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Hospital has parents forcibly removed, CPS brought in, parents stripped of custody within 4 days...

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posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 01:47 PM
Hospital Holds West Hartford Girl For 9 Months After Parents Argue Diagnosis.

Justina was diagnosed with mitochondrial disease a few years ago.

But last February, she also got the flu and was admitted to Boston Children’s Hospital to see her specialist.

Almost immediately, a different team of doctors delivered a different diagnosis, questioning the original diagnosis of mitochondrial disease.

“They came in, and they said we cannot take Justina out of the hospital. They called DCF,” says Linda Pelletier, Justina’s mother.

They said Justina had “somatoform disorder.” In short, they were saying she suffered from a mental illness, not mitochondrial disease. Her parents, Lou and Linda Pelletier, were escorted out of the hospital by security, and within four days, they lost custody of Justina.

Is this the new normal? Do we have any rights left?

Lets review.

15-year-old Justina Pelletier was an active girl who seemed to be functioning quite well despite having been diagnosed with mitochondrial disease several years prior.

She gets the flu and the parents take her to Boston Children’s Hospital. Even though they brought her in because she was sick, a bunch of "doctors" take it upon themselves to declare that she was previously misdiagnosed and that she now has a "mental illness" called somatoform disorder.

This circus was a bit too much for the parents and said its time to go home. So they went home, right?


Thats when the hospital called security and brought in the State. Within 4 days, the parents lost custody of their daughter.

Why? Because they (the parents) didnt want to follow the advice of these new doctors.

Now here's the twist.

Normally, the State comes after you or your children when you reject the establishment medical model of prescription drugs and surgery. In this case, the hospital argued that the parents had "overmedicalized" their daughter...

“Due to concerns regarding Justina’s regressive behavior changes around her family, the multiple medical procedures and care episodes she has been through … and both parents’ resistance towards recommended treatment plans for Justina … a child protection team was convened.”

Before entering Boston Children’s Hospital, Justina was on several medications and had undergone complex surgeries. The Pelletiers say Boston Children’s accused them of “overmedicalizing” their daughter.

So which is it? Did they "overmedicalize" their daughter or were they attacked because they refused to follow the advice of the doctors?

Seems to me that the doctors couldnt stand the idea that the parents refused their recommendations but did not want to admit that this was the primary reason.

So they called in CPS, had the daughter kidnapped then invented this whole "overmedicalizing" BS.

But the family showed Fox CT proof that every procedure and prescription was sanctioned by doctors, including Tufts Medical Center specialist Dr. Mark Korson.

The Pelletiers’ next court date is Dec. 5.

Dec. 14 would mark exactly 10 months since they lost custody of Justina.

edit on 24-11-2013 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 01:57 PM
Docters know whats good for us. Trust them with everything. Blah blah half of those docz have mental disorders themselves.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Somatoform disorders are mental illnesses that cause bodily symptoms, including pain. The symptoms can't be traced back to any physical cause. And they are not the result of substance abuse or another mental illness.

People with somatoform disorders are not faking their symptoms. The pain and other problems they experience are real. The symptoms can significantly affect daily functioning.

Doctors need to perform many tests to rule out other possible causes before they diagnose a somatoform disorder.

A diagnosis of a somatoform disorder can create a lot of stress and frustration for patients. They may feel unsatisfied that there's no known explanation for their symptoms. Stress often leads patients to become more worried about their health. This creates a vicious cycle that can persist for years.


Certainly sounds fishy to me after reading the above on WebMD!!!!

How long was she in the hospital before these quacks came to that conclusion and how many tests did they run????

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

This and much , much more will be implemented.

When a country acquiesces as the U.S. people did to all those little changes to your rights ,that at first would seem insignificant mandates from the Government with out protest , you reap what you sew and now they will take and do whatever they wish, why are you all so surprised?

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:07 PM
CPS sells children. I don't know what the "fees" for adopting kids are today, they used to be about 50,000.

They have their own police, their own courts which render their own judgments about parents ability to raise their children.

None of this is legal, just state sanctioned.

The hospital is where they focus their efforts to grab children because thats where they are born. I had a friend who had lost his job and was going homeless and they tried to take his son because of it. They said he was sick, but my friend didn't believe it, so physically took the child out of the hospital. In the parking lot, the CPS security types with uniforms and badges showed up and their was a standoff.

When the real police arrived they sided with my friend and told the wannabes to stand down, a parent has every right to take the baby to a different facility and get a second opinion.

That was the 90's, I don't know what its like now.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:12 PM
I know I fought with my OB during my pregnancy over a few things, and I got the distinct impression that she did not like me even asking just simple questions because I was curious.

After a big blow up related to my refusal to take opiate painkillers for migraines (something no one with chronic migraine should do), she simply dropped me and another doctor at the clinic was assigned to me with no explanation given. This was about two months away from my due date. It's a good thing I wasn't fond of that doctor and my pregnancy was uncomplicated overall.

