posted on May, 22 2003 @ 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Viendin
Ah, a bit of a paradox.
If one were to believe Abraham that you can believe nothing, then they should not believe him and thusly believe in things, which essentially allows
them to believe him, forces them not to, and so forth.
In the long run, I'll avoid the paradox, and not take anyone's advice. Just keep skeptical until I can't anymore.
I talked to people on here about this just the other day. I mentioned that the truth cannot be told, but must be known. Everyone here expects me to
give them the truth, not knowing that I was given the truth as well. I was told this and that, and because of that I thought about this at that.
Everyone must realize that I am not allowed to speak the truth. Every time I mention "Them" I am blamed for playing their game.
Yet what game is it that you are playing???
What game is it that those who deny me are playing???
Is it the "Denial Game"????
Cause it seems to me as if everyone who doubts me is in denial of what may be true. Otherwise they wouldn't so eagerly ask and await for nothing than
can be given to them. Many know that the truth cannot ever fully be known. So one must realize that to expect the truth to be told in clarity and
honest non-bias stance is not that reasonable these days. For the truth will be told by those who make it. Like Netchicken said, you want us to pull
off the curtains and show you the hidden Satanic altar???
Well that isn't going to happen. If you want to expose that hidden keystone then go ahead. Just don't expect to have a joyful ride. For my journey
to the truth was met with much disgust and shame. Much like your's wil be if you tend to act as I did.
I have vowed to stay just, and no justice is done when I am a menace to these boards. Therefore my deeds will not be known, not here, not now.
Only time will tell when the the curtains are lifted. Only then will the darkness fade, and it is then that you will be illuminated by the light. You
might not be able to see that well, but in time your eyes will adjust. We are in the Platonic Cave, and I am telling you all to turn around, but no
one wants to look back.
You See?
[Edited on 22-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]