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Aliens May Be Preparing Us For Ultimate Encounter

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posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 02:07 AM
Mhm, if aliens were to check out our nuclear facilities and weapons
I think that is done from a tactical perspective and there are
reports of UFOs being near ICBM's and nuclear power stations.
Maybe it's just to monitor where we have the 'stuff' that damages
the most, maybe even they are affected by radiation.If they are
organic by nature they would suffer the same ill-effects as we do
from radiation.


posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 11:55 AM

Well for showing interest we have the Grand daddy of UFO cases Roswell, there wasnt much out in Roswell in 1947 except for the first and only nuclear equiped bomber squadron.

Then we have perhap the second most famous UFO case Rendlesham Forest in the UK (Britain�s Roswell). They had nuclear weapons secretly stored there.

Yes, but I wanted to show a case of reported deliberate disabling of nukes by aliens.
as requested by the member.... Other good examples though

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Yes, but I wanted to show a case of reported deliberate disabling of nukes by aliens.
as requested by the member.... Other good examples though

I have heard of one case in the west coast of the US during a ICBM test one of the guys that film the missile in flight with one of those crazy telescopes said he saw a UFO enter frame fly a circle around the ICBM hit it with some kind of light and it blew up in mid air. This all happened while the missile was going something like mach 20.

He claims the AF took the video of this event, but he could produce proof that he indeed work on these ICBM test. Not really much proof only the guys story but its one account I know off.

On a side note about the Rendlesham Forest its reported that the UFO beamed some type of light onto the weapons storage area. I dont know if anything happened to the weapons though.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 09:00 PM
I think if they are going to reveal themselves, it had better be done over a period of many years or decades. We can't even play nice and share with each other.... how is the world going to react to an advanced ET presence?

I mean, we have never experienced contact with creatures equal or greater intelligence than oursleves. I think the possible ramifications of a sudden ET contact are unnerving to say the least. Look how humans have reacted to other's who just spoke a different lanquage or looked different. Then throw in the religious aspect and it truly get's frightening.

We are not ready. IMO We have a lot of growing up to do.

That being said, an appearance of another intelligent species might just be the thing to help us get our act together. ie. the proverbial slap in the face.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Facefirst

I mean, we have never experienced contact with creatures equal or greater intelligence than oursleves. .

We did come into contact with Neanderthals they even had bigger brains then us. Though we cant say they were smarter then us if not they must have been close to our level of intelligence.

Nobody knows exactly why they died out but it seems to happen around the same time humans start showing up where they lived. So it would seem making contact didnt work out to well for Neanderthals in the end.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 09:42 PM
If THEY are trying to assimilate us to their presence, then as to yet, it is a weak-ass attempt. Nukes aside, why not just park ships over London, Paris, the D.C., etc. In Arthur Clarke's Childhood's End the aliens did just that. And they stayed there for 50 years in order to get us used to their visit before showing themselves. I think something like that would work better. A fleeting glimpse of a saucer out in bumf**K is not a good way to get used to their presence.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Originally posted by Facefirst

I mean, we have never experienced contact with creatures equal or greater intelligence than oursleves. .

We did come into contact with Neanderthals they even had bigger brains then us. Though we cant say they were smarter then us if not they must have been close to our level of intelligence.

Nobody knows exactly why they died out but it seems to happen around the same time humans start showing up where they lived. So it would seem making contact didnt work out to well for Neanderthals in the end.

Interesting point.

I meant more in recent recorded history though. Modern man has never knowingly encountered any species at or above our intelligence.

I truly don't think mankind is ready for ETs tomorrow. Maybe a few hundred years from now, but not this week.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 10:41 PM
Well, I'm not really sure. I agree they are UFO's, for the plain fact that they are unidentified, I see UFOs every single day, aircraft I can't identify. But you say these things move... in our atmosphere... at the speed of light? The physics behind that allegation would beyond a shadow of a doubt prove the existense of such a craft. They atmospheric distubances it would cause would be noticed. Well.... maybe not. I'm no expert on alien (military) technology, but I guess if you could remove the atmosphere around the craft (cold plasma maybe?) then you could probably do it without splitting atoms in the air. But that still wouldn't allow for aliens. I don't care where your from, the acceleration would liquify you. But then again, we could go into the 'godliness' of these aliens, in which case, they could survive it, but if they are gods, why do they need ships?

