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Faith No More - Believe Everything You Hear

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posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by HyphenSt1

The God that gave us the powers of destruction and war, is the same God that gives us Gravity, DNA, Black Holes, Electricity, Earthquakes, Rain Forests, Wind Currents.. I mean, ALL of these things very literally demonstrate a common nature, easily summed up as God.

Do you feel a Benevolent Creator can create beings with the will to be destructive in their own creations. I do.

If we can learn to COMMUNICATE with The Universe (God) in a very real way, we may collaborate and then make the world into what we want it to be..

The Holy Creator hears all prayers. The issue I feel is those that bear their will here negatively, that opt for a way of being moreso misaligned from Truth and Love.

The Christians have an even more vague concept of a "goal" they are striving for

To be alike Christ in a Spirit of unconditional Love, devoting their life to servitude...a very challenging road of testing. We all fall short in the corruptible flesh.

But when one seems to be getting where they couldn't live a more mundane life.. they are "called" and The Universe tells (or suggests) a Role for them to play which ends the stagnancy..

Good is Good and evil is evil. Both powers in opposition speak to souls in 'calling'.

And again, the way you define things really DOES affect the way you see the world, so if you define the planet as a prison, it most definitely will be.. a Hell..? certainly. but personally, I tend to see it as a school at the best of times, and a zoo at the worst of times, but at any rate, I sincerely try to see the world, first and foremost.

Agreed and can perceive it your way also
. Not all will be Deemed ready to 'graduate' or 'ascend' beyond to the next level of soul evolution and will remain in this 'lower' frequency 'hell' comprising dimension, essentially quarantined from the positive 'Good Spirit' Aligned 'Heavens'.
edit on 24-11-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 10:09 PM
No Mike Patton?!
I've been misled!

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

hahaha, well if it's any consolation, I got on this train of thought while listening to Mr. Bungle, and the title just kinda followed haha.
While I'm putting off responses to other posts (no offense other posters), I honestly think that just listening to a musician like Patton (or any sincere artist) essentially communicates the points made in my OP, and indeed most of my threads, because it is in the language of Music, which is truly Universal..

So if you have a choice of listening to some Bungle or Faith No More instead of (or while you are) reading this thread, you may much better understand what I am attempting to communicate here on ATS.

Live with Intent, Be Contained By Nothing, Have a Great Time Doing It.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

initially from the title of this thread . . . I thought that maybe it was asserting a satirical truism . . .

haha that is exactly what I meant it to be! as I mentioned in my above post to Asktheanimals, it first came in listening to the band Mr. Bungle (whose vocalist was in a band called Faith No More and many others), and since Faith (in my definition) seems to be the state of feeling what is true (as you were saying, The Presence of God) but not feeling like you have to "believe" in anything with a specific name or dogma, because these are not a part of what is Felt but rather what is Thought about that Presence..

and so the logical opposite to Faith IS indeed to believe everything you hear haha.
many "recovering Christians" and other ex-religious people who have turned their back on Faith (true faith) in God, do usually seem to dive into science (usually pseudo-science) and this could also be called "believing all you hear" because much of science is made of theories rather than tangible phenomenon (like gravity) that the layman can observe and better-understand through research.

If I communicate anything in any of my posts: Balance is was is desired when someone says "I want to be happy" and can only be achieved through a "middle path" where one becomes conscious of how all extremes exist on a spectrum with their opposite and ALL things are on the BIG spectrum that we call Universe.

edit on 25-11-2013 by HyphenSt1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by PrimeLight

Do you feel a Benevolent Creator can create beings with the will to be destructive in their own creations. I do.

absolutely. This is Free-Will at it's most basic. The idea that "all is permissible" or "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law" is not a human-made idea or law but rather an observation that this is the nature of the human condition which is inescapable and hence another aspect and constant of the world to have Faith in and collaborate with; and many occultists attempt just that.
Some create, some destroy, but ultimately they are both the same thing. One must destroy before they can create. One must create before there is anything to destroy.

