posted on May, 21 2003 @ 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Estragon
And that would be as true of Britain and a great many of these "ordinary" flu deaths could be prevented not by some breakthrough in virology,
biochemistry or pharmacology but simply by spending more money (state or families) on looking after the old.
Poverty and the indifference of those wealthier will always kill more than any virus about to mutate into the next Media-Drivel-Plague.
SARS, the Great Bugbear is coming under control, exactly as the less hysterical voices said would happen. It's a penumonia, and it's not easily
transmitted but the media always hops on new diseases and shrieks about them as though it's the end of the world.
Remember the last end-of-the-world virus? That was the West Nile Virus. And the one before that? That would have been the super-flu of 2-3 years
We will always have global epidemics with us. But our fear is more dangerous than the epidemics themselves.
I notice that people have stopped reporting about new SARS cases -- in case everyone's forgotten, the link is here:
The number of new cases continues to decline as quarrantine and other methods work. I do expect to see the occasional spike, but anticipate that it
will go the way of other diseases and become a background problem with fewer than 3,000 cases next year and an equally low number of deaths.