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JFK: Danish ophthalmologist finds the two shooters

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posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 05:02 PM


Okay, let me set aside my skepticism & believe that the good doctor just happened to have a copy of the Moorman photo in the same directory as patient retinal scans, & that the diagnostic software he used found 2 shooters on the grassy knoll.
Isn't it still a huge jump from that, for him to be writing a book outlining the entire plot, naming names, documenting all of the shots complete with points of origin, etc?

All in all (ooh, my skepticism is struggling to return), that pic finding its way into that particular directory was an extremely lucky accident, considering it gave this man a great "hook" by which to sell his book.

To be fair to the man, he did actuially explain on Danish national television that he wondered what his expensive equipment could do with a JFK picture and THEN tried it. ON PURPOSE. No accident. He was genuinly playing detective.
Although it was on a "doctored" photo (no pun intended, but happy to claim credit for it).
edit on 23-11-2013 by HolgerTheDane2 because: (no reason given)

If Dr Thygesen did indeed use the software on the photos deliberately, then made a video saying it was all just a lucky accident, that would seem to cast a bit of a shadow on his credibility.
That aside, there's still a problem with his results, based on the relative sizes of people in the pictures & the "found" figures.
The webmaster at JFK Murder Solved.Com did an analysis of the "Badgeman" figure & others found in the Moorman photo by the makers of the documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy

In the photo below, he has colored in the "discovered" figures in red. Abraham Zapruder & Marilyn Sitzman can be seen to the extreme right, standing on a pedestal built into the same wall behind which stand the "others":

This picture proves beyond any doubt that the three perceived figures are nothing more than blobs and shadows, and certainly not human beings. Unless they were children, because they are much too small to be adults. Compare them for example with Zapruder and Sitzman on the right of the picture.

Here, BTW, is a blowup of the area in question, showing also the area where Dr. Thygesen found the "right-handed shooter". I don't see any indication of a head looking over the fence, just some indistinct, shadowy areas that are apparently able to inspire a bit of pareidolia:

Finally, here is a frame grab from Dr Thygesen's video, showing the discovery of "a left-handed shooter responsible for the neck shot entering just below the adams-apple". Please refer again to the 1st photo above for a good idea of the relative positions of Zapruder & Sitzman (seen to the right of the freeway sign in the photo below), & the newly-discovered shooter figure (seen to the left of the sign):

This "shooter" figure appears to be even tinier than Badgeman & Co, who were clearly too small to be where they were supposed to be. That, or he decided to stand 'way back from the fence, out in the open trackway & parking lot area behind it, in plain sight with rifle unsupported for a difficult long shot. Would anyone involved in such a risky enterprise do this?

For the record, I was extremely disappointed to see "Badgeman" debunked, & still hold out hope for some kind of evidence of additional shooters to turn up. For example, maybe one day a photo taken by the mysterious "Babushka Lady" will surface. She can be seen in the photo below, apparently also recording the moment of the shooting(s).
She never came forward, but who knows, maybe a relative will find a picture, distinctly showing Grassy Knoll shooters, in her belongings one day. Anything seems to be possible down this particular rabbit hole.

edit on 11/23/13 by BuzzCory because: Additional opinion added

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 07:05 PM


All of you have it completely wrong; the reality of that day in late November back in '63 is that President Kennedy's cause of death was suicide by self-inflicted gunshots to the head. JFK was R Budd Dwyer without having a legacy of the band Filter writing a song about him (Hey Man Nice Shot is about R Budd Dwyer).

There you have it, the truth about the Kennedy death.

Now, I am confused.

I knew you were a maniac.

Oh I was just being a silly goose and demonstrated to everyone how unfunny I can be... mission accomplished ;-)

Although you could probably hide a firearm under a pill box hat...

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 07:26 PM
I’m going to have to go into hiding after I reveal the real truth!

Jackie Kennedy set it up!

She found out about Old horny Jack and Marylyn Monroe and couldn’t handle it and hired a hit man to take Kennedy out!
You heard it here first!

Why did she go around all day with that bloody dress on after the killing?
You will find out soon!

Wait for my book to come out and hear all the details!

edit on 23-11-2013 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-11-2013 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-11-2013 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 10:10 AM

The problem I have with Grassy Knoll / Behind the Fence man is this. I live near and visit Dallas frequently. I have been to Dealey Plaza countless times. What I don't think some people realize is that the "knoll" is not a small hill going up and over. Immediately behind the fence / wall at the top, is a parking lot and railroad track area that is flat as a tabletop and extends for hundreds of yards in all directions exactly the same as it did in 1963. Where did the shooter go? I know there are about a billion theories. Guy next to a pick-up, hobos, etc. But, seriously, how was the guy not noticed by the LEOs positioned in the area for the express purpose of keeping it clear?

Well.... Have you looked into the sewer theory? That someone from the sewer got the shot off that killed kennedy! and then escaped through the sewer under the grassy knoll to an exit behind where the car park is!