The Holy Creator hears all prayers. The issue I feel is those that bear their will here negatively, that opt for a way of being moreso misaligned from Truth and Love.

I do agree with you there (though I define "the holy creator" as the consciousness behind your eyes and brain) though prayers are just the INTENTIONAL hopes and wishes, whereas I hope to communicate the way in which all forms of thought, words, belief, and expression are also "heard" by the "holy creator" and hence we should refine the way in which we think and express ourselves. It can only follow that we better understand and trust the forces of the universe, and suddenly all appears necessary.

To be alike Christ in a Spirit of unconditional Love, devoting their life to servitude...a very challenging road of testing. We all fall short in the corruptible flesh.

this is where Christianity gets tricky, because that assertion is filled with loosely-defined concepts that can be interpreted in various ways.
but I will say this: just as you said, "to be alike Christ in spirit" is the goal of the Christians. This is not an expectation or critique of the fallibility of man but rather a suggestion for a spiritual configuration. Most would not disagree that Christ's teachings are mostly about spirituality, so i'm not sure why so much of it is interpreted as "looking down" upon the human condition and "the fallibility of the corruptible flesh"..
Just watch the movie Hellraiser to get a different view on "the corruptible flesh" and (while it is a cheezy horror movie) I think that it communicates how self-defeating and useless it is to concentrate on the "flaws" and "shortcomings" of what comes with being human, because when you FULLY embrace that flesh and redefine what it means to be "flawed", then you become a more united and stable being.

..but that's also where my philosophy integrates just a *pinch* of LaVeyan Satanism which i'm sure you folks are less interested in haha..

Good is Good and evil is evil. Both powers in opposition speak to souls in 'calling'

I think of Good and Evil as being like the '0' and '120' MPH areas of my car's speedometer.. going too slow or fast while driving can get you into trouble, but always driving the speed-limit keeps one in a state of panic and suppression.. so just as with driving, steer intelligently and know where you want to go (or don't..! sometimes I love driving aimlessly and oftentimes that is when I have thoughts that result in these threads haha)

Not all will be Deemed ready to 'graduate' or 'ascend' beyond to the next level of soul evolution and will remain in this 'lower' frequency 'hell' comprising dimension, essentially quarantined from the positive 'Good Spirit' Aligned 'Heavens'

If you say so

But if I translate what you are saying into my own terminology, this has been the state of things for a looooong time now. This "transcendence" is not INSIDE of time, but rather a state that can be acquired immediately, at any time, in any space..
This Earth is Heaven and Hell equally, and hence neither ultimately. If you see hell here, you gotta ask yourself "why am i looking for it?" and with heaven, you have to ask yourself "how can i stay here and enjoy myself while there are so many other people who drift between heaven and hell without any idea of what is happening.." but that's just my view on it.

Thank you for your reply! I always appreciate someone who takes time and puts thought into their responses

edit on 25-11-2013 by HyphenSt1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

You might have miss understood me there. Christ said Follow in the Ways!

You could use every chapter with the word Follow Me and still miss the point! First in order to actually Follow, one must go within to understand what Follow means. If I was to follow God, yet never taking the time to allow what He said to come into my Being, what good would Following God do?

It was what He was saying that we should follow, everybody has their own path as Christ did! You path is different. Your understanding of the Word laid out before can indeed be even Higher! Not saying it is impossible to walk on the same path as Christ did, just that Your path is going to be different! Different time, people, and ways!

There is just not One Way! The words that we were to Follow were to lead us to a better understanding, not some rules laid out to Follow! If you are following rules, some set out plan, you are not going to learn anything. God is not going to do all the work for you. This you have to do yourself, in your own way!

At what age did Jesus become Christ? Where are the missing times in His Life, what did He do, how did He change to being Christ? He started by walking His own path in His own Way! So what did He Follow at the start of it all? Their were no books; maybe, their was no rules, maybe, one day He decided to go for a walk by Himself and found His Path on His Own!