It's probably a good thing the baby was still inside, or they might have confiscated him.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:16 PM


When the real police arrived they sided with my friend and told the wannabes to stand down, a parent has every right to take the baby to a different facility and get a second opinion.

That was the 90's, I don't know what its like now.

This is what it's like now ... at least in California. Here are the cops helping the CPS lady take away the baby because the parents wanted a 2nd opinion.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:20 PM

reply to post by gladtobehere

This and much , much more will be implemented.

When a country acquiesces as the U.S. people did to all those little changes to your rights ,that at first would seem insignificant mandates from the Government with out protest , you reap what you sew and now they will take and do whatever they wish, why are you all so surprised?

You see the fact that this is court and being covered by the media and drawing outrage kind of makes every single thing you claim false. When a people acquieseced as you claim then these things would occure so often that nonbody would notice or care.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

Here's a prediction:- Wait for it , it will happen.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

Just wait until they ratify the UN Rights of the Child Treaty. It won't matter how outraged people are. They will be able to take your children away to protect their right to be safe from you. This is just testing the waters to see how angry people will get.

Call them "trial balloons."

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:31 PM
if this were my child, there would suddenly be a rash of "mysterious" accidents involving doctors and social workers associated with this kidnapping. when the system is used maliciously this way, the citizen has the right and responsibility to even things out, so to speak. cause my family anguish? oh my! look what happened to yours! how sad.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

First off, this is a fox news report and we all know how truthful, fair and balanced they are (scarasm).

The teenager has been in therapy for at least five years - her psycologist is quoted in the story.

It's easy to see how the two disorders could be confused. Look up definitions.

In some cases, and not that the medical doctors side is not presented (and would be considered confidential in any case) the parents/family can be the primary stressor.

Without knowing the reasoning behind the second diagnosis, the evidence in the court documents (also private), one cannot make any kind of judgement on the court's decision.

THe only reporting in this story is the story of the parents and the comments of the psychologist (with the parents consent as they are the client's of the psychologist and hold the privledge - something I think is unethical in it's self). That the psychologist would agree to disscuss a client in public shows (to me) a dubious professional manner.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by ketsuko

That was a little different. In the video, the police respond to the parents home. The hospital (staff) lied to the police and made a child abuse complaint.

Not having witnessed the abuse and only going on the complaint, the police show up later at the home to "save the child".

The CPS at the hospital are these roaming "nurses" looking for people they can take advantage of (because they are poor).

The whole story from my friend is a nightmare too, I only told a little of it. His impression is they wait for newborns of disadvantaged mothers to be born and the first thing they do is try to talk the baby out of its mothers arms.

You can't afford this baby at this time, right?

It would be better off in the arms of a couple that can give it a good home, don't you think?

Wouldn't you rather give it up to insure it lives a long life?

That kind of thing. This pressure went on for three days and had her in tears until my friend literally walked in and physically removed the baby and his wife from the hospital. What happened in the parking lot was different in this case than the video you brought.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 04:50 PM



When the real police arrived they sided with my friend and told the wannabes to stand down, a parent has every right to take the baby to a different facility and get a second opinion.

That was the 90's, I don't know what its like now.

This is what it's like now ... at least in California. Here are the cops helping the CPS lady take away the baby because the parents wanted a 2nd opinion.

Some are no different than the Nazis, a bunch of jack boot thugs!
I do believe there are cases when CPS or APS are needed, but this is despicable!

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:04 PM
Why is this news? It's been happening for a long time in the US and will continue to gain ground as parents truly love and trust their overlords. No one is fighting it so it must be ok.

Let it go...It's a good thing when the Govt. takes control of our children because we apparently are not qualified.

All Hail Nanny!


posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 03:55 AM
My sister's post partum nurse told her in the hospital after the birth of her baby girl that parents who don't vaccinate their children should be investigated and shouldn't be having kids. They have a way of letting you know that your kids are not yours and that they can be taken away from you.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 11:36 AM
has anyone heard any more updates to this case?

Im just curious, this poor girl could die because of all of this

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 07:28 PM
I have been told i have a somatoform disorder called fibromyalgia.

Doctors claim its a somatoform disorder because nothing shows up on the lab test THEY order.

but research now is showing that they did not order the right test.

In the last year since this new research have come out i have ask around the fibro sites on the internet if anyone had ever been tested for small fiber neuropathy.

To this day i have found no one ever tested for small fiber neuropathy even after this research came out.

I believe a growing number of doctors are lying about disorders they can not cure and calling them somatoform disorders just to get rid of people they do not want to treat.

PS for those with cures for fiber i don't want to hear about your BS cures as i have heard them all in my 10 years of researching fibro.

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