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 11:13 AM
If the government wanted JFK dead or some other government or relatively powerful group then why oh why would they do it at Dealey Plaza? It makes no sense, considering the better options they would have had to take him out. Occams Razor demands a better explanation. Lee Harvey Oswald being the primary suspect makes sense because he was just a citizen and his best chance to assassinate JFK would be when JFK visited his hometown. Considering the unstable history of Oswald and his communist leanings and his marital problems and his familiarity with the rifle, it's unnecessary to complicate it by involving a government or other agency. Indications are Oswald also killed Tippit and resisted arrest. There're so many other points to make. It's damning. It's a waste of time to look for other explantions. IMHO> people are seeing things which don't exist. This is like seeing a face on Mars. It's delusional. The facts are in front of us and they say Lee Harvey Oswald is guilty. Case closed.
edit on 24-11-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:14 PM

reply to post by Imagewerx

Not sure about a woman. But, I think you're right about a man being questioned and released. However, no second weapon was ever found.
The Warren Commission allegedly ignored testimony of 7 witnesses who saw gunsmoke in the area of Stockade Fence on the Grassy Knoll, as well as an eighth witness who smelled gunpowder at the time of the assassaination.

Julia Ann Mercer claim she saw two men in a green Ford pickup, one of them took a long paper bag with what appeared to be the outline of a rifle and walked toward the Grassy Knoll. Jean Hill claim as she looked up the Grassy Knoll she saw a shadowy figure of a man holding a rifle partially hidden behind the wooden fence. As Malcolm Summers ran up the Grassy Knoll after the shots he found a man in a suit with an overcoat over his arm and saw a gun under that coat. Summers claim he was then threatened by this “mysterious gun man” that if he got any closer he would get shot or killed.
A 7.65 mm rifle shell as well as a Johnson semi-automatic 30.06 rifle was reportedly found in Dealey Plaza after the shooting. A 7.65 Mauser was reportedly also found.
edit on 24-11-2013 by Conspyrosonic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 03:09 PM


The problem I have with Grassy Knoll / Behind the Fence man is this. I live near and visit Dallas frequently. I have been to Dealey Plaza countless times. What I don't think some people realize is that the "knoll" is not a small hill going up and over. Immediately behind the fence / wall at the top, is a parking lot and railroad track area that is flat as a tabletop and extends for hundreds of yards in all directions exactly the same as it did in 1963. Where did the shooter go? I know there are about a billion theories. Guy next to a pick-up, hobos, etc. But, seriously, how was the guy not noticed by the LEOs positioned in the area for the express purpose of keeping it clear?

Well.... Have you looked into the sewer theory? That someone from the sewer got the shot off that killed kennedy! and then escaped through the sewer under the grassy knoll to an exit behind where the car park is!

The only possible drain covers that would give a view of the motorcade are about 25 metres in front of where the fatal shot is marked with a X in the road.......

I doubt very much if anyone looking out from that or the one opposite it on the other side of the road would even have been able to see JFK who was right at the back of a long and low car.
Only the school book depository,the grassy knoll/picket fence and the over pass would have had a clear line-of-sight shot at the president.
edit on 24-11-2013 by Imagewerx because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 06:09 PM



The problem I have with Grassy Knoll / Behind the Fence man is this. I live near and visit Dallas frequently. I have been to Dealey Plaza countless times. What I don't think some people realize is that the "knoll" is not a small hill going up and over. Immediately behind the fence / wall at the top, is a parking lot and railroad track area that is flat as a tabletop and extends for hundreds of yards in all directions exactly the same as it did in 1963. Where did the shooter go? I know there are about a billion theories. Guy next to a pick-up, hobos, etc. But, seriously, how was the guy not noticed by the LEOs positioned in the area for the express purpose of keeping it clear?

Well.... Have you looked into the sewer theory? That someone from the sewer got the shot off that killed kennedy! and then escaped through the sewer under the grassy knoll to an exit behind where the car park is!

The only possible drain covers that would give a view of the motorcade are about 25 metres in front of where the fatal shot is marked with a X in the road.......

I doubt very much if anyone looking out from that or the one opposite it on the other side of the road would even have been able to see JFK who was right at the back of a long and low car.
Only the school book depository,the grassy knoll/picket fence and the over pass would have had a clear line-of-sight shot at the president.
edit on 24-11-2013 by Imagewerx because: (no reason given)

Your facts aren't straight... you should really look at this theory more closely!

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by combatmaster

In what way are my facts not straight?

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 07:35 PM

reply to post by combatmaster

In what way are my facts not straight?

All of them are wrong.... it is a little less than 25 m..... more like 17.

the manhole used to be much bigger in the 60's

etc. etc.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by combatmaster

I measured it on Google earth at just under 24 meters if you want to be precise,but the exact distance isn't important here is it?

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 10:03 AM

reply to post by combatmaster

I measured it on Google earth at just under 24 meters if you want to be precise,but the exact distance isn't important here is it?

No, not really lol

But the theory shouldnt be dismissed until everything is analyzed alongside it....(including other theories)

ATS radio live about 2 nights ago (sat nite) had a few theorists who are well known and have appeared on TV documentaries that were live on air chatting with eachother... i still need to catch the second half of that podcast!