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

He started by walking His own path in His own Way! So what did He Follow at the start of it all? Their were no books; maybe, their was no rules, maybe, one day He decided to go for a walk by Himself and found His Path on His Own!

This is EXACTLY the only path that can be considered "the same" for all people, but this is only because it is the path which makes itself..
(or to quote a teaching in Taoism: "one only knows the Tao when one ceases to seek the path, because one has become the path..")

just as you said the Christ found his Path while on a walk by himself, so too can each person find this Truth while on a walk by themselves, and in fact this Truth is much more difficult to see (for people like me) when it is buried in dogma and obscure symbolism..
I think humanity is nearing the age where we can finally strip away all of the symbolism, euphemism, and literalism and see the true nature of the human-condition for what it is without relying on Churches, Politicians, Teachers, Police, or even Parental Figures to "tell" us what is right and wrong..

You provided a perfect Segway into my next thread which goes into what you were talking about, in further detail! Czech it oot!
..if you're interested that is

Sin-Tax - The Semantics of the Smitten:

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by HyphenSt1

Humans have more Power then what they actually know. Yet the task is to use it wisely or to better Mankind. And everything else under the Sun!

Yet when some Feel this power; if Ego is unchecked, ends up for the lust for more power. Just like money. Both end up doing no good what so ever if you keep it to yourself! If you look at how the world works now, it is based on these 2 things. Some would say your just mad because you do not have both. Yet inside they know they really do not have both themselves in true form.

Yet that Power was actually meant to be given away Freely. You could say Power in itself has no true power if taken from another. Thing of it like Free Energy for all to light up all Homes at night and to have heat in winter. It can be done right now yet theirs money to be made from it.

Wait for the people to say; *&%$506)%(^ (*&^^)^0-6 %$%$! A long list for reasons NOT TO!

There is no evil in the world, only people! It is cleaver to hide behind something we created ourselves! Yet, you will hear everything under the Sun about Evil and how it plays upon you. You lose your spirit, light on the things you do yourself because you do Not Listen to yourself.

Funny! At what point did you not understand what Christ and the Others said about Knowing Yourself?

Actually my fingers get going and after I read what I say, my Ego has to tone it down some. Don't want to be rude you know! Would like to say Voices told me to tone it down some then people would say " Voices?"

You might know the drill!


posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by HyphenSt1

Hold on their Cowboy! Before you start writing another post; I have to say something.

To the one I missed UTU, Sorry! Haven't found the post and lost your name. Looked for an hour and still can not find it!

Back now. The path you are looking for is already there right in front of all of us! You can Feel it deep inside your bones, and you all know this because it Feels like an Energy pounding at you! Stripping away everything you thought was real, turning it upside down.

Don't take my word for it though. Have 10 min's? Good now when you have the time take the 10 min's and Feel that Odd Energy! Why I call it Odd is because it has no name, no form, no anything but the odd Feeling you have spent many days trying to furgure out where its coming from!

So everyday pay attention to it. Do not mane it, put it into anything but something new you can not understand yet. Allow it to Just Be! I now call it a Calling, 2yrs now allow it to just do whatever it does so how I understand it anyway! At first it just bugs the Hell out of you so you just put it aside and say it's Nothing! Yet it is causing something to happen to your Being. You are not you some say! Your world views are changing, even the stupidest things are not so stupid after all!

Since I do not want you to start putting it into some box that has a name to it, I'll leave it at that. What I can tell you is the longer you set it aside it Become stronger anyway so might as well look into it! It has nothing to do with what some call Evil or Good. Its just a new form of Energy we must learn to work with.

If I was to say anything about it, lets just say we have all prayed for it in our own ways so now it is here. You have 2 choices, either Pop your top, or learn something. Everyday people are going off the deep end for no apparent reason, will you?

