with something really good that will keep everyone glued to their seats and begging for more shows."

"Wait!! I know!! Let's have Brian get hit by a car, we can have this whole dramatic scene where we take everyone to the hospital and the doctors tell everyone they're sorry but there's nothing they can do about it, blah blah blah, you get the idea... Then we bring him back!!"


posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

I feel the same way. Today our kids role models are basketball and football stars and celebrities instead of a scientist or a teacher. That's why majority of Americans are dumb, they look up to people who will never help them in real life whatsoever. What does a NBA star have to offer me, a jumpshot?
Atleast a teacher could teach me something useful.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 08:01 PM

reply to post by jhn7537

I feel the same way. Today our kids role models are basketball and football stars and celebrities instead of a scientist or a teacher. That's why majority of Americans are dumb, they look up to people who will never help them in real life whatsoever. What does a NBA star have to offer me, a jumpshot?
Atleast a teacher could teach me something useful.

Neil DeGrasse-Tyson has a theory on this that basically blames NASA for this.

WHen he was a kid, you looked up the scientists. We were going to the moon, people were watching it on TV, and it was part of the daily meme. Nowadays when science is on TV its either some dorky "doctor" type like Bill Nye, or a deranged meth cook like Heisenberg. Even when we see scientists being glorified, the best we get for "glory" is the mentally ill savant played by Russell Crowe.

Intelligence is not valued. There could be infinite sources to blame. The government/intelligene/military apparatus for shuttling all bright Americans away to underground bunkers and starve NASA into obscurity. Or entertainment for making science seem like magic performed by miscreants of social misfits. Or maybe parents for worrying more about the daily grind than relativity. CHarlotte Iserbyte (a department of education whistleblower) says it is a conspiracy to dumb down Americans.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Yeah I've always noticed that.

Just look at the heroes in movies. Smart and non-violent men are depicted as not getting the best girls and being fumbling wimpy weirdos desperately trying to keep up with the main hero.

The reality is that being intelligent and having a good job gets you whatever chick you want.

It has to be some widespread attempt to ensure that future generations are dumb as #.

Being non-violent and well read is frowned upon in American society.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by OrphanApology

Yes. That's right.

"Be intelligent. This way, you can have all the sex you desire."

Man. There are so many things wrong with that post. I would hazard a guess that you believe that IQ tests are a real indicator of how intelligent a person is. The truth is... everybody IS intelligent. Some in ways different than others. Scientists are generally considered intelligent, but, hey, let me be the first to break the bad news to you. There are some STUPID scientists. Just because an institution awards you a diploma, a degree, a certificate or even a doctorate does NOT mean you are intelligent. I know. But they are SCIENTISTS you argue. Yes, and they are supposedly looking for the truth as well...
Basketball players all of a sudden are brought into the picture. They are 'dumb' in your eyes? Because they are not intelligent in the way you imagine intelligence? But I bet they have a better understanding of the physics of a bouncing basketball compared to the most intelligent of physicists.

And for the record, aspiring to be intelligent in order to have sex is &%#*ing stupid beyond belief.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 05:27 AM
oh no, change! run for the hills!

Give the new dog a chance, im glad that family guy likes to change stuff up, does anyone still watch the simpsons? Bart must be 30 somthing by now

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 07:00 AM
Reminds me of the first world problems ...

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 07:43 AM
I love how folks are equating sports teams with cartoons!
That is a pretty right on comparison!!! Distractions for the masses. Some folks will choose one distraction and other folks will choose another. Neither one is real life.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 11:45 AM
I don't watch Family Guy very often, but the one time I do, the freaking dog dies! I was thinking: "What the hell is this crap?!? Is it supposed to be funny? Is Stewie going to go back in time and save him?" I think the Stewie and Brian episodes were the only ones I watched.

I'd say Family Guy is about done.

edit on 28-11-2013 by CryHavoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 02:32 AM
Eh.. I don't see how. This is the "straw that broke the camels back.." If people were rioting in the streets I'd agree. Thats not a big number of signatures.

Also.. in times of economic depression people turn to entertainment to escape their lives. Thats probably whats happening.

That said.. I don't think much of family guy. Not that great or original or funny for that matter. Honestly they did a smart thing by killing the character instead of letting it go on forever and beconing horrible like what happened to the simpsons. It won't save the ahow, but at least they are trying rather than letting it stagnate.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 12:05 PM

reply to post by OrphanApology

Yes. That's right.

"Be intelligent. This way, you can have all the sex you desire."