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 02:57 PM


If Dr Thygesen did indeed use the software on the photos deliberately, then made a video saying it was all just a lucky accident, that would seem to cast a bit of a shadow on his credibility.
That aside, there's still a problem with his results, based on the relative sizes of people in the pictures & the "found" figures.

I took it from the video that the Dr meant the presence of the Moorman picture along with patient's pictures was the "lucky accident" When he saw it there, he then decided to mess about with it.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 03:21 PM


All of them are wrong.... it is a little less than 25 m..... more like 17.

the manhole used to be much bigger in the 60's

etc. etc.

I would agree on both the distance and the altered storm drain. That particular theory was a very strong one at the time it was documented, since it appeared to work well with the kerb marking, and the autopsy picture being discovered to be in the wrong orientation. There is a lot of peripheral weird stuff about that day, so many of the characters known to each other. Zapruder was acquainted with Oswald for instance, other characters that knew Oswald, also knew Mrs Kennedy in earlier times, although I don't mean from that, of Mrs Kennedy having any involvement in the shooting, that would make no sense.

I would be interested about the limo though, I don't recall anything about a mark on the windscreen/windshield.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 04:16 PM
I measured it again and still come up with 23.4 metres,this is of course assuming the X painted on the road is in the correct position.
I always took the storm drain shooter as being the craziest of all the possible shooter locations.If I was planning something like this,the very last place I'd think about would be one like this that gave me such a short time to take the shot.Now I've read the thread above which has changed my mind about the fact that the shot COULD have been taken from the drain,I'm still nowhere near convinced it actually was.
But this thread is about some charlatan with a book to sell.It would take a lot more than his contrived story about medical imaging equipment to make me believe he really has found two shooters no one else has been able to find.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 04:59 PM

I measured it again and still come up with 23.4 metres,this is of course assuming the X painted on the road is in the correct position.
I always took the storm drain shooter as being the craziest of all the possible shooter locations.If I was planning something like this,the very last place I'd think about would be one like this that gave me such a short time to take the shot.Now I've read the thread above which has changed my mind about the fact that the shot COULD have been taken from the drain,I'm still nowhere near convinced it actually was.
But this thread is about some charlatan with a book to sell.It would take a lot more than his contrived story about medical imaging equipment to make me believe he really has found two shooters no one else has been able to find.

Well, there is still a considerable amount of information yet to come, mostly from the CIA, and should be released in 2017. There is also the conflict between the 'Warren commission' and the House select committee findings, both of which had dissenters of those findings within the groupings, you should know those findings.
Even more, the FBI over 9/11 went to great length to cover themselves by accusations of non-information sharing from the CIA, yet both of the Kennedy hearings and one other, accused the FBI of exactly the same thing. It's so fecking familiar isn't it? Mr Bean wasn't around then, yet time and time again, at the highest levels, we have the need to expect that he was.
edit on 25-11-2013 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 05:23 PM



All of them are wrong.... it is a little less than 25 m..... more like 17.

the manhole used to be much bigger in the 60's

etc. etc.

I would be interested about the limo though, I don't recall anything about a mark on the windscreen/windshield.

Yes..... this limo had a bullethole through the windscreen....this has been documented by many different sources and it is a well known fact that its been covered-up.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 05:23 PM



If Dr Thygesen did indeed use the software on the photos deliberately, then made a video saying it was all just a lucky accident, that would seem to cast a bit of a shadow on his credibility.
That aside, there's still a problem with his results, based on the relative sizes of people in the pictures & the "found" figures.

I took it from the video that the Dr meant the presence of the Moorman picture along with patient's pictures was the "lucky accident" When he saw it there, he then decided to mess about with it.

That's exactly what I was referring to in my first post in this thread. It's possible that I misunderstood someone else's later post about how the doctor stated that he used the software deliberately, leading me to post what you quoted.
That doesn't change the issues I find with his shooter figure in the picture in my post above.

There's a lot of good, thought-provoking material out there dealing with the assassination of JFK. Unfortunately, there's also a lot of crap. What I'm getting at here is that one needs to apply a bit of skepticism, critical thinking, & on occasion, research for possible corroboration elsewhere (or at least the likelihood of same), before buying into any "new" information surfacing.

In short, if I can't find anything wrong with it, I'll add it to my collection of possibilities that, for me, could be part of the truth. As I've said earlier, that's not the case with this particular presentation.

edit on 11/25/13 by BuzzCory because: Good ol' grammar again

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 12:40 PM
Just to toss another variable into the mix. Anyone visiting Dealey Plaza will soon notice that it echos quite a bit. The three streets that enter the famous "triple underpass" all go downhill and come together forming the shape of an ampitheater. Sound bounces all over the place in there. Again, this observation is from firsthand visits to the site.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 12:58 PM

Just to toss another variable into the mix. Anyone visiting Dealey Plaza will soon notice that it echos quite a bit. The three streets that enter the famous "triple underpass" all go downhill and come together forming the shape of an ampitheater. Sound bounces all over the place in there. Again, this observation is from firsthand visits to the site.

So are you saying this particular spot was chosen because the echoes would mask the direction the sounds of the gunshots were coming from?

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