I'll look into it, Thanks!


posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754


If I were to call my "ideology" or "metaphysics" by any name, it would be Is-Ism, because it simply focuses on what


and this is not a rejection or endorsement of any mode-of-thought or practice, but rather a configuration of understanding that allows one to simply REALIZE the nature of what


and so the Imagination (third-eye, crown chakra, or whatever your preferred term..) is free to visualize what *might be* but is prevented from being confused and it's influence overlapping into the other senses..

It is then that the "Odd Energy" as you call it, can be felt and integrated into everything that


and this is usually what results in Music, Art, Writing, or just good thoughts that result in amazing conversations with my good friends..
The major mistake i think most people make is just that they tell themselves that they must SEEK this "Odd Energy" whereas the truth is they must do the "opposite" but it isn't even quite that..

as you said, it evades being put into a box, and perhaps that is because it is the only true box that can contain ANYTHING, and this is what i argue is the consciousness itself in apprehending and processing the universe, and the less interference (over-thinking), the more that can be processed which i think is a state of mind that many (if not most) do truly desire and seek..

one has only to stop seeking to find the Truth in plain sight..
edit on 26-11-2013 by HyphenSt1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by HyphenSt1

I feeo bad for you. All of lifes conclusions and thats what it comes down to? You bitter rival with the church?

Do you have creative interpertation if the church or just insults?

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by HyphenSt1

Have thought about is some last night again! Should say, just before bed; allow it to just be or tune in. Has only a small ring/hum to it, 24/7. Yet it does bring some interesting ideas to mind, out of the blue.

It shows you things in a different manner or some other way of looking at something at all sides at once! At first I really thought I was going nuts! So remembering something I read, or it reminded me, was to add a I do not know box in my head and that it was okay to say I do not know!

They when people would say if you do not know how could you post things if you do not know? Simple, my fingers post! Hell, I type with 2/3 fingers and my spelling _ucks! Now if I see myself in the other room on the bed typing I would freak! Only it is kind and will not do this to me, I so pray!

Now if others would just allow things to be and try not to change them as they do, it would be better. I could tell you how tomorrows going to be, yet I will have to be there tomorrow. Strange? I could be sleeping now and be in tomorrow already! Its okay to say I really do not know anything, yet somehow I do.

Looked at your Sin post yesterday, and haven't got there yet. You do know that their really is no Sin other then how you judge it to be right? Then add what other people consider Sin on top of that, followed by State and last Fed Laws! My God! You could Fart and it could be a Sin to some!

Anyway, back to Nothingness! Being stripped of everything yet Nothingness remains is quite new! Drives I've had are there, just do not hold any meaning. People that have no touch with their Inner Being are fading away! Here I would like to help, go out of my way even. It just does no matter what you do. They are so out of tune with their being, or the world has them trapped, I do not know!

Use to get all worked up about this, pains me so! Yet, I have to go on working with myself before I get caught up into doing what they do! Knowing it will hit them like a bird hits a window because it can't see whats in right in front or is masked from them. I thing it's when you drop the God chasing and start working on your own Being, then it can start flowing again.

Funny! It could be the Elect Grid thats flowing above our houses and in our walls! Causing other things to warp our way of thinking. Yet I do hear the Hum while I sleep, work outside. Do wonder if its a song though.


posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by onequestion

I feeo bad for you. All of lifes conclusions and thats what it comes down to? You bitter rival with the church?

I really am not sure what you are asking here.. I do say that in all sincerity..

but lemme give it a shot and respond to what i'm getting from your words..

first off: you pity me for.. what? what am I missing when I say that I only focus on what IS? there something else besides what IS..?

I'm not sure about your definition of "IS", but what i am talking about here happens to include the beauty and mystery that is observed in every-thing and all that i am asserting here is that it is perhaps the most "useful" spiritual and psychological "configuration" to see what IS for what it IS, and to see the Imagination for what it IS, so the two aspects of the self (the "two-sides of the coin", if you will - God and Individual) may collaborate and accomplish miraculous feats of creativity and experience which, thusfar, are mostly only fantasized about and regarded as being abilities exclusive only to "Jesus" or "Buddha" or "Krishna"..