I dunno, maybe I'm a little skeptical. I mean the Americans have been going Mach 3+ since days after the second world war, with an aircraft developed and tested at a certain facillity near the first atomic weapons testing grounds. Maybe we should give secret government projects and physicists some credit. Give humanity some credit, we aren't stupid. If something was impossible yesterday, it may be common place tommorow. We are able to figure things out on our own sometimes.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Originally posted by Gazrok

Yes, but I wanted to show a case of reported deliberate disabling of nukes by aliens.
as requested by the member.... Other good examples though

I have heard of one case in the west coast of the US during a ICBM test one of the guys that film the missile in flight with one of those crazy telescopes said he saw a UFO enter frame fly a circle around the ICBM hit it with some kind of light and it blew up in mid air. This all happened while the missile was going something like mach 20.

He claims the AF took the video of this event, but he could produce proof that he indeed work on these ICBM test. Not really much proof only the guys story but its one account I know off.

I did see a peace on the tube about that (very long ago). But they showed the footage. The film may have been confiscated, but it was appearently recoverd. It was amzing that this thing moved about the missle as if it was still sitting on the launch pad! It even seemed aggitated by the missle.

As far as them being interested in our nuke technology, I think they are probably more interested in our responible use of the tech. Nukes are probably down there with the stone wheel as far as they are concerned.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 11:25 PM
No Way Notme they have the footage, man I want to see that. Anything that can make a moving ICBM look like it sitting still is some scary level of tech.

I really dont think the human body could even take turns at anywhere near Mach 20 speeds, I think it would just kill a human.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 11:35 PM
Its not likely that the physical affects we all think about at those speeds even apply to the inside of the vessel. Any technology capable of those kinds of manuv will also have counter tech for the occupants.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 11:43 PM
Are you referring to the fact that every week now, there are Strange lights that are sighted streaking across the sky in the US, Europe, Asia, etc?

I fail to believe that all of these sightings are meteors or Space junk falling from the sky...c'mon, seeing something that lights up the sky over a few states is a large object, no?

I personally feel that we are a large 'people farm'. We are getting a little to large and technologically advanced, and visits have become more frequent since the use of and creation of nuclear weapons and energy. I feel that we are in another cycle of life that has occured many times before. Recon flights to see what we are doing. MAybe we are grown and then harvested to go fight on other planets? MAybe that is how and why mass amounts of people have dissappeared throughout history. Jeez, starting to sound like Dean Koontz novel.

I bet if they do land though, liberals will blame it on Bush and CHeney.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by Notme
Its not likely that the physical affects we all think about at those speeds even apply to the inside of the vessel. Any technology capable of those kinds of manuv will also have counter tech for the occupants.

Ah something like a Inertia Damper that could neutralize the gravitational forces. That would make sense but I think thats far beyond any human level of Technology.

I agree with the other person that said Gov. black projects make up alot of UFO sightings. But something that could move like that at those speeds I really think that is tech not of this world.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Are you referring to the fact that every week now, there are Strange lights that are sighted streaking across the sky in the US, Europe, Asia, etc?

I fail to believe that all of these sightings are meteors or Space junk falling from the sky...c'mon, seeing something that lights up the sky over a few states is a large object, no?

I personally feel that we are a large 'people farm'. We are getting a little to large and technologically advanced, and visits have become more frequent since the use of and creation of nuclear weapons and energy. I feel that we are in another cycle of life that has occurred many times before. Recon flights to see what we are doing. MAybe we are grown and then harvested to go fight on other planets? MAybe that is how and why mass amounts of people have dissappeared throughout history. Jeez, starting to sound like Dean Koontz novel.

I bet if they do land though, liberals will blame it on Bush and CHeney.

Sounds alittle too much like Star Gate Atlantis TV, then again anything is possible.
I do believe we are but one of many "life cycles" on this planet. Others may have even reached much higher levels of technology, but time would have erased even the most advanced civilizations with out even a trace (given millions of years ).

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 07:31 AM
What kind of North American animal leaves footprints in the shape of a canadian maple leaf averageing 10 inches heel to tip?

Please no sly remarks Ive aready had my quota for the day...........

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 07:36 AM
Sounds like a very big (mutant) duck....

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 07:42 AM
I see Where this is headed...........................................

Then can you give me some dimensions, Migratory Routes and Patterns and the Genus of these ........ Mutant Ducks............?

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 07:55 AM
Don't know anything about ducks, sorry,
but my guess would be (if it's a mutant duck) that dimensions, Migratory Routes and Patterns wouldn't apply because it is Mutant.
Probably shunned by others of its base species because it's different (sound familiar).
Sorry Iwunder, I'm not a zoo-ologist

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 03:09 PM
Where did you see your first north american mutant duck with the comparable footprint, I guess I should have mentioned they didnt show signs of webbing between the rounded points.

Maybe the elusive north american Mutant three toed camel?
I was being serious, not talking about imaginary freinds.

Obviously wrong thread to ask on

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