Man. There are so many things wrong with that post. I would hazard a guess that you believe that IQ tests are a real indicator of how intelligent a person is. The truth is... everybody IS intelligent. Some in ways different than others. Scientists are generally considered intelligent, but, hey, let me be the first to break the bad news to you. There are some STUPID scientists. Just because an institution awards you a diploma, a degree, a certificate or even a doctorate does NOT mean you are intelligent. I know. But they are SCIENTISTS you argue. Yes, and they are supposedly looking for the truth as well...
Basketball players all of a sudden are brought into the picture. They are 'dumb' in your eyes? Because they are not intelligent in the way you imagine intelligence? But I bet they have a better understanding of the physics of a bouncing basketball compared to the most intelligent of physicists.

And for the record, aspiring to be intelligent in order to have sex is &%#*ing stupid beyond belief.

In many ways achievements for young people, especially men, are a way of showing off to women. Whether that's right or wrong in your opinion is of little consequence. It is what it is. Many men DO use intelligence as a sexual A+ and many women are more attracted to those men. Whether you like that aspect of human nature is irrelevant.

People are attracted to each and #. Human beings are incredibly social creatures and most everything we do, whether we like to admit or not, is connected to the community of apes we happen to be apart of. When you are young and horny that also carries over to whatever academia you are striving for.

Whether or not all people are "intelligent" as you seem to believe doesn't matter. The point is, a large portion of the population out there have no skills, can't read, and can't hold down logical conversations. They also believe that violent men buff men are the ideal of what a man can be. That was the "purpose" of my post.

Also, my post said nothing of the relevance of IQ tests, scientists or basketball players. I am not sure if this is a reading comprehension issue or if you just like to add things in to create drama.

Scientists can be illogical people. Sure.

However, they also have to stick with school for 8 years+ to earn a PhD. At some time that was one of the biggest aspects of earning a degree. Aside from the skills learned in the degree, it proved that you were well spoken and well read(there used to be copious amounts of reading and writing assignments regardless of degree). It also proved you could stick with something and finish it.

edit on 29-11-2013 by OrphanApology because: d

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 12:14 PM

reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Yeah I've always noticed that.

Just look at the heroes in movies. Smart and non-violent men are depicted as not getting the best girls and being fumbling wimpy weirdos desperately trying to keep up with the main hero.

The reality is that being intelligent and having a good job gets you whatever chick you want.

It has to be some widespread attempt to ensure that future generations are dumb as #.

Being non-violent and well read is frowned upon in American society.

Watching "Modern Family" yesterday, i heard a great quote about this. The "pretty" daughter was harping on the "nerdy" daughter about some boys she had used her sex appeal on. The boys were total geeks, picking on another smaller geek. Her feminine wiles worked to get them to leave the little boy alone, to which the "pretty sister" gave her a hard time. She replied with, "You aren't the only one with a fanclub. But my fans will be your fans boss one day".

It is true. If you are smart, chicks will like you. Because you are funny and make them laugh is usually the reason given.

My sister is with an imbecile. And you can tell she isn't proud of him, as she never talks about him. Her Facebook account is covered with her talking about everyone else in her life but him. She really only is with him because she is intellectually his superior and she likes that for some reason.

Being non violent and well read is only frowned upon by those young enough to not know better. "Society" in America has come to equate to pop culture. I would not think our pop culture is a bastion of deep thought.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 06:17 PM

nuff said

naw, not that big of a deal. 2 seconds out of someones day having a laugh over a petition and you freak out.

people cant have fun anymore, it makes them sheeple!

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

Sorry from a lions fan...

I gotta say tho Cutler is on tough son of a b. I couldnt believe he kept getting up that last game our teams played or that they didnt pull him sooner. I like the bears , and miss lovie. I hope the division is between our teams next year.

Back on topic tho. I believe this is just a temporary attention grabbing stunt. I know people who dont really watch the show, are watching the show again. Anything can get people rilled up, the reason I think family guy make get more attention than politics is because its a hell of a lot easier to grasp than politics.

Ask any person to name 4 state or national politicians that represent them. Then ask them to name 4 Family guy characters.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 01:25 AM
What's the big deal? It would take seconds to sign the petition, you have wasted more time making this thread. Don't you have better things to do?

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 07:24 PM
I wouldn't look at Family Guy's killing of Brian as much of a distraction. I understand, though, what you are saying. For instance, after a football game my friends and family are blowing up each other's facebook, G+, twitter, etc. passing the news and taking crap to one another. If only Americans could be as passionate about politics and the state of America... Also, Black Friday, which I refuse to participate in anymore, is another prime example. So you'll stay up all night freezing for a TV you don't need, but you can't go a 2-3 hr rally, preserving and expressing, your civil liberties? However, you can still enjoy some much needed comedy, and heart break I suppose, from Family Guy and not be a total sheep.

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