Do you have creative interpertation if the church or just insults?

sorry again if i misinterpret what you are asking but..

I'm not interested at aiming insults anywhere, and in fact you could call me a "mental-energy conservationist" who tries to only focus on things worth the time it takes to learn and think about them.. "the church" is not one of them (and i don't even care which church you're referencing frankly..)
Condemnation is pointless, and i believe that my signature explains why..

The only insult I offer is only to what i choose to exclude from what i discuss, but many will find that this does not include many things (but politics, religious doctrines, and aesthetics are all areas that get tedious to debate..)

However, I do openly admit that I partake in "creative interpretation" when regurgitating anyone else's theories, because the only aspects of any information that is relevant is that which one actually understands and the rest is just "filler"..
again, i consider most political, religious, aesthetic ideologies and paradigms to have very little actual "substance" OR stability over time..
in other words, they seem to IGNORE more about life, than they include, and therefore i do not even go into trying to identify-with OR criticize political parties, churches, or "creative movements" because they are all dead as soon as they begin..

if you want to further grasp where i am going with this, check out:

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

I think I understand what you're saying. I appreciate your responses, albeit abit jumbled (which is cool considering the 2-3 finger typing method
) and although i do type and read fairly fast (probably making it look like i spend all of my breathing moments on this website haha), i assure you that I speak many "dialects of the language of the Rant" haha.

all I really have to add is:

As far as I can see, the world is like a field full of musicians, playing in the dark at night..

No one can actually see what is happening with their eyes, besides faint impressions and interpretations..

No one can actually hear what each individual instrument is playing, because their sound is always mixing and harmonizing with your sound, and that of others (as you mentioned, take into account the influence of Family, Friends, Society, Government.. it is hard to determine exactly WHERE certain internal standards or thoughts are coming from until you stop chasing the WHERE and starting asking WHY..?)


EVERYONE can participate in this symphony and composition, but the most effective technique to do so, is to refine your ability to improvise for only then can you be prepared for anything..

instead of seeing and hearing one must get to the root of all experience: to feel what is.. This is how one can actually LEAD the orchestra of life, instead of always settling for playing "3rd Oboe" or something like that..

edit on 26-11-2013 by HyphenSt1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by HyphenSt1

Yet, depending on the time you first start; age, you have to actually go into your head first and find out if the stuff in there has any actually value.

It would seem since childhood, people have been FEED this info as Fact. Since everybody else is doing this it must be right and not using the whole idea of having an open mind. Since it goes with everything in life, why not Relg? Not that my Ka-Tet is doing fine, its the idea that it is. Once you add something to a program, do every day, it still means that you should check on it everyday. Nothing is set in stone, it changes everyday, moves, expands, never actually stays the same so why keep it as such?

Tomorrow might be Tao, Christ, might as well add some evil to the mix since it is there. One has to be open to anything that comes your way or you miss out on everything! What you though could be might actually not be so might as well allow it to move freely. Once you try to hold on to it, what happens? People hold on to things/ideas way to much! Now you can not move with everything that is moving, flowing in ways we could really never fully understand.

Its the Move that brings Fear into people really. Since knowing you can not read the future anyway, people set up rules to go by so their lives are planned out. How can one plan their lives knowing Everything else moves by itself? Here is where the Names come into play. Name it and now it can be understood to act in a way my mind can use to plan out things.

So far, nothing I have planned has gone the way I thought it would. There is that Something that comes along and changes small bits somehow. Why? Who Knows. It does not matter now. It took 46yrs to see this small Fact of Life! Some say that theirs a Higher Path; Yes there is so why make plans? If IT moves, you shall move period.

You either move or Life will make the move for you! Thats what I call having a Bad day! Then you have to deal with How Life changed the plan For you, instead of you just flowing with it, learning, growing and sometimes. Having a Day Off!


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